Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
CHr: 2
Define RH
List and describe the major components of RH
Identify factors affecting RH
Determine the magnitude of major RH problems
Identify unmet RH needs in the community and
address them through appropriate actions.
Organize, integrate and evaluate RH services
Course Content/ out line
- Introduction to Reproductive Health
• Historical development,
• Concepts
• Components of Reproductive Health
• Reproductive Health rights
• Reproductive health problems
Learning Objectives:-
• to be informed and
• methods,
• techniques and
• services
4. Sexuality education;
9. Consensual marriage;
• For three basic rationales through time are: demographic, health, and
human rights.
• During the 1980s, a shift toward the health rationale occurred (driven by
the consequences of high fertility for maternal, infant, and child mortality
Rationales for RH programs …
• In the 1990s, the human rights rationale became predominant, with its focus
on women’s rights, principally reproductive rights, and the reproductive
health of women and men.
Demographic Rationale
• In the late 1940s and 1950s, the phenomenon of rapid population growth,
resulting from the gap between declining mortality and continuing high
fertility, was emerging in some South and East Asian countries.
Demographic Rationale…
• Some 20 years later, Paul Ehrlich’s writings fueled the call to action to
deal with overpopulation.
• 1 billion in 1804,
• High rates of maternal, infant, and child mortality (and abortion) were
important health problems.
•The activist crusade for birth control in the United States was
launched by Margaret Sangerin 1914 and then spread to a number
of developing countries, including India and Mexico, in the 1920s.
3. Equality and equity for men and women in all spheres of life.
• to make free and informed choices in all spheres of life, free from
discrimination based on gender
Theory-Human beings and human rights are at the center of concerns for
sustainable development.
• Half of the world’s 2.6 billion women are now 15-49 years
of age.