Technical Learnings
Technical Learnings
Technical Learnings
Pre-cleaning processes.
Machine configurations.
Plating process.
Quality tests.
Cases that are OK
inspection Wiping
DM water Spider
rinse loading
Sulphuric DM water
acid cleaning rinse
DM water Hydrochloric
rinse acid cleaning
• 170°c for 50-60 minutes
• 250°c for 30 minutes
Cases rejected in inspection
PP rejection
Buffing Inspection & jig Galvex + ultrasonic
(issues from polishing loading vibration
and press shop)
stripping Buffing Galvex cleaning
Inspection and
DM water rinse drier loading in
Process explanations
• For galvex cleaning , components are loaded in jigs so that the cases
won’t fall due to vibration.
• In other cleaning processes ,cases are loaded in spindles.
• DM water bath is used for any cleaning and rinsing process.
• pH of DM water is 7(neutral) and conductivity is zero or very low.
• Normal water contains minerals in it which may react with acids and
cases causing quality issue
• That’s why de-mineralised water is used.
Galvex cleaning
Bath : hot water + ultrasonic vibration
Chemical used : galvex
Bath temperature : 60° C
Concentration : 12.5 litres in 250 litres
Time duration : 30 mins
• To remove the buffing component,oil,grease..etc, present in the case
caused by polishing.
• Ultrasonic vibrations is to remove components present in minute gaps
of the material.
Electro cleaning
• Chemical used : electro cleaner salt
• Bath : hot water bath
• Concentration : 5 kg in 250 litres
• Bath temperature : 50-60 °c
• Cathode : electro cleaner salt
• Anode : component(case)
• Current : 15-20 ampere.
• Time duration : 3 minutes
To remove the oxide layer .
To remove dirt , loose particle , finger prints etc..,
Sulphuric acid cleaning
Acid : H2SO4
Concentration : 5 litres in 250 litres
Time duration : 40-60 sec
Usage : To remove the soapy layer from the component.
Hydrochloric acid cleaning
• Acid : HCl
• Concentration : 5 litres in 250 litres
• Time duration : 40-60 sec
• Purpose : Acid pickling
Fine scale removal, Making the surface prepared for plating.
• If it has gold
• Salt : sodium cyanide + gold stripper
• Bath capacity : 10 litres
• Time duration : 1-2 minutes
• Concentration : 60 g of stripper salt per litre of DM water.
• For SS and other metal stripping
• Acids : 5l of HNO3+ 2.5l of HF
• Time duration : 2-3 minutes
Machine configurations
1. Vacuum chamber -front door
-6 CAE flanges -
chamber chassis -heating tubes
-work piece turn table -
bottom flange for thermocouple sensor -automatic
shutter attached to ceiling -4 MS bottom flange
(left side of the door) -2 MS bottom flanges(right side
of the door) -Rectangular Gas Ion Source bottom
Supporting parts
3 Front door
8 V4 Throttle valve
10 V5 Vent or N2 valve
11 Chamber vacuum
gauges(ion gauge)
15 Turbo molecular pump
20 CAE flanges
48 IPC chamber
Top view of the machine
5 Upper valve V1
6 Lower valve V2
12 Backing pump
13 Roughing pump
14 Roots pump
15 Turbo molecular pump
16 MS source
17 GIS flange
18 Bottom SMS flange
19 Light vertical
multistage centrifugal
20 CAE flanges
24 Vacuum pipe at V1
25 T shape vacuum pipe
at V1 outlet
26 Turbo outlet bellows
Top view of chamber
MS Magnetron
CAE Cathode arc
GIS Gas ion source
Roughing pump
gases N2 C2H2 Ar Ar
Targets we use:
• Stainless steel (309)
• Titanium
• Gold 3N-98.9% 2N-98.30%
• Rose gold 87.50% of Au and remaining copper.
• Chrome.
7.Cathodic arc evaporator
• Totally 6 CAE are present inside the chamber (3 on left and 3 on right)
• 3 CAE are used for etching and other three are for coating.
• CAE coating is not done here.
• Size : 300×500×700 mm^3
• Weight: 40 kg
• Electric power consumption:6 kVA
• Electric input = 380-400 v(ac)
• Output =80 v (dc)
• Function : It’s the final process right before plating . Etches the surface
of the component for the better adhesion property of the material.
8. Gas ion source
• Name = LISE830/102
• Size = 102×92×830mm^3
• Power supply= pulsed dc bias power supply
• Function : gets ignited with the power supply and ionizes the gases
present inside the chamber.
Chiller unit
• Consists of two compressors which works alternatively.
• Provides chill water to all the parts of the chamber at 19-21°c
• Chill water is provided to maintain the chamber and parts in an optimum condition
because of the high temperature maintained inside the chamber.
Load /unload
Low vacuum
• The first initial process after the loading
• Roughing and roots pump initially creates the vacuum from normal
atmospheric pressure.
• Vacuum is created because the plating process requires only certain
gases ,allowance atmospheric gases may react with the gases inside.
• The process is micron level coating so that it is mandatory to maintain
the chamber and components dust free.
• Thermo gauge measures the pressure inside the chamber, during low
• This gauge until the chamber reaches 10^-1 at a duration of 15-20
• The chamber is simultaneously heated for 45 minutes along with the
creation of vacuum by the pumps.
• The chamber is heated to about 350°c.
• Its majorly done to de-gas the chamber and to warm up the
components that are loaded inside.
• Temperature of the chamber will be gradually decreased from low
vacuum to coating as per requirements.
High vacuum-1
• V1 closes and V2&V3 valves opens,the turbo molecular pumps starts
• Turbo molecular pumps won’t operate at atmospheric pressure due
to the minute stator and rotor blades present in it.
• It creates an high vacuum up to 8×10^-3(first vacuum).
• The time duration of this process is 12-14 minutes.
Glow etching
• Also known as high pressure etching.
• Bias supply: 450-550 volts
• Current mainted : 3-5 amps for cases & 3-7 amps for straps.
• Time duration : 12 minutes
• Pressure maintained : 2×10^0 pascal.
• Ar gas feed : 300 sccm.
• Process : bias is applied to the work piece turn table and the inert gas
is allowed inside the chamber. Argon gas atoms gets ionised by the
bias resulting in the formation through out the chamber. The ionised
gas atoms gets accelerated and taps the surface of the component like
a small warm up for it get ready for plating.
High vacuum - 2
• After glow etching the turbo molecular pumps again creates an optimum
pressure level inside the chamber that is ideal for plating.
• This process takes time duration of about 3-6 minutes.
Arc etching
• The first five steps of the coating process is arc etching.
• The surface of the component is etched by titanium atoms.
• The titanium targets are ignited by applying current to It , the ignited
atoms travels through gas medium present inside the chamber and
etches the component.
Arc etching cycle
• Etching cycles are planned based on the nature of base material.
• The cycle can be either increased or decreased in order to avoid peel off issue
CC-Brass 1
Brass-bi colour 1
SS- Bi colour 2
Straps 3
• Current to the targets = 75-80 ampere.
• Bias applied to the chamber = 500 volts.
• Ar gas allowance = 300 sccm
Coating :
• The targets attached with magnetron source gets ignited by the
electromagnetic field created in the target by voltage to it.
• The ionised gas atoms inside the chamber forms plasma which acts as
medium for the movement of titanium atoms.
• The bombard of Ar atoms on the target releases the target atoms , these
released atoms are aligned and hold uniformly by magnetron set up.
• The ionised target atoms gets deposited on the surface of the substrate passes by.
L* - Indicates Brilliance
a* - +ve value indicates Red and -ve value indicates Green
b* - +ve value indicates Yellow, -ve value indicates Blue
Sputtering rate
• Both gold and rose gold are plated for 0.1 micron thickness.
• Gold targets are invaded about 5-6 kg.
• After puncturing the weight is about 3-4 kg.
• The rate of gold consumed per batch in pro china machines is 20.5
• Whereas in huicheng 35grams of gold is consumed per batch.
Target composition
Gold : 87-97 %
Copper : 3-8 %
Nickel : 3-5 %
Silver : 0.5-2%
IP Process Sequence:
Sl no Process Purpose
1 Pumping down Creating vacuum
2 Heating Baking, facilitates removal of water
molecules entrapped while cleaning,
Prepares surface for good grain
3 Low pressure In-situ cleaning process, removes
etching (LPE) impurities and oxide layer on the
4 High pressure More severe than LPE. Removes
etching (HPE) atomic layers on the component and
exposes virgin base material
5 Pre-sputtering / Removes impurities on the target
Target cleaning surface (formed during the chamber
opening and while etching)
6 Ti Coating Acts as a glue layer between
substrate and further coating
7 TiN Hard, gold like coating
8 Au For lusture
Electro plating
• Three major process
o Pre-cleaning
o Plating
o Post-cleaning
Pre -cleaning
Galvex clean
Brass input inspection (chem:galvex,40-50 DM water rinse
Centrifugal chamber
(temp: 70-75°c,rpm: 40-60, time : 6 minutes clockwise and 9
minutes anti clockwise.)
Quality tests at shop
• Bend test is done for cases to ensure the adhesion
• Tape test is done for straps and bracelets to check the
sticking nature.
• Undercoat test is done for sample components
regularly for gold plated components.
Quality tests
• Adhesion
-thermal shock test
Temp : 290°c
Duration :30 minutes
Process: The component is placed inside the chamber and the air
inside is heated for a while. After 30 mins the component is
immediately quenched in water.