HILTI PPT-Seismic Design of Anchors

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Design of Fastenings for Dynamic

Actions (Seismic Loads)

Seminar Teheran

November , 2006

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Jenö Varga

1976 - 1981: Civil Engineering Diploma, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary

1981 - 1982: Structural Designer, “Olajterv” – Budapest, Hungary

1882 - 1983: Engineer, Hungarian Army, Hungary

1983 - 1991: Research Officer, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary

1984 - 1987: Post-graduate Research, The University of Adelaide, Australia

1991 - 1993: Senior Lecturer, The University of Witsvatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
1991 – 1993 Post-Doctoral Research

1993 - 1998: Research Officer, IWB, The University of Stuttgart, Germany

approval and development tests of various pre-cast and post-installed
fasteners, contribution into CEB Fastening Design
1995 – 1997: Teacher Diploma, The University of Budapest

1998 - 2000: Teacher, International School of Stuttgart, Germany

Mathematics, Physics, Computing – IB course Higher lever

2000 - : Engineer, Hilti AG, Fastening Technologies

(application support for non-code cases – fastenings, training Hilti staff,
calculation control, Profis Anchor - project manager, HAT-175 developer)

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Differences to static design, classification, characteristics:
induced accelerations activate forces of inertia and damping

Classification Fatigue Seismic Shock

Number of
104 < n < 108 101 < n < 104 1 < n < 20
load cycles

Rate of strain 10-6 <  < 10-3 10-5 <  < 10-2 10-3 <  < 10-1
•Traffic loads •Earthquakes •Explosions
•Machines, cranes •Artificial •Abrupt Structure
•Ventilators earthquakes failure
•Wind, Waves •Crash Barriers

Ratio FR,dyn/FR,stat 30 (!) - 100% 80 - 130% 100 - 200%

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Examples Earthquake
Typical Fastening Problems (structural and non structural)

Toppled and damaged Falling wall panels

furniture,City Hall Kobe, 1995 Public Building, Kobe, 1995

Suspended Ceilings
San Francisco Airport
Loma Prieta earthquake

Damages in a Switchyard Destroyed column fixing

Managua, 1972 San Francisco, 1989
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Earthquake Relevance

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Video from Hyogo-Ken Nanbu Earthquake
Kobe, Japan
January 17, 1995 5:46 am

moment magnitude: 7.2 (JMA)

loss of life: 5,200
injured: > 26,000 Kobe2.mpg

homeless: > 300,000

estimated total loss: $100 billion

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Examples Shock
Typical Fastening Problems (structural)
Emergency Installations
(e.g. emergency stop
fixings in elevators)

Crash barrier fixing on concrete

(e.g. on bridges, etc.)

(e.g. installations in civil shelters)
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Examples Fatigue

Machine fixing
(e.g. pumps, ventilators,
punching machines, etc.)
Robot fixing
(e.g. in automobile
industry, etc.) Fixing of cranes,
hydro-jacks, etc.)

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Suitability of Different Anchor Types
Anchor Type



Bonded Expansion

Concrete screw

Torque controlled bolt

Torque controlled

Base Material

Un-cracked concrete + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Cracked concrete - + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Small cracks w<0,5mm

Cracked concrete - - + + + ++ ++
Medium cracks
Cracked concrete - - - - - + ++
++ very
Large suitable
cracks w>1,0mm + suitable – not suitable
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General Rules for Seismic Safe Design

Design Constructive
• EQ-proof position and
fastening measures

• EQ-proof design of the fixing

• Additional Fixings as
constructive measure
• Limitation or allowance of
Examples • design of anchors • screws, clamping etc. to
• design of cross- limit displacements
sections, etc. • struts to take horizontal
• free space to allow
differential displacements

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Design for Earthquakes
Main difficulties for a proper earthquake design

1. Predictability of Seismic activities and loads Ground acceleration


Floor acceleration

Equipment acceleration


2. Cracks 3. Ductility

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Design for Earthquakes

Example: Uniform Building Code (USA)

•estimation of horizontal load (static)

Fp  Z  I  C p  W p
FP static horizontal load
Z factor for seismic zone (from code)
I factor for acceleration
CP factor for stiffness of structure
WP mass of element / equipment

•resistance: safety factor 4

“fasteners shall be designed for four times the forces determined“

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3 main design possibilities
Stiff fixture: ”equivalent force process” stiff fixing
Based on the building floor
acceleration and the mass of the

Elastic fixture: “response spectra process” low

elastic fixing
natural frequency, the load on the fas-
tening is governed by the fixture's
response to dynamic incitation.
Acceleration of the fixture is relevant
when using this process.
ductile fixing
Ductile fixture: “plastic design” fastening design
is based on the maximum load that can
be applied to the anchor when plastic
deformation takes place.

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Case Study Seismic Design

Example: Equivalent Force Process

afloor = 0.75 g ≈ 7.5 m/s2 (e.g. from codes)
F=m . afloor
F=500 . 7.5 = 3,750 N = 3.75 kN
Vd=F / 4
Vd=3.75 / 4 = 0.94 kN
Nd= F . hCG / (2 . b)
Nd= 3.75 . 100 / (2 . 60) = 3.13 kN
2 2
S d  Vd  Nd

Sd  0.942 3.132  3.27kN

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Case Study Seismic Design

Example: Response Spectra Process

Ventilation unit mounted on springs (for

insulation reasons): f0<15Hz
afloor = 0.75 g ≈ 7.5 m/s2
Increasing factor due to low natural
frequency: factor Aequip = 2.0 (out of literature
or manufact. informations)
-> aequip = Aequip*afloor ≈ 15 m/s2
F = m*aequip
F = 600*15 = 9,000N = 9.0kN
Vd = F/4
Vd = 9.0/4 = 2.25 kN
Nd = F*hCG / (2*b)
Nd = 9 . 80 / (2*175) = 2.06 kN
Fadm,eq = Rd,crack > Sd

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Case Study Seismic Design

Example: Design with Plastic Moment

Installation channels used as columns

for ventilation fixing:
Mplast = fy . W
Mplast = 235*3’000 = 705’000 Nmm
Mplast is generated Fplast, acting at a height, hp:
Fplast = Mplast/hp
Fplast = 705’000 / 500 = 1,410 N = 1.41 kN

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Seismic Design with Hilti PROFIS Anchor program

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Special Applications: Nuclear Power Plants - Impact

DIBt Guideline for the use of anchors in Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)
Impact categories:

A) probability of 1 occurrence during service life

(design earthquake, plane crash, explosions...)

B) probability of 10 occurrences during service life

C) service loads (static) and incidents with a

probability of 10 occurrences during
service life

For safety relevant fixings in NPP, DIBt asks for additional tests beside the
statical DIBt or ETA-approval.

DIBt: Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (German Institute for construction technology)

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Special Applications: Nuclear Power Plants - Design
DIBt Guideline for the use of anchors in Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

Design according to concrete-capacity-method, with special load and

material safety factors
Load safety factors:
G=Q= 1.0 for category A
1.2 for category B
1.4 for category C

Material safety factors:

concreteMc=Mp= 1.7 for category A
1.9 for category B
2.1 for category C
steel: according to ETAG, Annex C
(Ms=1.4 for tensile loads and Ms=1.25 for shear loads)

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Special Applications: Nuclear Power Plants - Tests
DIBt Guideline for the use of anchors in Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)
• all anchors are set in closed hairline cracks

crack width at test load criteria

N - displacement at 0.5 Fu,m
1 1.5 mm - variation of Fu,m
t - value of Fu,m
N - no failure
2 1.5 mm - develop. of displacement
t in time

w 1.5mm - no failure
3 1.0mm - develop. of displacement
t t in time

N - variation of displ. at Fu,m

4 1.0 mm - variation of Fu,m
- no failure
5 1.0 mm t - final ultimate shear load

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Earthquakes: Testing of Anchors
Many different test procedures according to national regulations

Excerpt from ICC ES Acceptance Criteria (seismic method

• Tension: pulsating sinusoidal seismic cycle

• shear: alternating sinusoidal seismic cycle
• frequency 0.1 to 0.2 Hertz
• at least 5 anchors
• shallowest and deepest embedment depth

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Earthquakes: Testing of Anchors - Tension
• Maximum load Ns: 1.5tension value for which recognition is
• The minimum load value shall not be smaller than 5% of Fu
• Uncracked concrete

Ns Ns: maximum tension test load

Ni: a load midway between
Nm Ns and Nm
10 30 100
Nm: 1/4 of the average ultimate
cycles tension load Tref

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Earthquakes: Testing of Anchors - Shear
• Maximum load Vs: 1.5shear value for which recognition is
• The value for which recognition is desired shall not be larger than
133.33 percent of the allowable static loads under the same
• Uncracked
V concrete

load Vi
Vm Vs: maximum shear test load

Vi: a load midway between

10 30 100
Vs and Vm
Vm: 1/4 of the average ultimate
- -Vm tension load Tref

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General Improvement of Fixings to Steel Beams

Standard Fixings
not suitable for EQ limited suitable for EQ

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General Improvement of Fixings to Steel Beams

Improvement with
Hilti MF-CS

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General Improvement of Fixings to Steel Beams

Securing of
channels with
End- Stoppers

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General Improvement of Fixings to Steel Beams

Securing of
channels with
End- Stoppers

Securing of
channels with

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Installations: Pipes

The distance between the

supports, the size and
mass of the pipe and the
horizontal acceleration are
decisive whether or not
struts are necessary.

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Installations: EQ Proof Channels
multiple fixing Load Direction
lateral longitudin
Type al

no additional measures for EQ

stiff U-Joch constructions or
struts necessary


no additional additional

struts struts

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