Taklimat Obe Jke
Taklimat Obe Jke
Taklimat Obe Jke
1. Meningkatkan pengetahuan pensyarah JKE mengenai kandungan dokumen kurikulum program kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik 2. Menaikkan tahap keyakinan pensyarah JKE dalam melaksanakan OBE di jabatan masing-masing
Diakhir bengkel ini pensyarah JKE akan dapat;
1. Menyatakan maksud OBE dengan perkataan sendiri. 2. Menyenaraikan PLO program di JKE 3. Menyenaraikan 8 Learning Domain MQA dengan betul 4. Menyenaraikan 9 Areas of Quality Assurance MQA. 5. Menerangkan kandungan JSP 6. Menjelaskan kaitan CQI dan Constructive Alignment
(Learning & Teaching)
Self reflection 1
1. Apa yang kita tahu mengenai kurikulum program JKE? 2. Apa yang kita tahu/faham mengenai OBE? 3. Berapa kali taklimat/bengkel/mesyuarat yang kita hadiri yang menyebut tentang OBE? 4. Berapa banyak artikel yang kita dah download dan baca? 5. Adakah kita bersedia untuk menghadapi audit oleh MQA untuk FA pada tahun 2012?
a model of education a comprehensive approach to organizing and operating an education system that is focused in and defined by the successful demonstrations of learning sought from each student (Spady, 1994) an education approach that focuses on the graduate attributes or outcomes after completing an academic programme (Barr et al., 2006; Mansor et al., 2008) a student-centered learning philosophy
an education philosophy that focuses on the graduate attributes or outcomes after completing an academic programme focuses on empirically measuring student performance emphasis in an OBE education system is on measured outcomes does not specify or require any particular style of teaching or learning requires that students demonstrate that they have learned the required skills and content
Learning Outcome
OBE addresses the following questions: What do you want the students to learn? Why do you want them to learn? How can you best make students learn it? How will you know what they have learnt?
ck to Basic
- Prinsip OBE
Back to Basic 4 prinsip OBE fokus kepada apa yang 1. Clarity of focus
pelajar boleh buat dengan jayanya. 2. Design down rekabentuk kurikulum bermula dari definisi yang jelas mengenai apa yang pelajar akan capai di akhir pendidikan formal mereka. (Adakah kurikulum telah digubal bermula dari hasil pembelajaran 3. High expectation pensyarah meletakkan standard prestasi yang tinggi kepada pelajar. 4. Extended opportunities Pensyarah mesti menyediakan peluang yang secukupnya untuk berjaya. (Adakah pelajar diberi lebih dari satu peluang untuk mencapai standard yang
ditetapkan?) (Adakah pelajar tahu dengan jelas sebelum mereka memulakan pembelajaran apa yang mereka sepatutnya tahu dan boleh buat apabila selesai pembelajaran?)
(Adakah harapan dan cabaran untuk berjaya diberikan kepada semua pelajar secara saksama tiada bell curve?
(PEO)s / Programme Aims (PAIs) Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Syllabus / JSP / SLT / TOLD / Matrix for all courses in a programme.
PEO- .. etc 5
PLO- .. etc 5
GSA 1 Communications Skills GSA 2 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills GSA 3 Teamwork Skills GSA 4 Moral & Professional Ethics GSA 5 Leadership Skills GSA 6 Information Management Skills and Continuous Learning GSA 7 Entrepreneurship Skills
LD 1 Knowledge LD 2 Technical Skills LD 3 Professionalism & Ethics LD 4 Social Skills LD 5 Communication Skills LD 6 Critical Thinking LD 7 Life Long Learning LD 8 Entrepreneurial Skills
ET101 Electrical Technology Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:1. explain correctly the units associated with basic electrical quantities, concepts of electric circuit, cells as the unit source of DC energy and the general features of batteries. 2. demonstrate an understanding of DC network analysis techniques on resistive networks. 3. describe the fundamentals of capacitive and inductive in DC network correctly. 4. explain properly the principles of the magnetic circuit, electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction. 5. demonstrate team working efficiently while doing practical work.
EC201 Fundamental Programming Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:1. solve various problem systematically using the 6 step procedure and specified design tools. 2. select the appropriate data types for a particular solution. 3. perform data handling in solving a given problem correctly. 4. execute the whole process of programming, using a high level programming language, in solving a variety of engineering and scientific problems. 5. deliver a presentation and answer questions with confidence on a well-organized assigned group project inclusive of a report within a stipulated time frame.
Lecture Practical Work Demonstration Question & Answer Brainstorming Discussion Tutorial
Industrial Visit Problem Based Learning (PBL) Work Based Learning (WBL) Project Based Learning etc
Quiz Test Practical Work Final Exam Presentation End of Chapter Problem Essay
Memahami Kandungan Jadual Spesifikasi Pentaksiran - JSP (Assessment Specification Table AST)
Learning Outcomes
Information Transmission/Teacherfocused (ITTF) teaching approach Conceptual Change/Student-focused (CCSF) teaching approach Surface Learning learning approach Deep Learning learning approach
Model of teaching-learning
Teachers conceptions of teaching Teachers approaches to teaching Students approaches to learning
Model of teaching-learning
Teachers conceptions of teaching Teachers approaches to teaching Students approaches to learning
Surface Approach
Deep Approach
Intention to
- rote memorise information needed for assessment - failure to distinguish principles from examples - treat tasks as external impositions - focus on discrete elements without integration
Intention to
relate evidence to
Model of teaching-learning
Teachers conceptions of teaching Teachers approaches to teaching Students approaches to learning
Approaches to teaching
Staff focus their attention on what they do (forward planning, good management skills, an armoury of teaching competencies, use of the literature, ability to use IT ). They attempt to transmit the information about the curriculum on the assumption that students will learn from that process. That information is often complex and requires
Approaches to teaching
Conceptual Change/Student-focused (CCSF)
Staff focus their attention on the students and monitor their perceptions, activity and understanding. Transmission is seen to be not enough.
They assume students construct their own knowledge, and the task of the teacher is to involve
A CCSF approach includes elements of an ITTF approach, but not vice versa
R = - .03
Satisfactio n
R = .34
Satisfactio n
A high CCSF approach is more likely to be satisfying for teachers than a high ITTF approach
R = .34
Deep approach
A higher CCSF approach is associated with a deeper approach to learning and to higher quality learning outcomes
Conceptions of teaching
The way teachers think about teaching is a key factor in the approach they adopt to their teaching
Model of teaching-learning
Teachers conceptions of teaching Teachers approaches to teaching Students approaches to learning
University leaders have a key role in creating an environment in which teachers feel a CCSF approach is afforded
Outcome Based Assessment (OBA) Part 1 Continuous Assessment and Item Specification Table (IST)
Presented by : Noorfozila binti Bahari Ancassa Port Dickson 21st 24th February 2011
Perkara 3, COPPA
Dahulu Output % pelajar lulus
What is RUBRICS?
A rubric is a scoring tool for subjective assessments. It is a set of criteria and standards linked to learning objectives that is used to assess a student's performance on papers, projects, essays, and other assignments. a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or 'what counts. list of things the student must have included to receive a certain score or rating.
1. Kenalpasti LEARNING OUTCOMES generic
Peringatan: Lebih banyak outcome di taksir untuk satu-satu kursus tidak bermakna lebih baik!
4. Pentaksiran outcome generic skill mestilah
berstrategi dan boleh dipertahankan.
Tujuannya ialah untuk mentaksir outcome generic skill sekurang-kurangnya sekali dan sebaiknya tiga hingga lima kali sepanjang karier akademik pelajar.
Social Skill & Responsibility Communication skill Team working / Leadership skill Professionalism & Ethics Critical thinking & Problem solving Life-long learning Entreprenuership
EC201 Fundamental Programming Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:1. solve various problem systematically using
2. 3. 4. the 6 step procedure and specified design tools. select the appropriate data types for a particular solution. perform data handling in solving a given problem correctly. execute the whole process of programming, using a high level programming language, in solving a variety of engineering and scientific problems. deliver a presentation and answer questions with confidence on a wellorganized assigned group project inclusive of a report within a stipulated time frame.
generic skills
Memilih Aktiviti / Instrumen Pentaksiran yang tepat Contohnya: Oral communication presentation Written communication practical / project report Team working group project / work Instrumen pentaksiran mestilah difokuskan pada outcome atau pada satu daripada komponen outcome. 1 soalan dalam ujian atau 1 term paper setebal 10 muka surat (written communication).
Gred ujian atau gred kursus lazimnya tidak sesuai sebab gredgred itu mewakili agregat prestasi pelbagai bidang kemahiran dan pengetahuan. Pentaksiran Generic skill dilakukan menggunakan RUBRICS.
Bagaimana boleh seseorang menangani kekurangan dalam, sebagai contoh, outcome communication kecuali perkara yang khusus tentang kelemahannya dikenalpasti? Kelemahannya mungkin dalam komunikasi lisan, komunikasi secara bertulis yang umum, laporan teknikal, atau bidang lain.
Bukan semua kriteria prestasi harus diukur pada seseorang pelajar sampel memadai. TIDAK SEMESTINYA semua learning outcome atau kriteria prestasi ditaksir setiap semester.
Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Pentaksiran (Assessment) BUKAN sesuatu yang one off atau one shot. Ia sesuatu yang berterusan dan menyokong pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Memberikan maklumat yang berguna untuk penambahbaikan aspek pembelajaran. Assessment in cycles of improvement. Taking responsibility for quality enhancement.
What the student (Curriculum) should achieved ? How to make the student achieve the outcome?
(Learning & Teaching)
Dr. Khodori Ahmad Naluri Pintar Sdn Bhd Dr. Wahid Razzaly UTHM Dr. Ishak Baba UTHM Dr. Sattar, Bahagian Peperiksaan JPP Prof. Michael Prosser University of Hongkong Prof Keith Trigwell University of Sydney Pn.Noorfozila binti Bahari POLISAS (DH48)