This document discusses various types of pavement failures including: [1] Fatigue (alligator) cracking caused by repeated traffic loads; [2] Bleeding resulting from excess asphalt on the surface; and [3] Block cracking due to temperature cycling. It provides descriptions, causes, and potential repair methods for each failure type. Repairs range from crack sealing for minor issues to removing and replacing problem areas or applying overlays for more severe structural failures. The goal is to prevent moisture infiltration and further deterioration while addressing the root causes of the distresses.
This document discusses various types of pavement failures including: [1] Fatigue (alligator) cracking caused by repeated traffic loads; [2] Bleeding resulting from excess asphalt on the surface; and [3] Block cracking due to temperature cycling. It provides descriptions, causes, and potential repair methods for each failure type. Repairs range from crack sealing for minor issues to removing and replacing problem areas or applying overlays for more severe structural failures. The goal is to prevent moisture infiltration and further deterioration while addressing the root causes of the distresses.
This document discusses various types of pavement failures including: [1] Fatigue (alligator) cracking caused by repeated traffic loads; [2] Bleeding resulting from excess asphalt on the surface; and [3] Block cracking due to temperature cycling. It provides descriptions, causes, and potential repair methods for each failure type. Repairs range from crack sealing for minor issues to removing and replacing problem areas or applying overlays for more severe structural failures. The goal is to prevent moisture infiltration and further deterioration while addressing the root causes of the distresses.
This document discusses various types of pavement failures including: [1] Fatigue (alligator) cracking caused by repeated traffic loads; [2] Bleeding resulting from excess asphalt on the surface; and [3] Block cracking due to temperature cycling. It provides descriptions, causes, and potential repair methods for each failure type. Repairs range from crack sealing for minor issues to removing and replacing problem areas or applying overlays for more severe structural failures. The goal is to prevent moisture infiltration and further deterioration while addressing the root causes of the distresses.
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Pavement Failures,
Construction And Maintenance
Failure Types • Fatigue (alligator) cracking • Bleeding • Block cracking • Corrugation and shoving • Depression • Joint reflection cracking • Lane/shoulder drop-off • Longitudinal cracking • Patching • Polished aggregate • Potholes •Raveling •Rutting •Slippage cracking •Stripping •Transverse (thermal) cracking •Water bleeding and pumping Fatigue (Alligator) Cracking • Description: Series of interconnected cracks caused by fatigue failure of the HMA surface (or stabilized base) under repeated traffic loading. In thin pavements, cracking initiates at the bottom of the HMA layer where the tensile stress is the highest then propagates to the surface as one or more longitudinal cracks. This is commonly referred to as "bottom-up" or "classical" fatigue cracking. Load distribution in flexible pavements • In thick pavements, the cracks most likely initiate from the top .After repeated loading, the longitudinal cracks connect forming many-sided sharp-angled pieces that develop into a pattern resembling the back of an alligator or crocodile. •Problem: Indicator of structural failure, cracks allow moisture infiltration, roughness, may further deteriorate to a pothole •Possible Causes: Inadequate structural support. A few of the more common ones are listed here: • Decrease in pavement load supporting characteristics • Loss of base, subbase or subgrade support (e.g., poor drainage or spring thaw resulting in a less stiff base). • Stripping on the bottom of the HMA layer (the stripped portion contributes little to pavement strength so the effective HMA thickness decreases) • Increase in loading (e.g., more or heavier loads than anticipated in design) • Inadequate structural design • Poor construction (e.g., inadequate compaction) • Repair: A fatigue cracked pavement should be investigated to determine the root cause of failure. Any investigation should involve digging a pit or coring the pavement to determine the pavement's structural design as well as determining whether or not subsurface moisture is a contributing factor. Once the characteristic alligator pattern is apparent, repair by crack sealing is generally ineffective. Fatigue crack repair generally falls into one of two categories: • Small, localized fatigue cracking indicative of a loss of subgrade support. Remove the cracked pavement area then dig out and replace the area of poor subgrade and improve the drainage of that area if necessary. Patch over the repaired subgrade. Cont..,
• Large fatigue cracked areas indicative of general
structural failure. Place an HMA overlay over the entire pavement surface. This overlay must be strong enough structurally to carry the anticipated loading because the underlying fatigue cracked pavement most likely contributes little or no strength (Roberts et. al., 1996). Bad fatigue cracking Fatigue cracking from frost action Fatigue cracking from edge failure Bleeding
• Description: A film of asphalt binder on the
pavement surface. It usually creates a shiny, glass- like reflecting surface (as in the third photo) that can become quite sticky. • Problem: Loss of skid resistance when wet • Possible Causes: Bleeding occurs when asphalt binder fills the aggregate voids during hot weather and then expands onto the pavement surface. Since bleeding is not reversible during cold weather, asphalt binder will accumulate on the pavement surface over time . • This can be caused by one or a combination of the following: • Excessive asphalt binder in the HMA (either due to mix design or manufacturing) • Low HMA air void content (e.g., not enough room for the asphalt to expand into during hot weather) • Repair: The following repair measures may eliminate or reduce the asphalt binder film on the pavement's surface but may not correct the underlying problem that caused the bleeding: • Minor bleeding can often be corrected by applying coarse sand to blot up the excess asphalt binder. • Major bleeding can be corrected by cutting off excess asphalt with a motor grader or removing it with a heater planer. If the resulting surface is excessively rough, resurfacing may be necessary . Heater planer Mortor grader Bleeding in Wheel Paths Bleeding in wheelpaths HMA bleeding from over-asphalting 3) Block Cracking • Description: Interconnected cracks that divide the pavement up into rectangular pieces. Blocks range in size from approximately 0.1 m2 (1 ft2) to 9 m2 (100 ft2). Larger blocks are generally classified as longitudinal and transverse cracking. Block cracking normally occurs over a large portion of pavement area but sometimes will occur only in non-traffic areas. Cont..,
• Possible Causes: HMA shrinkage and daily temperature cycling. Typically caused by an inability of asphalt binder to expand and contract with temperature cycles because of: • Asphalt binder aging • Poor choice of asphalt binder in the mix design Cont..,
• Repair: Strategies depend upon the severity and
extent of the block cracking: • Low severity cracks (< 1/2 inch wide). Crack seal to prevent (1) entry of moisture into the sub-grade through the cracks and (2) further raveling of the crack edges. HMA can provide years of satisfactory service after developing small cracks if they are kept sealed (Roberts et. al., 1996). • High severity cracks (> 1/2 inch wide and cracks with raveled edges). Remove and replace the cracked pavement layer with an overlay. 4) Corrugation and Shoving
• Description: A form of plastic movement typified by
ripples (corrugation) or an abrupt wave (shoving) across the pavement surface. The distortion is perpendicular to the traffic direction. Usually occurs at points where traffic starts and stops (corrugation) • Problem: Roughness • Possible Causes: Usually caused by traffic action (starting and stopping) combined with: • An unstable (i.e. low stiffness) HMA layer (caused by mix contamination, poor mix design, poor HMA manufacturing) • Excessive moisture in the sub grade Cont..,
Repair: A heavily corrugated or shoved pavement
should be investigated to determine the root cause of failure. Repair strategies generally fall into one of two categories: • Small, localized areas of corrugation or shoving. Remove the distorted pavement and patch. • Large corrugated or shoved areas indicative of general HMA failure. Remove the damaged pavement and overlay. 5) Depression • Description: Localized pavement surface areas with slightly lower elevations than the surrounding pavement. Depressions are very noticeable after a rain when they fill with water. • Problem: Roughness, depressions filled with substantial water can cause vehicle hydroplaning • Possible Causes: Frost heave or sub-grade settlement resulting from inadequate compaction during construction. • Repair: By definition, depressions are small localized areas. A pavement depression should be investigated to determine the root cause of failure (i.e., subgrade settlement or frost heave). Depressions should be repaired by removing the affected pavement then digging out and replacing the area of poor subgrade. Patch over the repaired subgrade. 6) Joint Reflection Cracking
• Description: Cracks in a flexible overlay of a rigid
pavement. The cracks occur directly over the underlying rigid pavement joints. Joint reflection cracking does not include reflection cracks that occur away from an underlying joint . • Problem: Allows moisture infiltration, roughness • Possible Causes: Movement of the PCC slab beneath the HMA surface because of thermal and moisture changes. Generally not load initiated, however loading can fasten deterioration. • Repair: Strategies depend upon the severity and extent of the cracking: • Low severity cracks (< 1/2 inch wide and infrequent cracks). Crack seal to prevent (1) entry of moisture into the sub-grade through the cracks and (2) further raveling of the crack edges. In general, rigid pavement joints will eventually reflect through an HMA overlay without proper surface preparation. • High severity cracks (> 1/2 inch wide and numerous cracks). Remove and replace the cracked pavement layer with an overlay. Joint reflection cracking on an arterial Joint reflection cracking close-up 7) Longitudinal Cracking
• Description: Cracks parallel to the pavement's centerline or
lay down direction. Usually a type of fatigue cracking. • Problem: Allows moisture infiltration, roughness, indicates possible onset of alligator cracking and structural failure. • Possible Causes: Poor joint construction or location. Joints are generally the least dense areas of a pavement. Therefore, they should be constructed outside of the wheel path so that they are only infrequently loaded. • A reflective crack from an underlying layer (not including joint reflection cracking) • HMA fatigue (indicates the onset of future alligator cracking) • top-down cracking • Repair: Strategies depend upon the severity and extent of the cracking: • Low severity cracks (< 1/2 inch wide and infrequent cracks). Crack seal to prevent (1) entry of moisture into the sub-grade through the cracks and (2) further raveling of the crack edges. HMA can provide years of satisfactory service after developing small cracks if they are kept sealed (Roberts et. al., 1996). • High severity cracks (> 1/2 inch wide and numerous cracks). Remove and replace the cracked pavement layer with an overlay. Longitudinal cracking as the onset of fatigue cracking Longitudinal cracking from poor joint construction Longitudinal cracking from poor joint construction 8) Patching • Description: An area of pavement that has been replaced with new material to repair the existing pavement. A patch is considered a defect no matter how well it performs. • Problem: Roughness • Possible Causes: • Previous localized pavement deterioration that has been removed and patched • Repair: Patches are themselves a repair action. The only way they can be removed from a pavement's surface is by either a structural or non-structural overlay. 9) Polished Aggregate
• Description: Areas of HMA pavement where the portion of
aggregate extending above the asphalt binder is either very small or there are no rough or angular aggregate particles. • Problem: Decreased skid resistance • Possible Causes: Repeated traffic applications. Generally, as a pavement ages the protruding rough, angular particles become polished. This can occur quicker if the aggregate is susceptible to abrasion or subject to excessive studded tire wear. • Repair: Apply a skid-resistant slurry seal . 5 years of wear 10) Potholes
• Description: Small, bowl-shaped depressions in the
pavement surface that penetrate all the way through the HMA layer down to the base course. They generally have sharp edges and vertical sides near the top of the hole. Potholes are most likely to occur on roads with thin HMA surfaces (25 to 50 mm (1 to 2 inches)) and seldom occur on roads with 100 mm (4 inch) or deeper HMA surfaces . • Problem: Roughness (serious vehicular damage can result from driving across potholes at higher speeds), moisture infiltration • Possible Causes: Generally, potholes are the end result of alligator cracking. As alligator cracking becomes severe, the interconnected cracks create small chunks of pavement, which can be dislodged as vehicles drive over them. The remaining hole after the pavement chunk is dislodged is called a pothole. • Repair: In accordance with patching techniques. Pothole 11) Raveling
• Description: The progressive disintegration of an HMA layer from the
surface downward as a result of the dislodgement of aggregate particles. • Problem: Loose debris on the pavement, roughness, water collecting in the raveled locations resulting in vehicle hydroplaning, loss of skid resistance • Possible Causes: Several including: • Loss of bond between aggregate particles and the asphalt binder as a result of: • A dust coating on the aggregate particles that forces the asphalt binder to bond with the dust rather than the aggregate • Aggregate Segregation. If fine particles are missing from the aggregate matrix, then the asphalt binder is only able to bind the remaining coarse particles at their relatively few contact points. • Inadequate compaction during construction. High density is required to develop sufficient cohesion within the HMA. • Mechanical dislodging by certain types of traffic (studded tires) . • Repair: A raveled pavement should be investigated to determine the root cause of failure. Repair strategies generally fall into one of two categories: • Small, localized areas of raveling. Remove the raveled pavement and patch. • Large raveled areas indicative of general HMA failure. Remove the damaged pavement and overlay. Raveling From segregation 12) RUTTING
• Description: Surface depression in the wheelpath.
Pavement uplift (shearing) may occur along the sides of the rut. Ruts are particularly evident after a rain when they are filled with water. There are two basic types of rutting: mix rutting and subgrade rutting. . • Mix rutting occurs when the subgrade does not rut yet the pavement surface exhibits wheelpath depressions as a result of compaction/mix design problems. • Subgrade rutting occurs when the subgrade exhibits wheelpath depressions due to loading. In this case, the pavement settles into the subgrade ruts causing surface depressions in the wheelpath • Problem: Ruts filled with water can cause vehicle hydroplaning, can be hazardous because ruts tend to pull a vehicle towards the rut path as it is steered across the rut. • Possible Causes: Permanent deformation in any of a pavement's layers or subgrade usually caused by consolidation or lateral movement of the materials due to traffic loading. Specific causes of rutting can be: • Insufficient compaction of HMA layers during construction. If it is not compacted enough initially, HMA pavement may continue to densify under traffic loads. • Subgrade rutting (e.g., as a result of inadequate pavement structure) • Improper mix design or manufacture (e.g., excessively high asphalt content, excessive mineral filler, insufficient amount of angular aggregate particles) • Repair: A heavily rutted pavement should be investigated to determine the root cause of failure (e.g. insufficient compaction, subgrade rutting, poor mix design or studded tire wear). Slight ruts (< 1/3 inch deep) can generally be left untreated. Pavement with deeper ruts should be leveled and overlaid Mix rutting Mix rutting Rutting from mix instability 13) Slippage Cracking • Description: Crescent or half-moon shaped cracks generally having two ends pointed into the direction of traffic. • Problem: Allows moisture infiltration, roughness • Possible Causes: Braking or turning wheels cause the pavement surface to slide and deform. The resulting sliding and deformation is caused by a low-strength surface mix or poor bonding between the surface HMA layer and the next underlying layer in the pavement structure. • Repair: Removal and replacement of affected area. 14) Stripping • Description: The loss of bond between aggregates and asphalt binder that typically begins at the bottom of the HMA layer and progresses upward. When stripping begins at the surface and progresses downward it is usually called raveling. The third photo show the surface effects of underlying stripping. • Problem: Decreased structural support, rutting, shoving/corrugations, raveling, or cracking (alligator and longitudinal) • Possible Causes: Bottom-up stripping is very difficult to recognize because it manifests itself on the pavement surface as other forms of distress including rutting, shoving/corrugations, raveling, or cracking. Typically, a core must be taken to positively identify stripping as a pavement distress. • Poor aggregate surface chemistry • Water in the HMA causing moisture damage • Overlays over an existing open-graded surface course. these overlays will tend to strip. • Repair: A stripped pavement should be investigated to determine the root cause of failure (i.e., how did the moisture get in?). Generally, the stripped pavement needs to be removed and replaced after correction of any subsurface drainage issues.
15) Transverse (Thermal) Cracking • Description: Cracks perpendicular to the pavement's centerline or laydown direction. Usually a type of thermal cracking. • Problem: Allows moisture infiltration, roughness • Possible Causes: Several including: • Shrinkage of the HMA surface due to low temperatures or asphalt binder hardening • Reflective crack caused by cracks beneath the surface HMA layer • top-down cracking • Repair: Strategies depend upon the severity and extent of the cracking: • Low severity cracks (< 1/2 inch wide and infrequent cracks). Crack seal to prevent (1) entry of moisture into the subgrade through the cracks and (2) further raveling of the crack edges. HMA can provide years of satisfactory service after developing small cracks if they are kept sealed (Roberts et. al., 1996). • High severity cracks (> 1/2 inch wide and numerous cracks). Remove and replace the cracked pavement layer with an overlay