EMCASE 6-7-2019 - Edit
EMCASE 6-7-2019 - Edit
EMCASE 6-7-2019 - Edit
Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital
Saturday, July 6 th 2019
Ambulation : 2 Patients
: 5 Patients
Observation : - Patient
Operated : 1 Patient
Death : - Patient
Total : 7 Patients
History taking : This condition had been suffered since 4 days before hospital admission, and worsened
since one day before hospital admission. The abdominal pain was felt continuously on
whole abdomen. There was history of frequent epigastrium pain before. There was no
history of pain on right lower quadrant. There was history of fever, when the symptom
was felt at the first time. There was no history of nausea and vomiting. The patient had
been initially admitted at Enrekang Hospital for 3 days.
Past medical : There was history of arthritis, treated with NSAID
history There was history of epigastric pain, treated with antasida
There was no history of hypertension
There was no history of chest pain
There was no history of Diabetes Mellitus
Micturition : Normal
Defecation : Last defecation was 3 days ago, There was no changing bowel habit
General Status
Karnofsky 60%/poor nourish/conscious
BW : 45 kg
Height : 160 cm BMI : 17.6
Vital Sign
BP : 90/60 mmHg
HR : 98 bpm, strong, regular
RR : 20 x/mnt, symmetric L=R,
thoracoabdominal type.
T(Ax) : 37,4°C
Physical Examination
I :Seen convex, bowel contour (-),
bowel motion (-)
P :Distended, tenderness(+),
muscular defense (+)
P :tapping pain (+), liver dullness
A :Peristaltic sounds decreased
Rectal Examination
Anal sphincter tone was loose
Mucous was smooth
Rectal ampulla was not collapse
There was no palpable mass
Handscoen blood (-), feces (-), slime (-)
Clinical Diagnosis
• Generalized Peritonitis due to suspicious hollow viscus
perforation suspicious gaster perforation
Boey Score
Preoperative shock 1