Safe Chemical Handling
Safe Chemical Handling
Safe Chemical Handling
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Topics covered
What is MSDS :
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is designed to
provide both workers and emergency personnel with the
proper procedures for handling or working with a particular
MSDS's include information such as physical props. (melting
point, boiling point, flash point etc.), toxicity, health effects,
first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, PPE, and spill/leak
These are of particular use if a spill or other accident occurs.
Material Safety Data Sheets
MSDS Applications :
Who Prepares it :
Responsible body of the marketing of the or preparation
Manufacturer / importer / distributor
Who receives it :
Downstream users of the substance or preparation
How :
Free of Charge, Paper or electronic format
When :
Before or during the first supply of the substance or preparation
Mandatory updating : When new information on the classification
are available
Language : that of the downstream users
It must report the preparation date and the date of last updates.
PPEs for Hazards
How Do We Control Hazards
To control hazardous and unsafe conditions and work
practices, use the most effective control methods feasible at
your work place. Try to reduce employee exposure by
implementing effective controls that do not primarily rely
on individual employee behavior. Follow a system of
strategies, called the "Hierarchy of Controls," which
prioritizes control methods that try to remove or reduce the
hazard:Hierarchy of Controls (most to least effective)
Flammable & Combustible • May burn or explode when • Store away from
Material exposed to heat, sparks or (oxidizing materials)
flames • Store away from sources
• Flammable: burns readily of heat, sparks and flame
at room temperature • Do not smoke near these
• Combustible: burns when materials
Hazard & Controls
Class & Symbols Characteristics Precautions
Oxidizing Material • Can cause other materials • Store away from
to burn or explode by (flammable and combustible)
providing oxygen materials
• May burn skin and eyes on • Store away from sources of
contact heat and ignition
• Wear the recommended
Corrosive Materials • Will burn eyes and skin on • Store acids and bases in
contact separate areas
• Will burn tissues of • Avoid inhaling these materials
respiratory tract if inhaled • Avoid contact with skin and
• Wear the recommended
protective equipment and
Dangerously Reactive Material • May be unstable, reacting • Store away from heat
dangerously to jarring, • Avoid shock and friction
compression, heat or exposure • Wear the recommended
to light protective equipment and
• May burn, explode or produce clothing
dangerous gases when mixed
with incompatible materials
Routes of Hazardous Material Exposure
The effects of the disaster are with the plant and the
management of such disaster and its effect are
called on-site emergency management plan.
CONCLUSIONS We learn best through our own
experiences in different phases of our
Mistakes could be catastrophic in a
chemical plant, but it is a great
opportunity to learn and design a safer
plant in the future.
We must learn from previous incidents
and develop new procedures, practices
and management systems.
These incidents have much learning
which reveal many hidden facts about
safety and provide efficient tools for
prevention of similar incidents in the
Best practices within the industries
must be shared to have safer
environment & “Zero Tolerance”
Any Questions ?
Maru Associates