Europe Language Day
Europe Language Day
Europe Language Day
26 September 2020
Celebrated on 26 September, the European Day of
Languages (EDL) is a means of promoting awareness
among the general public of the importance of language
learning and protecting the linguistic heritage.
When was the 1
language day?
The first European Day of Languages took place on 26
September 2001 and was a flagship event of the
European Year of Languages 2001 campaign organised
jointly with the European Union. Millions of people in
45 member states took part. It was such a success
that in order to satisfy the expectations of many
partners, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of
Europe decided, in late 2001, to make this day an
annual event to be celebrated on 26 September.
The objectives of the European Day of Languages are
similar to those of the 2001 campaign: