Cognitive Ergonomics

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Cognitive Ergonomics

BY :
Almaden, Giles B.
Acaso, Kyla Shenna
Cognitive Ergonomics
What is Cognitive

Cognitive ergonomics is the field of study that

focuses on how well the use of a product
matches the cognitive capabilities of users. It
draws on knowledge of human perception,
mental processing, and memory. Rather than
being a design discipline, it is a source of
knowledge for designers to use as guidelines for
ensuring good usability.

Cognitive Ergonomics

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70`s 80`s

The field of cognitive ergonomics emerged Enid Mumford was one of the pioneers of
predominantly in the 70s with the advent of interactive systems engineering and advocated the
the personal computer and new developments notion of user-centered design, wherein the user is
in the fields of cognitive psychology and considered "included in all phases of the design".
artificial intelligence. There are several different models which describe
the criteria for designing user-friendly technology.
Cognitive ergonomics is the application of
psychology to work to achieve the A number of models focus on a systematic process
optimization between people and their for design, using task analysis to evaluate the
work cognitive processes involved with a given task and
develop adequate interface capabilities.
Physical Ergonomics Vs. Cognitive Ergonomics

Physical Ergonomics focuses on our bodies.

Cognitive Ergonomics is interested in what goes in our brains:

• the way our senses perceive information;

• the way in which we understand and interpret it; and
• what determines the decision we make.

Models and Methods of
Cognitive Ergonomics
1. Design phase

Cognitive ergonomics promotes "user-centered

design" in the sense that users are integrated into
the design process as early as possible.

Examples of methods:
• focus groups
• socio-cognitive analysis
• task analysis

Models and Methods of
Cognitive Ergonomics

2. Evaluation phase

User-centered design involves

iterative design so that evaluation is
conducted at every stage of development.
Most evaluation methods aim at
evaluating usability.

Task Analysis
• Describes the task
• How and why it is undertaken
• What skills and equipments are needed
• What actions are required and their complexity
• The time necessary for the task
• Feedback mechanisms
• Helps identify likely errors and hazards associated with the task

Aims of Task Analysis

• Understand the individual components of work
• Understand the order and sequence of work
• Evaluate in isolation or interactively the separate fuctions of a job
• Evaluate the information or decision-making requirements of the work
The criteria and sub-criteria of the taxonomy of microworlds proposed by Brehmer (1999)
Types of Task Information Requirements

Task Information Description

Identification of subtasks A listing of the activities involved with a task.

Grouping of subtasks An organized, often hierarchical listing of the activities involved in a task.

Commonalities and interrelationships between An indication of the extent to which subtasks have features in common and are linked to each other.

Importance or priorities of subtasks Assessment of the criticality of subtasks.

Frequency of subtasks Information on the relative frequency of occurrence of subtasks under different conditions.

Sequencing of subtasks Information on the order of occurrence of subtasks under different conditions.

Decisions made in the execution of subtasks Part of the sequencing may be based on a decision needed to choose the branch of activity and thus a given set of subtasks.

'Trigger' conditions for subtask execution Execution of a subtask may depend upon the occurrence of a particular event or a decision made in during a previous task or subtask.

Objectives or goals of each subtask A key feature of an analysis is the recording of the objectives of each subtask.

Performance criteria for each subtask Recording of objectives may include statements about performance criteria.

Information required by each subtask The items of information needed and their sources.

Information generated by each subtask Information that the user inputs into the system.

Knowledge employed in making decisions Information that the user utilizes in decision making.

Knowledge of system employed in performing Understanding that the user has of how the system functions.
Potential Data Collection Methods

Data Collection Method Description

Observation Observe and record information about the worker performing job. May first observe the worker and subsequently ask the worker to provide
verbal explanation while walking through the steps.

Interview Ask the operator questions about job. Questions can be open-ended to learn more about the job. May conduct while worker is performing
job or may do away from job site. Worker must know that the information collected will remain confidential and anonymous.

Focus group Discussion with a group of typically 8 to 12 people, away from work site. A moderator is used to focus the discussion on a series of topics or
issues. Useful for collecting exploratory or preliminary information that can be used to determine the questions needed for a subsequent
structured survey or interview.

Existing documentation Review any existing operating manuals, training manuals, safety reports, and previous analyses.

Checklist Use a structured checklist to identify particular components or issues associated with the job. Available for a range of ergonomic issues,
including workplace concerns, human-machine interfaces, environmental concerns.

Questionnaire Use to collect systematically individual's views of a system or task. Questions should be structured, although can be open-ended.

Videotape Tape the worker performing the job or specific tasks. Provides record of the job and ability to repeatedly study the tasks.
Cognitive Analysis Of The Task: General Anaesthesia
Suggested Task Analysis Techniques for Equipment Design

Analysis Technique Description

Hierarchical Task A broad approach to task analysis used to represent relationship between tasks and subtasks. Documents system requirements
Analysis and order in which tasks must take place. Useful to determine how the work should be organized to meet the systems goals.
Applications range from taking a global look at a system to looking at specific details of a system, such as interface design.

Interface Surveys A group of methods used for task and interface design to identify specific human factors problems or deficiencies, such as labeling
of controls and displays. These methods require an analyst to systematically conduct an evaluation of the operator-machine
interface and record specific features. Examples of these methods include control/display analysis, labeling surveys, and coding
consistency surveys.

Link analysis Used to identify relationships between components of a system. Provides a means to represent the nature, frequency, and/or
importance of links between components within a system.

Operations sequence Used to illustrate relations between personnel, equipment, and time. Identifies operations in the order in which they are carried
diagrams out using standard symbols. Flowchart represents information flow and behavior rather than the observable process.

Timeline analysis Set of principles rather than a precisely defined technique. Used to map operator's tasks along time to take into account task
frequency, duration, and interactions with other tasks and personnel.
Name of organisation completing the work: Job name:    

Task:     Job number:    

Principal contractor:   Job location:    

Date the JSA was prepared:   Number of pages in this JSA:  

This JSA has been reviewed by:   This JSA has been discussed with:  

Principal Contractor or Representative (signature) Employee/subcontractor (signature)  

Position Date Position Date  

Item Work activity Hazard Risk control Persons responsible Completion

Number Break the job down into steps What could harm someone? What can be done to make Who will make sure it Date and signoff

      the job safe? happens?  

Cognitive Processes

Cognition covers processing and handling information in 1. Sensation and perception:

• Signifies perception of stimuli gathered through the
the human mind and brain. Cognition processes involve in
senses such as sight, hearing, taste, smell, and/or touch.
encoding, maintaining, rehearsing, recalling, and
transforming information. Human cognition can be
alienated into several functions that stimulate optimal 2. Attention:
human performance. It is imperative to understand • A stage where the processing is focused on certain
aspects of perceived information or processing may be
cognitive functions that are pertinent to a specific work or
divided into two or several aspects.
task and to safeguard that the working environment is
suitable for these job conditions. The basic cognitive 3. A short-term memory:
follows the following processes: • Information storage is available for up to 30 seconds. It
suggests to the processes with which information is actively
rehearsed and manipulated in mind.

4. Long-term memory:
• This is a permanent store for different kinds of
information, such as semantic memory, episodic
memory, autobiographical memory, and procedural
Need for Cognitive Ergonomics
Categorizing Human Failure

Unintentional Errors:
 Errors (slips/lapses) are “actions that were
not as planned” (unintended actions).
 Mistakes are also errors, but errors of
judgment of decision-making (“intended
actions are wrong”)

Intentional Errors:
• Violations differ from the above in that they
are intentional (but usually well-meaning)
failures, such as taking a shortcut or non-
compliance with procedures, e.g., deliberate
deviations from the rules and procedures.
How Cognitive Ergonomics Affects
Worker Safety

Research and application of cognitive ergonomics has

traditionally focused on human interaction with large,
complex machinery such as nuclear power plants and
airplane cockpit design. Human error is also a major factor
in accidents in every industry from aviation to healthcare
Cognitive Ergonomics for Work
to construction. Numerous studies have found a direct
correlation between workplace accidents and injuries and
Safety Improvement
worker distraction, inattention, and mental errors.
Cognitive ergonomics aims to design work conditions a
environments that enhance cognitive functioning and human
performance at work, and as a consequence, improve
productivity, safety, and health at work. With cognitive
ergonomics in the industry, main purposes are largely focuse
on improving work functioning and reducing human errors.
Practicing cognitive ergonomics can provide the following
benefits to improving safety and productivity and reducing
accidents and injuries at workplaces:

1. User-centered design of a software interface.

2. The design of a sign to convey the message so that people
will understand and act in an intended manner.
3. The design of safer tools and machinery so that operators
will not make catastrophic errors.
4. The design of information technology systems that support
cognitive tasks . Work redesign to manage cognitive How Can Cognitive Ergonomics Help?
workload and increase human reliability.
Cognitive ergonomics can enhance safety programs an
worker safety at numerous levels including:

 Diagnosis of issues and problems

 Workload efficiency and maximization
 Situation awareness
 Decision-making — both long-term, short-term and critica
 Planning for tasks, assignments, layout and design.
 Training of workers and supervisors
The Interaction of Man And Machine
Here are a few tips for creating a safety program that accounts for cognitive ergonomics.

 Consider the domain of the workplace or the constraints and opportunities of the environment you work in.
 Ensure your safety program considers the demands of the specific work your employees are doing and
considers user strategies in performing cognitive tasks.
 Consider the competencies and cognitive limitations of your workers in their interactions with the system.
Include attention, perception errors, strategies and cognitive workload, or the effort used by working memory
in the completion of tasks.
 Examine the limitations and constraints of the tools or artifacts used in the workplace and how these might
affect the user and the user’s interactions with both the workplace and the tools.
 Design both tools and human-machine interfaces that will allow humans to perform at peak capacity, even
when information is unreliable, unexpected events occur, goals conflict or time constraints are in effect.
• Consider human over-reliance on machines or a potential lack of trust in machines, as both can have an
impact on safety. This will become increasingly critical as workplace machines and systems become
increasingly sophisticated.
• Put into place hiring and screening practices which emphasize cognitive abilities. For example, some people
exhibit a higher working memory capacity or attention spans, qualities which help you avoid errors that result
from inattention or cognitive lockdown.
Putting Cognitive Ergonomic
Into Practice
 Signage with designs and colors that maximize comprehension and
compliance (certain color combinations and fonts are easier to read)
 Work environments that make catastrophic errors difficult (or impossible) —
for example, by creating two-step processes or placing critical controls in safe
 Work and task planning that considers both cognitive workload and human
reliability — repetitive tasks can, for example, decrease attentiveness, which
can lead to error
 Adjustment of lighting or glare to ensure better readability
 Consistency in the design of system controls to ensure employees react
consistently to emergencies
 Training programs that consider the limitations of human memory and the
way in which people learn, process, and apply information
 Alarm systems that suppress minor alarms in order to allow critical alarms to
be heard
Application of Cognitive Ergonomics
 Design a software interface to be “easy to use”.
 Designing an icons and visual cues so that the majority of the
people will understand and act the intended manner.
 Designing an airplane cockpit or nuclear power plant control
system so that the operations will not make catastrophic errors.

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