Chapter Three: Probability Distributions
Chapter Three: Probability Distributions
Chapter Three: Probability Distributions
3.1 Probability and Probability Distributions
is the measure of a chance that something will occur.
is a numerical measure of the likelihood or chance of
occurrence of an uncertain event in random experiment.
Random experiment
is a process or course of action that results in one of a
number of possible outcomes.
The outcomes that occur can not be predicted with
In a random experiment, a variable whose measured value
can change is referred to as a random variable (X).
A probability is usually expressed in terms of a random
Sample Space
It is a list of all possible outcomes of an experiment
It denoted by S
Is the set of individual outcomes within a sample space and
having a specific common characteristic.
For example:
even numbers turn up when a die is tossed (2, 4, 6) .
either head or tail occurs in two tosses of a coin
telephone calls lasting no more than 10 minutes
sales volume of a retail store more than birr 1000 on a given day
Example: Consider the pattern of arrival of customers at a
service counter during the first hour it is open along with
its probabilities
Number of persons 0 1 2 3 4
An important special case of this rule is the rule
probability of complementary events or mutually
exclusive (events which can not occur simultaneously).
If events A & B are complementary events, the probability
that either A happens or B happens is given by
P (A or B) =P(A) +P(B) =P(A) + 1-P (A) =1
P (A) =1- P (B)
Non Mutually Exclusive (Partially Overlapping) Events
If events A and B are not mutually exclusive, it is possible for
both events to occur simultaneously.
This means these events have some sample points in
Such events are also called joint or overlapping events.
The sample points in common (belong to both events)
represent the joint event A n B (read as A intersection B).
The addition rule in this case is stated as:
If two events A and B are mutually nonexclusive, then the
probability of either A or B or both happening is equal to the
sum of their individual probabilities minus the probability of
A and B happening together.
P (A U B) = P (A) + P (B) – P (A n B) when 2 events occurs.
The above equation can be expanded to include more than two
If there are three events that are not mutually exclusive, then the
probability of the union of these events is given by:
P (AUBUC ) = P(A)+P(B) +P(C) –P(A n B)- P(B n C)-P(A n C) +P(A n B n C)
Example: Suppose 70 percent of all tourists who come to
Ethiopia visit Gondar, 60 percent will visit Lalibela, and 50
percent of them visit both Gondar and Lalibela. What is the
probability that the tourists will visit Gondar or Lalibela?
Applying the above rule, we have
P (G or L) =P (G) +P (L) – P (G and L) /or=u, and=n/
=0.7 + 0.6 - 0.5 = 0.8
How about tourists will visit neither Gondar nor Lalibela
P( neither G nor L) = 1- P(either H or L) = 1- 0.8 = 0.20
2 Multiplication Rules
A. Statistically independent events
when the occurrence of an event does not affect the occurrence of the other
and it is not affected by the probability of occurrences of any other event.
Here there are three types of probabilities
a. Marginal probability:
It happen when outcome of each event that is statistically independent of the outcome
of every other event.
b. Joint probability:
when probability of two or more independent events occurring together.
It is equal to the products of their marginal probabilities
If A and B are independent events:
P(AB) = P(A B) = P (A) X P(B)
c. Conditional probability:
for statistically independent events A and B ,the conditional probability denoted by
P(A/B) of event A, given that event B has already occurred is simply the probability of A.
P(A/B)=P(A), probability of event A, known that event B has already occurred.
B. Statistically Dependent Events
It happen when the probability of an event is dependent upon or affected by the
occurrence of any other event
a. Joint probability :
If A and B are dependent events, then the joint probability as discussed under statistical
independence case is no longer equal to the product of their respective probabilities.
The joint probability of events A and B occurring together under statistical dependence is
given by:
P(A B) =P(A) x P(B/A) Or P (A B)= P(B) x P(A/B)
b.Conditional probability:
under statistical dependence, the conditional probability of event B given that
event A has already happen, denoted by P(B/A), is given by:
P ( A B)
P (B/A) = P ( A)
Similarly the conditional probability of A , given that B has occurred, is
P( A B)
P (A/B) = P( B)
c. Marginal probability:
the marginal probability of an event under statistical dependence is the same as
the marginal probability of an event under statistical independence.
Example: the probability of snowing if it rains is 0.32 and the
probability of raining in a given day is 0.5. What is the
probability of snowing in a given day if the probability of
raining given snowing is 0.4?
Let P(S) probability of snowing
P(R) probability of raining
P(S/R) =0.32
P(R) =0.5
P(R/S) = 0.4
P(S) =?
P (R/S) = P( S R) equivalently P(S) = P( S R)
P( S ) P( R / S )
But we do not have P(S n R),to find it let us use the
P( S R)
P( R)
P (S/R) =
P(S R) = P (S/R) x P(R)
= 0.32 x 0.5 =0.16
Let us now use the above formula to calculate the
probability of S, P(S).
P( S R) 0.16
P(S) = P( R / S ) = 0.4
3.2 Decision Theory
Decision Theory:
represents a general approach to decision making which is suitable
for a wide range of operations.
is the selection process leading to a particular action being taken
The corresponding action is in fact the realization of a decision
is a choice made between two or more available alternatives
Decision making
is the process of choosing the best alternative for reaching objectives
A good decision
is an action we take that is logically consistent with
the alternatives we perceive,
the information we have, and
the preferences we feel.
Types of Decisions
a. Programmed decisions
are routine and repetitive, and the organization typically develops
specific ways to handle them
Determining how products will be arranged on the shelves of a
b. non-programmed
are typically one-shot decisions that are usually less structured than
programmed decisions
Deciding whether a supermarket should carry an additional type of
Elements in a decision situation
There are five elements in a decision situation
1. Decision maker
2. Goals to be served
3. Relevant alternative
4. Ordering of alternatives
5. Choice of alternatives
1. Decision Maker
Individuals or groups that actually make the choice among alternatives
Ideal decision makers emphasize the realization of the organization’s
potential, and try to use all of their talents when making a decision and are
characterized by reason and sound judgment
2. Goals to be served
The objectives that decision makers seek to attain
In the case of managers, these goals should most often be organizational
3. Relevant Alternatives
At least two relevant alternatives
A relevant alternative is one that is considered feasible for solving an
existing problem and for implementation
4. Ordering of Alternatives
The decision situation requires a process or mechanism for
ranking alternatives from most desirable to least desirable
This process can be subjective, objective, or some combination of
the two
5. Choice of Alternatives
The actual choice between available alternatives establishes the
decision as a fact
Managers choose the alternative that maximizes long-term return
for the organization
Decision-making Process
The decision-making process comprises the steps the decision
maker takes to arrive at a choice
The process that a manager uses to make decisions has a
significant impact on quality of decisions that manager makes
Identify List Select Implement
existing Alternative Most Chosen
problem Problem Beneficial Alternative
Solutions Alternative
DM Process…
I. Identifying an Existing Problem
Decision making is essentially a problem-solving process that involves
eliminating barriers to achieving organizational goals
The first step in this elimination process is identifying exactly what the
problems or barriers are
DM Process…
V. Gathering Problem-Related Feedback
Decision makers must gather feedback to determine the effect of
the implemented alternative on the identified problem
If the identified problem is not being solved, managers need to
find out and carry on some other alternative
Characteristics of Decision Theory
The characteristics of Decision Theory are
1. A list of alternatives
2. A list of possible future states of nature
3. Payoffs associated with each alternative/state of
nature combinations
4. An assessment of the degree of certainty of possible
future events
5. A decision criterion
Characteristics of DT…
1. List of alternatives:
are a set of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive
decisions that are available to the decision maker (some
times, not always, one of these alternatives will be to ‘do
2. States of nature:
the set of possible future conditions, or events, beyond the
control of the decision maker, that will be the primary
determinants of the eventual consequence of the decision.
The states of nature, like the list of alternatives, must be
mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.
Characteristics of DT…
3. Payoffs:
the decision maker may have different payoffs associated
with different decision alternatives and states of nature
The payoffs might be profits, revenues, costs, or other
measures of value.
Usually the measures are financial and are estimated values.
The more accurate these estimates,
the more useful they will be for decision making purposes and
the more likely, the decision maker will choose an appropriate
The number of payoffs depends on the number of
alternative/state of nature combination.
We can express the payoffs of a given decision by payoff table
Characteristics of DT…
Payoff table
It is a device a decision maker can use to summarize and
organize information relevant to a particular decision.
Causes for poor decision
1. Bounded Rationality :
The limitation caused by costs, human abilities,
time, technology, and availability of information.
2. Suboptimization:
The result of different departments each
attempting to reach a solution that is optimum
for that department but may be suboptimal to the
Types of Decision Making Environment
In most cases, it is impossible for decision makers to know
exactly what the future consequences of an implemented
alternative (environment) will be.
Types of Decision Making Environment…
A. Decision Making Under Certainty
Decision makers know exactly what the results of an
implemented alternative will be, have complete
knowledge about a decision
List outcomes for alternatives and then choose the
outcome with the highest payoff (e.g. investment on
government bonds)
Most organizational decisions are made outside the
complete certainty situation
Generally here environment in which relevant
parameters have known values
DM Under Certainty…
The simplest of all circumstances occurs when decision making
takes place in an environment of complete certainty
DM Under Certainty…
Example: The following payoff table provides data about profits of the
various states of nature/alternative combination.
S1 S2 S3
4 16 12
5 6 10
-1 4 15
If we know that S2 will occur, the decision maker then can focus on the
B. Decision making under uncertainty
Decision makers have absolutely no idea what the results of an
implemented alternative will be
The complete uncertainty condition would exist, for example, if
there were no historical data on which to base a decision.
Few organizational decisions need to be made in the complete
uncertainty condition
here the environment in which it is impossible to assess the
likelihood of various future events
Under complete uncertainty, the decision maker either is
unable to estimate the probabilities for the occurrence of the
different states of nature, or
else s/he lacks confidence in available estimates of probabilities, and
for that reason, probabilities are not included in the analysis.
DM under uncertainty…
More than one states of nature exists but the decision
maker lacks the knowledge about the probabilities of
their circumstances
We shall consider five approaches to decision making
under complete uncertainty.
These are:
1. Maximax
2. Maximin
3. Minimax regret
4. Insufficient reason
5. Criterion of realism
1. Maximax (optimistic ) Criteria
The decision maker selects the decision that will result
in the maximum of the maximum payoffs.
The maximax is very optimistic.
The decision maker assumes that the most favorable
state of nature for each decision alternative will occur.
If the pay off table consists of costs instead of profits, the
opposite selection would be indicated: The minimum of
minimum costs (MiniMin).
For the subsequent decision criteria we encounter, the same
logic in the case of costs can be used
Maximax ….
Example: The investor would optimistically assume
that good economic conditions will prevail in the
future. The best payoff for each alternative is
identified, and the alternative with the maximum of
these is the designated decision.
S1 S2 S3 Row Maximum
4 16 12 16* Maximum
A2 5 6 10 10
A3 -1 4 15 15
Maximin Criteria…
S1 S2 S3 Row Minimum
A1 4 16 12 4
5 6 10 5*Maximum
A3 -1 4 15 -1
3. Minimax Regret
In order to use this approach, it is necessary to develop an
opportunity loss table.
The table reflects the difference between each payoff and the
best possible payoff in a column (i.e., given a state of nature).
Hence, opportunity loss amounts are found by identifying the
best payoff in a column and, then, subtracting each of the
other values in the column from that payoff.
Therefore, this decision avoids the greatest regret by
selecting the decision alternative that minimizes the
maximum regret.
Minimax Regret…
S1 S2 S3
4 16 12
5 6 10
-1 4 15
Minimax Regret…
A decision maker could select an alternative that
minimize the maximum possible regret.
4. Insufficient reason
The principle of insufficient reason offers a method that
incorporates more of the information.
Here we use Laplace (criteria of rationality)or Baye’s
It treats the states of nature as if each were equally likely,
and it focuses on the average payoff for each row,
selecting the alternative that has the highest row
Insufficient reason…
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 Row average
28 28 28 28 4 23.2*maximum
5 5 5 5 28 9.6
5 5 5 5 28 9.6
Decision: A1 is selected
The basis for the criterion of insufficient reason is that under complete uncertainty,
the decision maker should not focus on either high or low payoffs, but should treat
all payoffs (actually, all states of nature), as if they were equally likely.
5. Hurwitz Criterion (Criterion of realism)
This criterion strikes a compromise between the maximax and
maximin criterion.
The principle underlying this decision criterion is that the decision
maker is neither totally optimistic, nor totally pessimistic.
With Hurwitz criterion, the decision payoffs are weighted by a
coefficient of optimism, a measure of a decision maker’s optimism.
The coefficient of optimism, which is defined as , is between zero
and one (0< <1). If = 1, then the decision maker is said to be
completely optimistic, if = 0, then the decision maker is
completely pessimistic. Given this definition, if is coefficient of
optimism, 1- is coefficient of pessimism.
The Hurwitz criterion requires that for each alternative, the
maximum payoff is multiplied by and the minimum payoff be
multiplied by 1- .
Hurwitz Criterion…
S1 S2 S3 Max row
A1 4 16 12 16
A2 5 6 10 10
A3 -1 4 15 15
Hurwitz Criterion …
A limitation of Hurwicz criterion is the fact that must be
determined by the decision maker.
Regardless of how the decision maker determines , it is still
a completely a subjective measure of the decision maker’s
degree of optimism.
Therefore, Hurwicz criterion is a completely subjective
decision making criterion /not objective/.
C. Decision Making Under Risk
The decision making criteria just presented previously
were based on the assumption that no information
regarding the likelihood of the states of the nature was
Thus, no probabilities of occurrence were assigned to the
states of nature, except in the case of the equal likelihood
It is often possible for the decision maker to know enough
about the future state of nature to assign probabilities to
their occurrences.
Decision Making Under Risk…
The term risk is often used in conjunction with partial
uncertainty, presence of probabilities for the occurrence of
various states of nature.
The probabilities may be subjective estimates from
managers or from experts in a particular field, or they may
reflect historical frequencies.
If they are reasonably correct, they provide the decision maker
with additional information that can dramatically improve the
decision making process.
Decision Making Under Risk…
Decision makers have only enough information about the
outcome of each alternative to estimate how probable the
outcome will be.
Most decisions in organizations have some amount of risk
associated with them
The lower the quality of information about the outcome of
an alternative,
the closer the situation is to complete uncertainty and
the higher is the risk of choosing that alternative
Given that probabilities can be assigned, several decision
criteria (approaches) are available to aid the decision maker.
I. Expected Monetary Value (EMV)
The EMV approach provides the decision maker with a value which
The best alternative is, then, the one that has the highest EMV.
EMVi = the EMV for the ith alternative
Pi = the probability of the ith state of nature
Vij = the estimated payoff for alternative i under state of nature j.
Note: the sum of the probabilities for all states of nature must be 1.
Probability 0.20 0.50 0.30
S1 S2 S3 Expected payoff
4 16 12 12.40*maximum
A2 5 6 10 7
A3 -1 4 15 6.3
II. Expected Opportunity Loss (EOL)
The table of opportunity loss is used rather than a
table of payoffs.
Hence, the opportunity losses for each alternative are
weighted by the probabilities of their respective state
of nature to compute a long run average opportunity
Then alternative with the smallest expected loss is
selected as the best choice.
S1 S2 S3
4 16 12
5 6 10
-1 4 15
Note: The EOL approach resulted in the same alternative as the EMV
approach (Maximizing the payoffs is equivalent to minimizing the
opportunity losses).
3. Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI)
It can some times be useful for a decision maker to
determine the potential benefit of knowing for certain
which state of nature is going to prevail.
The EVPI is the measure of the difference between the
certain payoffs that could be realized under a condition
involving risk.
If the decision maker knows that S1 will occur, A2 would
be chosen with a payoff of $5. Similarly for S2 $16 (for A1)
and for S3, $15 (with A3) would be chosen.
Hence, the expected payoff under certainty (EPC) would be:
EPC = 0.20(5) + 0.50(16) + 0.30(15) = 13.50
The difference between this figure and the expected payoff under
risk (i.e., the EMV) is the expected value of perfect information.
= 13.50 -12.40 = 1.10
D. Decision Making with Utilities
Thus far, we have assumed that the expected payoff in monetary terms is
the appropriate measure of the consequences of taking an action.
However, in many situations this assumption is inappropriate.
Decision Trees
It is a graphic decision-making tool typically used to
evaluate decisions involving a series of steps
It enables a decision maker to decompose a large complex
decision problem into several smaller problems
Few decisions are taken in isolation in the sense that an
action is selected in order to optimize a single immediate
people must make a series of decisions at different points in time
Decisions are more complicated & involve a series of steps
These steps (sequential decisions) are interdependent
Decision Trees
It is a schematic representation of the available
alternatives and their possible consequences.
Is a chronological representation of the decision problem.
Drawing a Decision Tree
Example: Plant building decision
A company must decide whether to build a small or large plant to
manufacture a new product with an expected life of 10 years
A large plant
A small plant
If build a large plant, the company will face three future situations: high
product demand, low product demand, or high initial and then low
If build a small plant, the company faces either initially high or initially
low product demand
If a small plant is built and there is high product demand during an initial two-year
period, manager has chance to choose whether to expand the plant or not
Whether expand or not, manager will then face either high or low product demand
in the future
Drawing a Decision Tree
To adequately compare these consequences, manager should
Estimate of investment amounts necessary for building a large plant, for
building a small plant, and for expanding a small plant
Weight the probabilities of facing different product demand levels for
various decision alternatives
Consider the income yields for each decision alternative
Analysis of the expected values & net expected gain for each decision
alternative helps manager to decide on an appropriate choice
Net expected gain is defined as the expected value of an
alternative minus the investment cost
If building a large plant yields the highest net expected gain, the company
should decide to build the large plant
Drawing a Decision Tree
To draw a decision tree
that represents the
plant building problem,
we begin at the present
and proceed toward
future events and
A decision tree is
constructed with two
kinds of nodes:
decision nodes and
event nodes
Drawing a Decision Tree
Initial low demand
A branch of a
decision tree is a
terminal branch
if no nodes
emanate from
the branch
Drawing a Decision Tree
After the various possible
alternatives related to this
decision have been
outlined, the financial
consequences of each
different course of action
must be compared
Assume that ABC Real Estate planed to built either of the three
alternatives investment activities (Apartment building, office
building or warehouse)
The payoff for each alternative investment is given as follow.
State of Nature
Good economic poor economic
Decision conditions (0.6) conditions(0.4)
Poor economic -40,000
conditions (0.4)
4 Poor economic
conditions (0.4)
03/08/2023 73
Determining the best decision
Determining the best decision using a decision tree involves
computing the expected value at each probability node.
This is accomplished by starting with the final outcomes
(payoffs) and working backward through the decision tree
toward node 1.
First, the expected value of the payoffs is computed at each
probability node.
EMV(node 2) = .60($ 50,000) + .40($ 30,000) = $42,000
EMV(node 3) = .60($100,000) + .40($-40,000) = $44,000
EMV(node 4) = .60($ 30,000) + .40($ 10,000) = $22,000
As we compared the three alternatives the higher value derived
from the office building. Therefore the ABC Real Estate should
invest on the office building.
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Individual Assignment 1
1. If there is an increase in capital investment next year, the probability
that the price of structural steel will increase is 0.90. If there is no
increase in such investment, the probability of an increase is 0.40.
Overall we estimate that there is a 60 percent chance that capital
investment will increase next year. (3 Pts.)
a. What is the overall probability of an increase in structural steel price
next year
b. Suppose that during the next year structural steel price in fact increase,
what is the probability that there was an increase in capital
2. The probability that a trainee will remain with a company is 0.6 and the
probability that an employee earns more than 10,000 birr per month is
0.5. The probability that an employee who is a trainee remained with the
company or who earns more than 10,000 birr per month is 0.7.what is
the probability that an employee earns more than 10,000 per month
given that he is a trainee who stayed with the company? (3 Pts.)
4. ABC Company currently has assets of Birr 200,000 and wants
to decide whether to market a new chocolate-flavored soda,
and has the following alternatives (4 Pts.)
Alternative 1: Perform a market study. Test market Chocolate
locally, then utilize the results of the market study to determine
whether or not to market Chocolate nationally
Alternative 2: Immediately (without test marketing) market
Chocolate nationally
Alternative 3: Immediately (without test marketing) decide not to
market Chocolate nationally
03/08/2023 76
In the absence of a market study, Chocolate has a 55% chance of being a
national success and a 45% chance of being a national failure
For a national success, Allan's asset position will increase by $300,000
For a national failure, Allan's asset position will decrease by $100,000