Scientific Literature

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Can you

guess our
topic for
• What is the importance of gathering
background information about your
research topic?
• What are the techniques in
preparing a related literature? 
• Why do you need to recognize other
people’s work?
What is a Scientific literature?

• Scientific literature is the principal medium for

communicating the results and conclusions of a scientific
inquiry. It is used as a foundation of future research, either to
validate its conclusion or to create new and original studies.
Scientific knowledge continues to grow as new studies are
•Collaborative Work: (think-pair-share)

•Let’s Classify. Listed below are possible sources of information for your research. Identify each
item as primary, secondary, or tertiary source by checking the appropriate column. Use a
separate sheet for your answers.
Reference Materials Primary Secondary Tertiary


Data compilations      



Scientific literature is often divided into three types, depending on the originality of the
information portrayed and the proximity of the literature to the source of information. These
are the following:
1. Primary literature refers to original research and new studies that contain firsthand
information about a certain topic. Also known as primary source. Example journal articles,
monographs, autobiographies, photographs, and speeches.
2. Secondary literature refers to publications that largely rely on primary literature. Its main
purpose is to discuss, evaluate, synthesize, and summarize information from different resources.
Examples are literature review articles, meta-analysis, indices, and data compilations.
3. Tertiary literature is based on both primary and secondary literatures. It represents a
condensed summary or an introduction to the current knowledge or research on the topic.
Examples are science magazines, textbooks, encyclopedia, and dictionaries.
Before we go further….

• Continue collaborative works:

• Think of at least 5 ethical principles that must be

practiced when conducting research and share to class
after 3 minutes.
The general principles in
conducting research:
• 1. Honesty and integrity
• 2. Objectivity
• 3. Accuracy and Cautiousness
• 4. Protection of Human Subjects
• 5. Animal Care
• 6. Care of Environment
• 7. Respect for Intellectual Property
• 8. Responsible Research
• Conceptualizing a research topic is one of the
most challenging aspects of research. It requires
obtaining existing background information
about the topic of interest. The following cites
the reasons why gaining background
information about your research topic is

• 1. It expands your knowledge as a researcher.

• 2. It gives a summary of critical studies.
• 3. It helps refine your research topic.
Collecting background
information is a vital
step in understanding
your research topic.

Where can you find scientific information for

your research topic?
Traditional Ways of Gathering Information

1. General 2. Scholarly Books 3. Monographs 4. Review articles, 5. Scientific 6. Patent is an 7. Gray literature
references like almanacs, are written for general or specialized and or reviews are written Journals are the main exclusive property right are a source of
atlases, dictionaries, and specialized fields of comprehensive documents that sum ups source of primary of an invention given to information that are
encyclopedia. science (eg. Chemistry, information that serves the current state of information related to its inventor. difficult to obtain due to
engineering, etc.) more as background research on a particular past and current the manner of
detailed than general knowledge for research. topic. scientific investigations. publication.
• Among this source of information,
select the best sources of information
for your research, why do you say so?

• What are the techniques in preparing a

review of related literature?

• Reading a highly technical paper can be challenging because not

everyone understands it. To make the paper easier to comprehend,
researchers use the process of notetaking.

• 3 Principles of Note Taking:

• 1. Know what to record- list topics and subtopics.
• 2. Write efficiently- notes are summaries of literature sources.
• 3. Label it logically- Topic, Title, Authors/s, Year of publication,
Journal, Page Number.
Quiz Time: ¼ sheet of paper
Write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is incorrect.

_____ 1. Scientific literature is a principal medium for communicating the results and conclusions of a scientific inquiry.

_____ 2. Examples of primary literatures are journal articles, monographs, autobiographies, photographs, and speeches.

_____ 3. Giving credit and citating references is one of the responsibilities of a researcher.

_____ 4. Citing references avoids plagiarism issues.

_____ 5. American Psychological Association (APA) style focuses on the author and the date published to identify a
particular literature.

• Bring reference materials for our application on

citations next meeting.

• Search for common scientific literature

databases/ online retrieval of information to be
utilized for your references.

• Differentiate Most Popular referencing styles.

Thought to ponder 

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