Environment Friendly Practices To Our Environment

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Friendly Practices To
Save Our Resources.
“Better environment Better Tomorrow’’

 They are important for the cash economy, for creating energy, for providing shelter, for food and medicine, and for spiritual
well being. By protecting and conserving natural resources we help to ensure that they are available for use not only
today, but in the future as well.

  Though small changes at the individual level may seem trivial, just think how much cleaner the planet would
be if everyone adopted even a few of the following behavior modifications.
So here are 5 ways you can start to protect the our resources today:
Consume less
Turn off the lights
Shop second hand
Using renewable resources

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Consume less
• Curbing consumption can have a huge impact
on the environment. The three "R's"—reduce,
reuse and recycle— get a lot of attention, but
the planet could benefit from some focus on
the most important and most
underrepresented "R": refuse.
• When you refuse, you say "no," which is not
always easy. Freebies at events, cheap goods
on clearance, the hot new children's toys or the
latest gadgets that promise to make your life
better—none of these are essential. And they
almost always end up either in the trash or
forgotten in the back of a closet. Next time
you’re tempted to purchase or accept a non-
essential item, think about whether it would
truly improve your life. If not, it's ok to just say,
"No, thanks!"

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• Another “R” that doesn’t get much
attention but has important
environmental implications is “rot.” As in,
let your food and yard waste rot naturally
in the soil instead of sending it to the
landfill. In other words: compost.
• Composting your food scraps and yard
waste offers double rewards: it keeps an
incredible amount of trash out of the
waste stream, and it produces free, rich
soil to use in your garden. Some cities now
pick up organic waste alongside regular
trash and recycling pick up. If your area
doesn’t offer this service, no worries— you
can set up a low-maintenance compost
pile in your backyard.

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Turn off the lights
• Turn off any lights or televisions
after you leave a room. Unplug
appliances like portable air
conditioners, toasters, and
coffeemakers when not in use, as
they can continue to use small
amounts of electricity. Additionally,
LED light bulbs require far less
wattage than standard bulbs, so
switching to this alternative lighting
method can also help conserve

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Shop Second Hand
• Did you know it takes over 700 gallons
of water to grow enough cotton to
make just one plain t-shirt?
• Instead of heading to the mall to buy
new clothes, consider looking first in a
thrift store or vintage shop, or trading
clothes with friends. You can breathe
new life into your wardrobe without
wasting the precious resources needed
to produce new clothing.
• Shopping secondhand also applies for
many other categories of consumer
goods: children’s games and toys,
shoes, appliances, furniture, cars and

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• Alternative sources of energy, or renewable
energy resources, are much more eco-
friendly. They don’t produce any harmful
greenhouse gases that cause damage to the
• Solar energy, wind energy, and other
renewable energy resources are much better
than fossil fuel. In some cases, they can also
be cheaper than the already available non-
renewable energy resources.
• For example, people living in mountains are
much better suited to using solar than
carrying gallons of fuel up to the mountains
and using it. However, fossil fuels can be
used as backup energy supply in limited

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