BBA112 Lecture 3 Updated Nature of Organizing New
BBA112 Lecture 3 Updated Nature of Organizing New
BBA112 Lecture 3 Updated Nature of Organizing New
3.Assignment of duties
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Strategy and Structure
• An organization’s structure should facilitate goal achievement.
• Because goals are an important part of the organization’s strategies,
it’s only logical that strategy and structure are closely linked.
Size and Structure
One troll even went as far as sharing a photo of Krepin Diatta with
his beautiful white girlfriend and called them ‘beauty and the beast’.
Another person also said if given $50m she won’t marry him,
because she can’t walked down the aisle with a frog.
Reacting to the insults he has been receiving on
social media, the 20-year old wrote this emotional
“I am very sad to see some African brothers making
fun of me. I work for our beautiful and dear
continent and what I receive in return are only
insults, mockery of my brothers.
This is too bad of you and racism comes from there.
I need your encouragement and not your insults.
Thank you to everyone who supports me. Only
God makes my strength and I am proud of my
physical person.
Your mockery won’t change anything in my life.
But one thing is for sure, we are all African”
(Diatta, 2022)
Why Human Resource Management is
• Human resource management (HRM) can be a
significant source of competitive advantage
• HRM is an important part of organizational strategies
• The way organizations treat their people can
significantly impact performance
The Human Resource Management
Company website Wide distribution; can be targeted to specific Generates many unqualified
groups candidates
College recruiting Large centralized body of candidates Limited to entry-level positions
Social media Takes advantage of current employees’ Not nearly as effective in reaching
connections; particularly effective at older or senior candidates
recruiting younger candidates
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Exhibit 12.4 Decruitment Options
Option Description
Firing Permanent involuntary termination
Layoffs Temporary involuntary termination; may last only a few days or
extend to years
Attrition Not filling openings created by voluntary resignations or normal
Transfers Moving employees either laterally or downward; usually does not
reduce costs but can reduce intraorganizational supply–demand
Reduced Having employees work fewer hours per week, share jobs, or
workweeks perform their jobs on a part-time basis
Early retirements Providing incentives to older and more senior employees for
retiring before their normal retirement date
Job sharing Having employees share one full-time position
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• Selection: screening job applicants to ensure that the
most appropriate candidates are hired.
• Recruitment and selection???
Exhibit 12.6 Selection Tools
Tool Characteristics
Application forms Almost universally used
Most useful for gathering information
Can predict job performance but not easy to create one that does
Written tests Must be job-related Include intelligence, aptitude, ability, personality, and interest tests
Are popular (e.g., personality tests; aptitude tests) Relatively good predictor for
supervisory positions
Performance Use actual job behaviors Work sampling—test applicants on tasks associated with that
simulation tests job; appropriate for routine or standardized work
Assessment center—simulate jobs; appropriate for evaluating managerial potential
Interviews Almost universally used Must know what can and cannot be asked
Can be useful for managerial positions
Background Used for verifying application data—valuable source of information
investigations Used for verifying reference checks—not a valuable source of information
Physical Are for jobs that have certain physical requirements Mostly used for insurance purposes
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Assessing an Applicant’s Future Job
• Work sample tests: Hands-on simulations of part or all of
the work that workers in a job routinely must perform.
• One of the most reliable and valid tools for predicting
future performance
• More elaborate simulations can be designed and
administered through an assessment center to
determine managerial potential
Realistic Job Preview
• Realistic job preview (R J P): a preview of a job that
provides both positive and negative information about
the job and the company
• Orientation: introducing a new employee to his or her job
and the organization
• Work unit orientation: familiarizes employees with the
goal of the work unit and their specific job
• Organization orientation: informs employees about the
company’s goals, history, philosophy, procedures and rules
Exhibit 12.8 Types of Training
Exhibit 12.9 Traditional Training Methods
Method Characteristics
On-the-job Employees learn how to do tasks simply by performing them, usually
after an initial introduction to the task.
Job rotation Employees work at different jobs in a particular area, getting
exposure to a variety of tasks.
Mentoring Employees work with an experienced worker who provides
and coaching information, support, and encouragement; also called
apprenticeships in certain industries.
Critical Incident Evaluator focuses on critical behaviors + Rich examples, behaviorally based
that separate effective and ineffective − Time-consuming, lacks quantification
Graphic Rating Popular method that lists a set of + Provides quantitative data; not time-
Scale performance factors and an incremental consuming
scale; evaluator goes down the list and − Doesn’t provide in-depth information
rates employee on each factor. on job behavior
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Exhibit 12.10 Performance Appraisal Methods (2
of 2)
Method Description Advantages/Disadvantages
BARS Popular approach that combines + Focuses on specific and measurable job
(Behaviorally elements from critical incident and behaviors
Anchored Rating graphic rating scale; evaluator uses a − Time-consuming; difficult to develop
Scale) rating scale, but items are examples of
actual job behaviors.
Multiperson Employees are rated in comparison to + Compares employees with one another
Comparison others in work group. − Difficult with large number of
employees; legal concerns
MBO Employees are evaluated on how well + Focuses on goals; results oriented
they accomplish specific goals. − Time-consuming
“I’ve always done what I was told to do. You’re the first person in
25 years who’s ever said I wasn’t doing my job right.” “But Pete,
that can’t be true. You’ve signed everyone of your evaluations,
and they said you were only doing “fair” or “poor” work.” “Well,
isn’t that okay?”
1. How would you answer Pete?