Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
The purpose of this presentation is to give an
introduction to Cost, Production and Firms.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this presentation you should be
able to have an understanding of:
Cost of T-shirts………………………………...$
Clerk’s salary…………………………………..$ 18,000
Utilities……………………………................... $ 5000
(explicit) costs……………………………$ 63,000
Less foregone
entrepreneurial income$5,000
Total implicit
Economic profit………………………$24,000
Economic vs. Accounting Profit
Economic Profit (Pure Profit)
The term profit is used differently by economists
and accountants. To an accountant, profit is the
firm’s total revenue less its explicit costs
(accounting costs). To the economist, economic
profit is total revenue less economic costs (explicit
and implicit costs).
0 100 0 100 - - - -
Law of Diminishing Returns
For example, the use of fertilizer improves crop
production on farms and in gardens; but at some
point, adding more and more fertilizer improves the
yield less and less, and excessive quantities can
even reduce the yield. A common sort of example is
adding more workers to a job, such as assembling a
car on a factory floor. At some point, adding more
workers causes problems such as getting in each
other's way, or workers frequently find themselves
waiting for access to a part. In all of these
processes, producing one more unit of output per
unit of time will eventually cost increasingly more,
due to inputs being used less and less effectively.
Law of Diminishing Returns
Units of Total Marginal Average
Labour Production Product (MP) Product (AP)
0 0
1 10
2 25
3 45
4 60
5 70
6 75
7 75
8 70
Law of Diminishing Returns
Units of Variable Total Product Average Product Marginal Product Marginal
Resource (AP/Labour) (MP) Returns
(Labour) MP=
0 0 - -
1 10 10 10 Increasing
2 25 12.5 15 Increasing
3 45 15 20 Increasing
4 60 15 15 Diminishing
5 70 14 10 Diminishing
6 75 12.5 5 Diminishing
7 75 10.71 0 Negative
8 70 8.75 -5 Negative
Law of Diminishing Returns
Note that with no labour input, total product is zero;
a plant with no workers will not produce no output.
The first three units of labour, reflects increasing
marginal returns with marginal products of 10, 15,
and 20 respectively. However, at the beginning of
the fourth unit of labour, marginal product
diminishes continuously, becoming zero with the
seventh and eight unit of labour negative.
Law of Diminishing Returns
The law of Diminishing
Returns; as a variable
resource (labour) is
added to fixed amounts
of other resources
(land) is added to fixed
amounts of other
resources (land and
Capital), the total
product that results will
eventually increase by
diminishing amounts,
reach a maximum and
then decline. Marginal
product intersects
average product at the
maximum average
Law of Diminishing Returns
In the graph above, total product (TP) goes through three phases.
It rises initially an increasing rate; then it increases, but at a
diminishing rate; finally, after reaching maximum, it declines.
Marginal product measures the change in total product associated
with each succeeding unit of labour. Thus, the three phases of
total product are also reflected in marginal product. Where total
product is increasing at an increasing rate, marginal product is
rising. Here, extra units of labour are adding larger and larger
amounts of total product. Similarly, where total product is
increasing but at a decreasing rate, marginal product is positive
but falling. Each additional unit of labour adds less to total
product than did the previous unit. When total product is at a
maximum, marginal product is zero, when total product declines,
marginal product becomes negative.
Law of Diminishing Returns
Average product displays the same tendencies as
marginal product. It increases, reaches a maximum,
and then decreases as more and more units of
labour are added to the fixed plant. Where marginal
product exceeds average product, average product
rises and where marginal product is less than
average product, average product declines. Further,
marginal product intersects average product where
average product is at a maximum.
Productivity and Cost Curves
The marginal cost curve and
the average variable cost
curve are the mirror images of
the marginal product and
average product curves.
Assuming that labour is the
only variable input and that
its price (wage rate) is
constant, then when marginal
product is rising, marginal
cost is falling, and when
marginal product is falling,
marginal cost is rising. Under
the same assumptions, when
average product is rising,
average variable cost is
falling, and when average
product is falling, average
variable cost is rising.
Marginal Cost and Marginal
Looking back at the table which shows diminishing
returns, we can see the relationship between
marginal product and marginal cost. If all units of
variable resource (labour) are hired at the same
price, the marginal cost of extra unit of output will
fall as long as marginal product of each additional
worker is rising. Marginal cost is the cost (here
constant) of an extra worker divided by his/her
marginal product. Suppose that the cost of hiring
each worker is $10. Because the first worker’s
marginal product is 10 units of output and hiring this
worker increases the firm’s cost by $10, the marginal
cost of each 10 units of output is $1 ($10/10units).
Marginal Cost and Marginal
The second worker also increases cost by $10 but the
marginal product is 15 units of output, so the marginal
cost of these 15 units extra units of output is $0.67
($10/15units). Hence to generalize, as long as marginal
product is rising, marginal cost will fall. But with the
fourth worker diminishing returns set in and marginal cost
begins to rise. For the fourth worker, marginal cost is
$0.67 ($10/15 Units), for the fifth worker, MC is 1
($10/10 units), the sixth, MC is $2 ($10/5units) and so on.
If the price of the variable resource remains constant,
increasing marginal returns will be reflected in a declining
marginal cost, and diminishing marginal returns in a rising
marginal. Similarly, MC curve is a mirror reflection of the
MP curve.
Marginal Cost and Marginal
When MP is at its maximum, MC is at its minimum
and when marginal product is falling, marginal cost
is rising.
When marginal cost lies below ATC, ATC will fall,
and whenever MC lies above ATC, ATC will rise.
Marginal cost intersects ATC and AVC curves at the
minimum point.
However, no such relationship exists between MC
and AFC because the two are not related; marginal
cost includes only those costs that change with
output and fixed costs by definition are those that
are independent of output.
Long Run Production Costs
In the long run an industry and the individual firms
it comprises can undertake all desired resource
adjustments. That is, they can change the amount of
all inputs used. The firm can alter its plant capacity;
it can build a larger plant or revert to a smaller
plant. The long run also allows sufficient time for
firms to enter or for existing firms leave the
industry. We will focus on average total cost,
making no distinction between fixed and variable
costs because all resources and costs are varied in
the long run.
Long Run Production Costs
Firm Size and Cost
Suppose a single-plant manufacturer begins on a
small scale and ,as a result of successful operations,
expands to successively larger plant sizes with
larger output capacities. For a time, successively
larger plant will lower average total costs.
However, eventually the building of a still larger
plant may cause ATC to rise.
Long Run Production Costs
The long run average total
cost curve: five possible
plant sizes. The long run
average total cost curve is
made up to segments of the
short run cost curves (ATC-
1, ATC-2, etc) of the various
size plants from which the
firm might choose. Each
point on the bumpy planning
curve shows the lowest unit
cost attainable for any
output when the firm has
had time to make all desired
changes in its plant size.
Long Run Production Costs
The vertical lines perpendicular to the output axis indicates that
output at which the firm should change plant size to realize the
lowest attainable average total costs of production. For all
outputs up to 100 units, the lowest average total costs are
attainable with plant size 1. However, if the firm’s volume of
sales expands beyond 100 units but less than 200, it can
achieve lower per unit costs by constructing a larger plant, size
2 and so on.
Tracing these adjustments, we find the long run average total
cost curve for the enterprise is made up of segments of the
short run ATC curves for the various plant sizes that can be
constructed. The long run ATC curve shows the lowest average
total cost at which any output level can be produced after the
has had time to make all desired changes in its plant size. The
firm’s bumpy long run ATC curve is often called the firm’s
planning curve.
Long Run Production Costs
The long run average
total cost curve:
unlimited number of
plant sizes. If the
number of possible
plant sizes is very
large, the long run
average total cost
curve approximates a
smooth curve.
Economies of scale,
followed by
diseconomies of
scale, because the
curve is U shaped.
Economies and Diseconomies of
It is assumed that for a time larger and larger plant sizes
will lead to lower unit costs but that beyond some point
successively larger plants will mean higher average total
costs. That is, we have assumed the ATC curve is U
shaped. It is this way because:
The law of diminishing returns does not apply in the long
run. That’s because diminishing returns presume one
resource is fixed in supply while in the long run means all
resources are variable. Also we assume resource prices are
It can also be explained through the U-shaped long run
ATC in terms of economies and diseconomies of large-
scale production.
Economies of Scale
When long run average total costs decreases as
output increases.
Economies of scale or economies of mass
production, explain the down sloping part of the
long run ATC curve. As plant sizes increases, a
number of factors will for a time lead to lower
average costs of production. Factors which can lead
to lower average costs of production for a time are:
Economies of Scale
Labour specialization- increased specialization in
the use of labour becomes more achievable as a
plant increases in size. Hiring more workers means
jobs can be divided and subdivided. Each worker
may now have just one task to perform instead of
five or six.
Managerial Specialization- large scale production
also means better use of, and greater specialization
in, management. A supervisor who can handle 20
workers is underuse in a small plant that employs
only 10 people. The production staff could be
doubled with no increase in costs.
Economies of Scale
Efficient Capital- small firms often cannot afford the most
efficient equipment. In many lines of production such
machinery is available only in very large and extremely
expensive units. Furthermore, effective use of the equipment
demands a high volume of production, and that again requires
large scale producers. As a result, small scale producers are
faced with a dilemma of using other equipment which
inefficient and therefore more costly per unit.
Other factors- many products entail design and development
costs, as well as other startup costs, which must be incurred
irrespective of project sales. These costs decline per unit as
output in increased. Also, the firm’s production and marketing
expertise usually rises as it produces and sells more output.
This learning by doing is a further source of economies of
Economies of Scale
Efficient Capital- small firms often cannot afford the most
efficient equipment. In many lines of production such
machinery is available only in very large and extremely
expensive units. Furthermore, effective use of the equipment
demands a high volume of production, and that again requires
large scale producers. As a result, small scale producers are
faced with a dilemma of using other equipment which
inefficient and therefore more costly per unit.
Other factors- many products entail design and development
costs, as well as other startup costs, which must be incurred
irrespective of project sales. These costs decline per unit as
output in increased. Also, the firm’s production and marketing
expertise usually rises as it produces and sells more output.
This learning by doing is a further source of economies of
Economies of Scope
Economies of scale for a firm involve reductions in
the average cost (cost per unit) arising from
increasing the scale of production for a single
product type, economies of scope however, involve
lowering average cost by producing more types of
Constant Returns to Scale
When long run average total costs do not change
with increases in output.
In some industries there may exist a rather wide
range of output between the output at which
economies of scale end and the output at which
diseconomies of scale begin. That is there maybe a
range of constant returns to scale over which long
run average costs does not change.
Diseconomies of Scale
When long run average total cost increases as output increases.
In time the expansion of a firm may lead to diseconomies and
therefore higher average total costs. The main factor causing
diseconomies of scale is the difficulty of efficiently controlling
and coordinating a firm’s operations as it becomes a large scale
producer. In a small plant a single key executive may make all
the basic decisions for the plant’s operation. Since the firm is
small, the executive is close to the production line, understands
the firm’s operations, and can digest information and make
efficient decisions. As the firm expands, it becomes harder for
one person to assemble, digest understand all the information
essential to design making on a large scale. Hence, tasks must
be delegated to managers, supervisors, etc and as a result, the
decision making can be slowed down to reflect consumer tastes
or technology quickly enough. The result is impaired efficiency
and rising average total costs.
Cost Minimization
Cost minimization is normally referred to as
producer equilibrium.
The level of
output along
any isoquant is
constant but the
factor inputs
The Marginal Rate of Technical
The slope of the isoquant is called the marginal rate
of technical substitution of capital K for labour L
(MRTSLK) refers to the amount of capital (K) that a
firm can give up so as to increase the amount of
labour (L) used by one unit and still remain on the
same isoquant.
The MRTSLK is also equal to the marginal product of
labour divide by the marginal product of capital that
is MPL / MPK.
As the firm moves down an isoquant, the MRTSLK
Special Cases Perfect Compliments
If the two inputs are perfect complements, the
isoquant map takes the form of the figure below
with a level of production Q3, input X and input Y
can only be combined efficiently in the certain ratio
occurring at the kink in the isoquant. The firm will
combine the two inputs in the required ratio to
maximize profit.
Special Cases Perfect Substitutes
If the two inputs are perfect substitutes, the
resulting isoquant map generated is represented in
fig. below; with a given level of production Q3,
input X can be replaced by input Y at an
unchanging rate. The perfect substitute inputs do
not experience decreasing marginal rates of return
when they are substituted for each other in the
production function.
An isocosts shows the combination of factor
inputs (K, L) that are affordable given the
price of the factors and the financial resources
available to the producer. The slope of an
isocost is given by – PL /PK, where PL refers to
the price of labour and PK to the price of
TO = PL * QL + PK * QK
Slope of the isocosts line is relative price ratio of
factor inputs
I = -P /P
Producer Equilibrium
A producer is in equilibrium when he or she
maximizes output for the give total outlay. Another
way of saying this is that a producer is in
equilibrium when the highest isoquant is reached,
given the particular isocost. This occurs where an
isoquant is tangent to the isocost.
At the point of tangency, the absolute slope of the
isoquant is equal to the absolute slope of the
Producer Equilibrium
That is at producer equilibrium MRTSLK = PL /PK.
This is completely analogous to the concept of
consumer equilibrium. Since,
MRTSLK = MPL / MPK, at equilibrium