Adaptive Features
Adaptive Features
Adaptive Features
Where do they live ?
Finland and Iceland are also two more places where polar bear lives .
Polar bears spent their time on ..
Polar bear spent their time in land , water and ice.
They love being on the crack of the ice .
Food supplied
Polar bear eats bear
berries in summer.
Body shape
One of the ways that animals
are protected from weather
conditions is through fur or
Many mammals for this area ,
tundra and also have thick
layers of blubber to keep
warm when temperatures are
warm . They look same in the
Ice because of the white fur .
body shape
Many tundra birds and mammals
are larger and smaller appendages
than similar species in warmer
climates .
To avoid adverse weather
conditions , some animals
hibernate , or become
dormant during the periods
of worst weather .