Administration of Human Service Organization

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Administration Of Human Service


Presented by
Anju V S
4th sem MSW
St. Thomas’ (Autonomous) College
Public Administration
Stein defines the concept of administration as
a :process of defining and attaining the objectives of an
organization through a system of coordinated and
cooperative effort’
Kidneigh states that social work administration is the
process of transforming social policy into services; a)
transforming policy into concrete social services, and
b) the use of experience in recommending
modification of policy’. This definition, of course
encompasses the idea that administration is the process
of implementation, of translating policies into action

Administration of social agencies is the process of

securing and transforming community resources
human and financial into a programme of community
Administration in social work is concerned with goal
Administration is involved with the creative use of
human resources- board, staff and volunteer.
The parts of the enterprise are interrelated and
What one does not do has effects as well as what one
Oliver Sheldon, “Organization is the process so
combining the work which individuals or groups have
to perform with the facilities necessary for its
execution, that the duties so performed provide the
best channels for the efficient, systematic, positive and
coordinated application of the available effort”.
Organization helps in efficient utilization of resources
by dividing the duties of various persons
Concepts of Organization
 Static concept
 Dynamic Concept
Characteristics of Organisation
 Division of Work
 Co-Ordination
 Common Objectives
 Co-operative Relationship
 Well-Defined Authority-Responsibility Relationships
Management is a process of planning, decision
making, organizing, leading, motivation and
controlling the human resources, financial, physical,
and information resources of an organization to reach
its goals in an efficient and effective manner
"Management is an art of knowing what is to be done
and seeing that it is done in the best possible manner."
(planning and controlling)
F.W. Taylor (father of scientific management)
Goal oriented Process
All Pervasive
 Multidimensional
 Continuous Process
Group Activity
Intangible Force
 Maturity
 Friendliness
 Tolerance
 Appreciable
 Tolerable
 Adorable
 Frank
 Determined
Management is a systematic way of managing people
and things within the organization. The administration
is defined as an act of administering the whole
organization by a group of people.
Management is an activity of business and functional
level, whereas Administration is a high-level activity
While management focuses on policy implementation,
policy formulation is performed by the administration
Functions of administration include legislation and
determination. Conversely, functions of management
are executive and governing.
Administration takes all the important decisions of the
organization while management makes decisions under
the boundaries set by the administration
A group of persons, who are employees of the
organization is collectively known as management. On
the other hand, administration represents the owners of
the organization
Management can be seen in the profit making
organization like business enterprises. Conversely, the
Administration is found in government and military
offices, clubs, hospitals, religious organizations and all
the non-profit making enterprises
Management is all about plans and actions, but the
administration is concerned with framing policies and
setting objectives
 Management plays an executive role in the
organization. Unlike administration, whose role is
decisive in nature
 The manager looks after the management of the
organization, whereas administrator is responsible for
the administration of the organization.
 Management focuses on managing people and their
work. On the other hand, administration focuses on
making the best possible utilization of the
organization’s resources
The public administration was first established in the time
period of late 19th century. And the establishment of
the public administration was conducted by Woodrow
Wilson and that's why he is globally known as the father of
public administration
“Administration is concerned with the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of
government. The ‘what’ is the subject matter, the technical
knowledge of a field which enables an administrator to
perform his task. The ‘how’ is the technique of management,
the principles according to which comprehensive programs
are carried through a process”.
- Marshall E Dimock
Public Administration: The King is the sole source of
authority and appoints and dismisses personnel and divides
the work of govt. into different ministries under several
ministers and officials. 
Kautilya stresses on the need for specialist and generalist
personnel at different levels of administration with full
accountability to the King,thus talks about division of
labour and coordination between them for efficient
administration. As discussed above there was a clear system
of recruitment,pay,and terms and conditions of service very
much resembling the modern State.
Modern state is more concerned about development whereas
the Kautilyan model talks about collecting revenue and
employing activities to help in expediting and ensuring
revenue,so it talks mainly of control instead of development.
It talks about local self government  that very much resembles
a precursor to the Modern State local self government model.

Kautilya's Arthashastra is more about political science that is

how to conduct State affairs rather than focusing on the
philosophy that underlies it.
He is very practical in his approach with a strict focus on
amorality(no moral principles or religious diktat) so that the
King's rule & administration are neutral without offending
anyone, and also on rationality and an organised as well as
efficient way of running a system with a greta deal of focus on
accoutability and honesty and vigilance.

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