Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Prof B D Singh
• Understanding and appreciating conflict.
• Eliminating and avoiding conflict.
• Reducing negative effects of conflict.
• Managing conflicts for positive results - for
individual, team and organization.
Understanding Conflict
• Conflict is universal.
• Conflict is inevitable.
• Conflict can not be totally eliminated.
• All conflict can be managed / resolved.
• Life is continuous Saga of conflict and conflict resolution-
both in personal and professional life.
• No subject has been discussed as much as conflict
excepting God and Love
• Can not be suppressed, ignored, delayed for long.
• Dialectics Hegelian, material dialectics Marxian,
• Geeta is harmony in conflict
• If two person always agree--there is no need for the
second person.
• Building a palace out of bricks thrown at you.
Personal life:-
• Individual- Dyad, Group/, team, organization,
Professional life
• Negotiate your entry—narrowing the
• Expectation not met—from both the sides
• Actions & reactions
• Boss, Subordinates, peers, others stake
• “Leading through conflict” involves facing
differences honestly and creatively, understanding
their full complexity and scope, and enabling those
involved to move toward original solutions. Such
leadership requires going beyond the powerful,
primordial responses to difference that result in an
“us versus them” mentality. It requires capacities
that many leaders have never developed, bringing
to bear both personal and professional skills that
turn serious conflicts into rewarding opportunities
for collaboration and innovation.
• The need for leaders who have the Mediator’s
skills is urgent precisely because “democracy”
and the “free market” are based on conflict.
- interdependent
- task uncertainty
- over load on some group
-status differences
- role ambiguity
- lack of understanding of others functions
- differencial reward system
Inter Group Conflict –
1. Within organization
2. Between organization
3. Class conflict
Within Organization-
1. Hierarchical Conflict
2. Functional Conflict
3. Line-Staff Conflict
4. Formal-Informal Conflict
Conflicts Outcomes
– The parties may decide to live with the
conflict – Not desirable.
– One party may triumph and force its solution
on the other – Revenge.
– There may be a constructive, mutually
acceptable resolution – win win outcome.
Conflict situations are often divided into four
broad categories of outcomes depending on
the perspectives and behaviours of the
people involved.
Lose Win
1 2
Lose-Lose Lose-win
I Want to:
3 4
Win Win -lose Win-Win
Management of Conflict
Conflict occurs in all organisations in varying degrees.
Conflicts are moments of truth in a relationship. They
contain the seeds of destruction or seeds of close and
cooperative relationship.
The parties involved in the conflict can react in a
number of ways including accommodation,
withdrawal, smoothing ,persuasion, forcing,
bargaining, and integrative problem-solving. The
appropriateness of each approach and the
consequences for conflict resolution depend on the
nature of the conflict. But by enlarge it is negotiating
& discussing style that civilized society follows. If the
parties are unable to settle a disruptive conflict
themselves, they may be assisted by third- party
• Nonaction
Ineffective Management/
– Doing nothing in hopes that a conflict will disappear
create conflict.
– Attempting to hide a conflict or an issue that has the potential to
• Administrative orbiting
– Delaying action on a conflict by buying time.
• A procedure set up to address conflicts that is so costly,
time consuming, or personally risky that no one will use
• Character assassination
– An attempt to label or discredit an opponent
• Effective Management of Conflict
– Conflict is essentially detractive in nature. Therefore, immediate
measures for is resolution. Better to go for prevention and
proaction than reaction and five-fighting
– Preventive Measure
– Curative Measure
Preventive – Anticipating, Proacting, Pre-empting
– Establish clear goals/defining clear roles
– Increase trust through communication
– Transparency in action
– HR/OD /interventions
– Change of persons
– Re organization of team
– Use of higher Authority
Curative Measures/Resolving Conflict
Resolving conflict when they have taken place and have become
There are different strategies for conflict resolution it is upto the
Managers to choose one or combination of them as per the
requirement of task and the environment in which the task is to be
• Interpersonal Handling Styles
There are five interpersonal handling styles.
These styles are identified by there location on
two dimensions- concern for self & concern for
others. The desire to satisfy your own concern
depends on the extent to which you are
assertive or un assertive in pursuing your goals.
Your desire to satisfy the concern of others
depends on the extent on which you are
corporative or incorporative. The five
interpersonal conflict handling style thus
represent different combination of assertiveness
and cooperativeness
forcing collaborating
For self compromising
Unassertive Avoiding
Uncooperative Concern for Others Cooperative
• Avoiding style- the goal is to delay
The avoiding style refers to unassertive and
uncooperative behaviours. A person uses this
style to stay away from conflict, ignore
disagreements, or remain neutral. Te avoidance
approach reflects an aversion to tension and
frustration and may involve a decision to let a
conflict work itself out. Because ignoring
important issues often frustrates others the
consistent use of the avoidance style usually
results in unfavorable evaluations by others.
• Forcing style- the goal is to win
The forcing style refers to assertive and
uncooperative behaviours and represents a win-
lose approach to interpersonal conflict. Those who
use the forcing approach try to achieve their own
goals without concern for others. This style
includes aspects of coercive power and
dominance. It may help a person achieve
individual goals but like avoidance, forcing tends
to result in unfavorable evaluations by others. The
forcing style is illustrated.
• In some situations the forcing style may be
necessary, as when 1. emergencies
require quick action, 2. unpopular courses
of action must be taken for long-term
organisational effectiveness and survival
3. the person needs to take action for self-
protection and to stop others from taking
advantage of him or her.
• Accommodating Style- the goal is to yield
The accommodating style refres to cooperative
and unassertive behaviours. Accommodation
may represent an unselfish act, a long-term
strategy to encourage cooperation by others or a
submission to the wishes of others. Individuals
using the accommodating style are typically
evaluated favorably by others, but they may also
be perceived as weak and submissive.
• Compromising style- the goal is to find middle
The compromising style refers to behaviours at
an intermediate level of cooperation and
assertiveness. The individual using this style
engages in give and take and may make a
series of concessions. Compromising is
commonly used and widely accepted as a
means of resolving conflict.
– Collaborating Style-the goal is to find a win-
win situation
The collaborating style refers to strong cooperative and
assertive behaviours. It is the win-win approach to
interpersonal conflict handling. The person using
collaboration desires to maximize joint results. An
individual who uses this style tends to 1. see conflict as
natural, helpful and even leading to a more creative
solution if handled properly 2. exhibit trust in and candor
with others 3. recognize that when conflict is resolved to
the satisfaction of all, commitment to the solution is
likely. An individual who uses the collaborating style is
often seen as dynamic and evaluated favorably by
Use of Conflict Management Styles
• Styles • Appropriate For
1. Trivial issues- explosive issues- used to calm parties
1. Avoiding involved before resolving some other way