Financial Management.... PG
Financial Management.... PG
Financial Management.... PG
Financial management is the area of business management devoted to a judicious use of capital and a careful selection of sources of capital in order to enable a business firm to move in the direction of reaching its goals. ---- J.F. Bradley
It is that part of total management which is concerned primarily with the financial affairs of an organization and the translation of actions , both past and proposed, into meaningful and relevant information for use in management process. It includes the function of budgeting, accounting, reporting, and the analysis and interpretation of the financial significance of past events and future plans. It also includes internal auditing, management analysis, and others. It is not primarily concerned with the technical procedures and methodology of those individual functions , rather, it is characterized by the coordination and correlation of those functions into an effective and broad system of financial control that will assure that they, collectively more than individually , become an integrated part of the management of the organization. It involves the art of interrelating data to obtain a perspective of the total financial situation that will assist managers in program planning and decision making
Financial management, at present is not confined to raising and allocating funds. The study of financial institutions like stock exchange, capital, market, etc. is also emphasized because they influenced under writing of securities & corporate promotion. Company Finance was considered to be the major domain of financial management. The scope of this subject has widened to cover capital structure, dividend policies, profit planning and control, depreciation policies. Some of the functional areas covered in financial management are discussed as such Determining financial needs Choosing the sources of funds Financial analysis and interpretation Cost-volume profit analysis Working capital management Dividend policy Capital budgeting
ADVANTAGES It is a barometer for measuring efficiency and economic prosperity of business enterprise. It is a main source of finance for the growth of business. It maximizes socio-economic welfare. DISADVANTAGES It exploit workers and consumers. It is the condition of perfect competition. The profit is vague, it cannot be precisely defined. It ignores time value of money. It does not takes into consideration the risk of the prospective earning stream. Effect of dividend policy on the market price of the shares is also not considered.
ADVANTAGES It serves the interest of creditors, employers, management and society. It not only serves shareholders interest by increasing the value of holding but insures security to lender also. Efficient allocation of productive resources will be essential for raising the wealth of the company. DISADVANTAGES It is a prescriptive idea. The objective of wealth maximization is not socially desirable.
Long Term financial Position concern with change in fixed assets, long term liability and capital. The financial policy of concern will be to finance fixed assets by issue of long term loans , long term share capital, debentures and bonds. Increase in FA is more than increase in long term liability than part of fixed assets has been financed from working capital. If increase in long term securities is more than increase in FA than FA have not only being financed from long term sources but part of WC has also being financed from long term sources. Increase in plant and machinery will increase in the production capacity of the concern. Increase in long funded will mean an increase in interest liability. An increase in share capital will not increase any liability for paying interest. Profitability Increase in retained earning , reserves and surplus means the profitability has improved. Decrease in same means issue of dividend, issue of bonus shares or decline in profitability of concern.
After deducting all non operating from operational profit or operating profit we get the fig. of Net Profit. Some non operating incomes like dividend received, interest, commission, discount received, increases the net profit. An increase in net profit gives an idea about the progress of the concern. After than, the overall profitability is analyzed by GP,OP and NP.
It refers to the process of determining financial strength and weakness of the firm by establishing strategic relationship between the items of the balance sheet, profit & loss account and other operative data. The purpose of financial analysis is to diagnose the information contained in financial statements so as to judge the profitability and financial soundness of the firm. Types
External Analysis
Internal Analysis
Horizontal Analysis
Vertical Analysis
A series of intra firm and intra firm cash flow statement revels whether firms liquidity is improving or declining. It explains causes for poor cash position. Most useful & appropriate than fund flow analysis. CFS prepared according to acc. Std. AS 3, which is more suitable for making comparison. CFS provides the information of all activities relating to operating, investing & financing activities.
Knowledge of application of funds. Knowledge as to the payment of CL out of CA. Knowledge as to purchase of FA out of non-current sources. Helps borrowing operation. Knowledge of supplementary information. Acts as a process of budgeting.
LIMITATION OF FFS Does not contain non- current transaction. It is historic in nature related to past analysis but it is not prepared with much accuracy. It fails to reveal continuous changes. It is not a substitute of Balance Sheet, it gives some additional information. It is not a original in nature. Does not provide the information about changes in cash.
It is the most powerful tool for measuring financial analysis. It measures the profitability, efficiency & financial soundness of the business. Acc. to MyersRatio Analysis is a study of relationship among the various financial factors in a business RA is a tool to present the figures of financial statement in simple, concise & intelligible form. RA, in this way is the process of establishing meaningful relationship between two figures or set of figures of financial statement. SIGNIFICANCE Managerial Uses: Decision making, Forecasting & Planning, Communicating, Co-ordination, Controlling and other uses. Stakeholders Tax audit requirement