Reported By:
Ariel M. Bacaling BPA-3
The Labor Code of the Philippines is a legal code that
determines all employment practices and labor
relations in the Philippines. This is to help protect
employees and employers- while ensuring that
neither is subject to unfair treatment or exploitation.
Below are sets of rules that make up the Labor Code:
Working Hours in the Philippines
No employee in the Philippines must work for over 8
hours a day. He is worthy of a 1-hour lunch break
daily, without fail. However, a worker is only required
to work for a maximum of 8 hours per day from the
office. There are no laws that mandate his working
hours from home.
Working hours include the time during which the
employer is required to be at the workplace, all hours
that he is asked to work, and the breaks in between to
avoid burnout.
Employees Exempt from Completing Working Hours
Article 82 of the Labor Code states that employees
under all establishments and undertakings need to
complete a certain set of working hours, except:
*Government employees
*Managerial employees
*Field personnel
*Family members of the employer who are dependent
for support
*Domestic help
*Individuals who provide personal service to others
*Workers given wages/salary based on the Secretary
of Labor regulations
Meal Times
The Labor Code dictates that all employers must get
no less than a 60-minutes break to finish their meals.
The usual time during day-shifts is 12.00 PM.
Night Shift
In case an employer requires a worker to work during
the night- any time between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM-
he must be paid a minimum of 10% over and above
his regular wage for each hour.
Rules for Overtime Work
Since the maximum work hours allowed in the
Philippines are 8-hours, in case an employee works
for longer, he must be paid extra. This includes
additional compensation of 25% of his regular work
The employer is liable to pay an additional
compensation equivalent to the average 8-hour pay,
including 30% more if he has asked his employee to
work beyond 8-hours on a holiday or rest day.
Working on a rest day may be required in case of an
emergency, urgent work, loss to the business, or as
determined by the Secretary of Labor and Equipment.
It is essential to note that an employee can be asked
to perform overtime work in national or local
emergency cases determined by the state, or if the
business is at stake.
Rules for Under-time Work
According to the Article 88 of the Labor Code, under-
time work on a business day will not influence
overtime work on any given day. This means that if an
employee leaves work early, he cannot be made to
work overtime the next day to make up for those
hours. This is because the rate of overtime per hour is
higher than the missed hours.
The Labor Code also states that in case an employee
receives permission to take leave on a specific day, his
employer is still required to pay for any additional
compensation or overtime work done previously or in
the future.
All employers are subject to a weekly rest day of a full
24-hours after every 6 consecutive working days. The
specific rest day can be mutually decided. However,
an employee can argue his case if he prefers to be
given a rest day based on a religious event or holiday.
All workers reserve the right of holiday pay. This will
include his regular daily wage. In case they are called
into work on a holiday, they must be paid twice their
regular rate.
If an employee has worked for a minimum of one year
for his company, he must be offered a yearly service
incentive leave of five days with regular pay.
In summary, the Labor Code of the Philippines
ensures that no worker is abused while giving
authority to employers to assign overtime work or
work on holidays as long as they pay the wages stated
by the law.