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The Anterior Component of Occlusal Force

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The Anterior component of occlusal force

Part1: Measurement and distribution

Thomas E. Southard, Behrents & Tolley
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
December 1989

● Occlusal force projected towards front of

● Result of axial inclination of posterior teeth
● Causing teeth to tip forward during occlusal
● Transmitted through interproximal contacts
• To design and develop instrumentation to measure the Anterior
component of force generated by a single tooth under axial load and
to quantify the distribution and dissipation of this force
Methods and Materials
• ACF calculated from frictional
force measurements trasducer

0.0015 inch SS
matrix strip

1. (u) =known coefficient of dynamic friction between tooth enamel and

matrix material,

2. (IPF)=the interproximal contact force

3. (f)=Frictional force resisting withdrawal with the following equation

IPF = f / 2u
Determination of Value of u
● A known IPF was applied between extracted teeth.
● A dental matrix strip was slipped interproximally, and f was measured as the
matrix strip was withdrawn.
● The coefficient of dynamic friction was calculated from the following
relationship: u = f/[2(IPF)].
● With five extracted teeth, the mean value of u was found to be 0.145
Bite force transducer design and occlusal load distribution

• Restrict biting to a select

cusp of a single tooth
Functional Cusp-
The mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular
left second molar or the mesiolingual
cusp of the maxillary
left second molar.
• 15 adult volunteers participated
• Intact dentition and healthy periodontal tissue
• No temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Bite force

20 pound force
Force recording for mandibular left 5-6 contact

For each contact, the IPF (biting) measurements were averaged as were the IPF (not
biting) measurements.
The ACF = IPF (biting) - IPF (not biting).
Because the precise biting force (BF) was rarely 20 pounds, the ACF was calculated and
normalized for a 20-pound load on the second molar with the following formula:
ACF = [IPF(biting) - IPF(not biting)](20/BF).
The ACF dissipated by each tooth into its supporting periodontium = ACF
measured at its mesial -ACF distal surfaces.
In instances in which either contact was slipped or restored, the dissipated force
could not be calculated.
The ACF distributions appeared to follow exponential decay functions of the form
• When a dental matrix strip was inserted into interproximal contacts mesial to the
second molar and withdrawn, frictional force resisting the withdrawal subject was
biting on the second molar > subject was not biting.
• The ACF was not detected mesial to any open contacts.
• Biting with reduced load resulted in an ACF reduction for all subjects tested.
• ACF dissipated increased at increased gape
• ACF is transmitted only in presence of interproximal contacts
• Simplified force measurements by loading a single posterior tooth on a
select cusp tip
• Neglected the effects of cuspal inclined planes
Balance of horizontal forces

During the crushing of food and once maximal

intercuspation is attained, there is a balance
of horizontal forces against the inclined
planes and no net anterior force exists
except that caused by axial loading.

The horizontal
components of
resisting forces
• The premolars dissipated most of the force, the canine teeth play a relatively
minor role in dissipating this force but their role increases at wider gapes
GAP - ACF- ACF dissipated by canines

• The ACF progresses anteriorly through proximal tooth contacts and can pass
beyond the dental midline to the contralateral side
The anterior component of occlusal force
Part2. Relationship with dental malalignment

Thomas E. Southard, Behrents & Tolley

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
January 1990
ACF -possible role in causing
1]mesial migration of teeth
2]subsequent dental malalignment

Stallard,Newcomb and Waldron hypothesized that without harmonious arch form and
proper proximal tooth contact,ACF could not be resisted and malalignment would result.

There is a correlation between interproximal forces when the subject was not biting
(contact tightness) and dental malalignment.
3 groups of 5 volunteer subjects were selected on the basis of the extent of
mandibular anterior malalignment


3M, 2F, 26YRS 3M, 2F, 27.6YRS 2M, 3F, 24.2yrs
Irregularity Index<2 mm Irregularity Index >2 mm Irregularity Index of >4 mm.
but <4mm

• The mean Irregularity Index for subjects grouped according to mandibular anterior crowding
group 1 - 0.94mm (SD = 0.65)
group 2 - 2.82 mm (SD = 0.85)
group 3- 7.1 mm (SD = 2.47)
• Significant correlations were detected between the irregularity of the mandibular anterior
teeth and a number of these forces.
• Significant correlation between the magnitude of the mandibular left IPF (not
biting) at contact 5-6 and all other such forces in the left posterior quadrants of
both arches.
• ACF can cause dental malalignment in persons who clench, brux, or in any other way
load posterior teeth axially for extended periods of time.
• Continuous soft tissue forces as small as 0.0035 pounds are capable of moving teeth,
forces of 0.12 pounds are routinely used to move teeth orthodontically.
• The ACF applied against the canine teeth during a conservative chewing force on the
second molar is typically 8 to 200 times greater than these forces.
• The mandibular canines could tip mesially under their influence and crowd the
mandibular anterior teeth
Progression of the anterior component of occlusal force
tangential (ACFt) to curvature of dental arch
widened gape.

increased ACF dissipation by mandibular canine

Simultaneous decrease in ACF dissipated by the lateral incisor.

larger ACF values

the ACF vector has even more of a tendency to emerge from the arch at the canines.
Vestium congue

Canines may be tipped out of dental alignment

• Malalignment of the mandibular anterior teeth was found to be related to the
1]magnitude of the anterior component of occlusal force
2]tightness of interproximal contacts in the mandibular posterior segments

• Teeth are squeezed together through interproximal forces, narrowing mandibular

anterior contacts resulting in slippage

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