What IS Philosophy?
What IS Philosophy?
What IS Philosophy?
Read and analyze the following conversation
between a high school teacher and her student
in a class:
material immaterial
- is the birthplace of philosophy in the West.
- To be more precise it is the ancient Greek city of
Miletus in the Western coast of what is now Turkey
that gave birth to philosophy. It is in this city that the first
philosopher in the West, Thales, lived.
- greatest contribution to philosophy is
not his identification of water as the
ultimate stuff of the universe. His
greatest contribution is the problem he
posed “What is the ultimate stuff of the
universe?” and his approach in solving
that problem.
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
Diogenes of Sinope
(412 BCE to 323 BCE)
- He was known advocate of living
simple and virtuous life. For
Diogenes, one should not only talk of
virtue but should show it in words and
actions. His emphasis on austerity
and simplicity often went to the
extreme, and he was said to have
lived like a beggar.
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
Diogenes of Sinope
(412 BCE to 323 BCE)
- A school of Philosophy which
believes that wisdom and simple
living will result in a life in a free
of fear and pain.
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
Socratic Method
A means of examining a topic
by devising a series of
questions that let the learner
examine and analyze his
knowledge and views
regarding the topic.
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
Theory of Forms
- Proposes that everything
that exits is based on an idea
or template that can only be
perceived in the mind; these
nonphysical ideas are
eternal and unchanging
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
- For him all ideas and views are
based on perception and our
reality is based on what we can
sense and perceive.This view
greatly influenced the study of
the Physical Sciences.
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
- He was involved in a great
variety of disciplines such as
Zoology, Psychology, Ethics,
and Politics.
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
- His study in logic which led
to the formulation of a formal
process of analyzing
reasoning which gave rise to
deductive reasoning.
Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers:
Deductive Reasoning
- The process by which
specific statements are
analyzed to reach a
conclusion or
Metaphysics Epistrmology
Logic Ethics
meta physica
(beyond/after) (physical/nature)
Metaphysics is
the first
Onto logos
(being or that which is)(knowledge or study)
= studies beings in their ultimate causes, reasons, and basic
principles through the aid of reason alone
- psyche = soul
= mind
- logos = study
which study of the nature, dynamics of the human
person as a whole
with emphasis on the way the person’s mind
functions and the way she/he behaves
Special Metaphysics
study of of God
justification of the goodness of God in the face of the
existence of the evil
- episteme = Knowledge
- logos = study
study of the nature and scope of knowledge and justified