Prosthetics & Orthotics Clinic Procedures: Laaraib Nawaz Orthotist & Prosthetist

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Prosthetics & orthotics clinic


Laaraib Nawaz
orthotist & prosthetist
Basic clinical team
Orthopedic surgeon
Social service case worker
The rehabilitation counselor
Goals & purpose of clinic
The major function & goals of prosthetics & orthotics
clinics are:’
1. co-ordinated pattern of treatment
2. staff and patient education
3. Professional status of orthotist & prosthetist pattern of treatment

Why co-ordination is necessary?

1.when patient is used as a mean of communication
between concerned professionals it produces some
degree of discintent i.e. problematic for furthur
2. varying behaviour of patient towards a physician
and orthotist and prosthetist.
The best treatment lies in uniform plan rather than a
discrete one.
2. staff and patient education

Education of staff for Distillation of best idea through

group discussion

Education of patient for understanding the ultimate

use and value of an orthosis or prosthesis.
3.Professional status of orthotist & prosthetist

A major factor in the patient’s satisifaction with the

prosthetic-orthotic service he receives is generally
related to his attitude and evaluation of prosthetist and
Two considerations may prompt to less satisifactory
 Lack of status of prosthetist-orthotist as a part of an
organized professional medical service
 Lack of training and experience on proper handling of
psychological and interpersonal aspects of their vocation
Prosthetics and orthotics clinical
Steps involved in:
1. pre-prescription examination:
2. prescription
3.pre-fitting treatment
4. prosthetic-orthotic fabrication
 5.initial check out(evaluation)
6.Prosthetic-orthotic training
 check out
8. follow up
1. pre-prescription examination:

Physical examination
Psychological examination
It helps in determining the type and nature
of care required.
2. prescription

Immediate attension demanding areas
Look for a physician/surgeon/prosthetist-
orthotist as required
Prosthetic-orthotic prescription should
correctly be detailed as description of
3.pre-fitting treatment

Physical therapy including muscle

Improvement of ROM
Muscle coordination
Procedures that encourages shrinkage of
Relief of symptoms related to trauma
4. prosthetic-orthotic fabrication

Completed by prosthetist and orthotist and

essentially involves the implementation of
prescription written by clinic.
5.initial check out(evaluation)

Second major responsibility

Systematic examination of the pt with the
prosthesis or orthosis as a biomechanical entity.
It is accomplished before the device is delievered.
Initial check out is important for two reasons:
Properly followed prescription
To check Biomechanical adequacy of device
6.Prosthetic-orthotic training

After satisifaction of initial check out.

And of All shortcomings are remedied.
Length ,type, intensity of training depends
upon nature of disability, characteristics of
patient and other considerations if any.
7. Final check-out
It assures patient is not in need of
immediate medical/surgical/orthotic-
prosthetic attentions.
Third major responsibility.
Patients physiological and psychological
Adequacy of device
Effectiveness of patiernt’s use
8-follow up
Both device and patient are subject to change
Periodic follow up
Find if any discrepency
If any mechanical deficiency develops
Skin care
If patient wants to replace his device then
initial and final check outs will be combined.
Other considerations:
1. clinic administration and
2. physical arrangements
3. interaction among clinic members
4.Psychological effects on patients
1. clinic administration and coordination

Schedules of patient
Proper preparation Forms
Care of check out equipment
Reduction of waiting time
Availability of single person on whom pt
can rely for counsel.
2. physical arrangements

Quiet large,well-lighted room for clinic

Waiting and dressing areas separated
Reasonable scheme for visitors
Use of sample prostheses-
Audio-visual material
3. interaction among clinic members

 The ideal situation exists when each team

member’s experience is fully utilized in
solving the problem at hand.
 Problem arises when there is a lack of intrest
on the part of physician or when he is
burdened with responsibilities.
4.Psychological effects on patients

Good psychological factors have two

implications for clinic operations
Provide the pt with clear cut understanding
of nature of treatment process
Sense of friendly intrest, psychological
support and personal concern.

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