mth310 20200127 Lec08 Mon 23882
mth310 20200127 Lec08 Mon 23882
mth310 20200127 Lec08 Mon 23882
tree tree
Graph Theory 1
Spanning Subgraph
• A spanning subgraph of G is a subgraph with vertex
set V(G)
• What is an induced spanning subgraph?
• A spanning tree is a spanning subgraph that is a tree
Graph Theory 2
Lemma 20.1: Every tree with at least two vertices has
at least two leaves.
• A connected graph with at least two vertices has an edge.
• In an acyclic graph, an endpoint of a maximal nontrivial path
has no neighbor other than its neighbor on the path.
• Hence the endpoints of such a path are leaves.
Cycle occurs
Let v be a leaf of a tree G, and let G’=Gv.
• A vertex of degree 1 belongs to no path connecting two
other vertices.
• Therefore, for u, w V(G’), every u, w-path in G is also
in G’.
• Hence G’ is connected.
• Since deleting a vertex cannot create a cycle, G’ also is
• Thus G’ is a tree with n1 vertices.
Graph Theory 4
u w
Graph Theory 5
Characterization of Trees
Graph Theory 6
Some corollaries
• Every edge e of a tree T is a cut-edge (*)
• Adding one edge to a tree forms exactly one cycle
• Every connected graph contains a spanning tree
• Left as an exercise (good practice for trees) !
• Remark (*): If G is a connected (simple) graph, and
e is a cut-edge, then Ge has precisely two
components (proof left as an exercise)
Graph Theory 7
Proposition 21: If T, T’ are spanning trees of a connected
graph G and eE(T)E(T’), then there is an edge
e’E(T’)E(T) such that Te+e’ is a spanning tree of G.
G T T’ T-e+e’
Graph Theory 8
Proposition 21: If T, T’ are spanning trees of a connected
graph G and eE(T)E(T’), then there is an edge
e’E(T’)E(T) such that Te+e’ is a spanning tree of G.
• Every edge of T is a cut-edge of T. Let U and U’ be the two components
of Te.
• Since T’ is connected, T’ has an edge e’ with endpoints in U and U’.
• Now Te+e’ is connected, has n(G)1 edges, and is a spanning tree of
T e
T’ Te+e’
Graph Theory 9
Distance in Trees and Graphs
• Assume G has a u, v-path
• Then the distance from u to v, written dG(u,v) or d(u,v),
is the least length of a u,v-path.
• If G has no such path, then d(u,v)=
Graph Theory 10
Distance in Trees and Graphs
• The diameter (diam G) is maxu,vV(G) d(u,v)
• Upper bound of distance between every pair
• The eccentricity of a vertex u is
(u) = maxvV(G) d(u,v)
• Upper bound of the distance from u to the others
• The radius of a graph G is rad G = minuV(G) (u)
• Lower bound of the eccentricity
Graph Theory 11
Distance, Diameter, Eccentricity, and Radius
a b
e c
g d
Distance(f,c) : 2 Diameter: 3 Eccentricity(f): 2 Radius: 2
Distance(g,c): 2 Eccentricity(a): 3
Distance(a,c): 3
Graph Theory 12
Remaining slides contain an alternate proof of
Proposition 20:
For an n-vertex graph G (with n1), the following are
equivalent (and characterize the trees with n vertices)
A) G is connected and has no cycles
B) G is connected and has n1 edges
C) G has n1 edges and no cycles
D) For u, vV(G), G has exactly one u, v-path
Graph Theory 13
A{B,C}. connected, acyclic n1 edges
• We use induction on n.
• For n=1, an acyclic 1-vertex graph has no edge
• For n >1, we suppose that implication holds for
graphs with fewer than n vertices
• Given an acyclic connected graph G, we have a leaf v
• G’=Gv also is acyclic and connected
• Applying the induction hypothesis to G’ yields
• Since only one edge is incident to v, we have
Graph Theory 14
B{A, C} Connected and n1 edges acyclic
Graph Theory 15
C{A, B} n1 edges and no cycles connected
Graph Theory 16
DA For u, vV(G), one and only one u, v-path exists
connected and no cycles
Graph Theory 17