Forensic Report

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a.)Barrel Distortion

image magnification decreases with

distance from the optical axis.
Straight lines bend inwards in a shape of
a barrel or a sphere.
b.)Pincushion Distortion

image magnification increases with distance

from the optical axis.

The exact opposite of the barrefl distortion,

straight lines bend outwards from the center.
c.)Mustache Distortion

sometimes called “wavy distortion” and referred to

as complex distortion because it is the combination of
barrel and pincushion distortion.

Straight lines bend outwards from the center then

curve outwards at the extreme corners.
Types of Lens According to Degree
of Correction for Lens Aberration
1.Simple Meniscus Lens
Almost universally used by inexpensive cameras.
 It controls astigmatism and eliminates coma.
 Spherical and chromatic aberrations and field
curvature are totally uncorrected, but are rendered
tolerable by the low speed —about f/10 to f/15.
2.Rapid Rectilinear Lens, or RR lens
is a symmetrical pair of cemented achromatic
doublets. It was introduced by Dallmeyer in 1866.
At the same time Steinheil invented a similar
construction, the Aplanat lens.
 This lens construction reduces effectively
radial distortion.
3.Anastigmat or Anastigmatic Lens
 completely corrects the three main optical
aberrations: spherical aberration, coma, and
The first Anastigmat was designed by Paul Rudolph
for the Carl Zeiss AG in 1890.
All modern photographic lenses are close to
being anastigmatic, meaning that they can create
extremely sharp images for all objects across their
field of view.
4.Achromatic Lens or Achromat
Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two
wavelengths (typically red and blue) into focus on
the same plane.
 designed to limit the effects of chromatic and
spherical aberration.
The most common type of achromat is the
achromatic doublet, which is composed of two
individual lenses made from glasses with different
amounts of dispersion. Typically, one element is a
negative (concave) element made out of flint glass.

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