Lesson 5 Technology As A Way of Revealing 2
Lesson 5 Technology As A Way of Revealing 2
Lesson 5 Technology As A Way of Revealing 2
- People of the time had also painstakingly wrought and hewed said
figures in honor of some deity; initial roster of primitive gods
includes objects they encounter through their day-to-day lives.
The Human Condition in the Common Era
- They began to hunt, farm, and produce things with prospect of profit.
- When they could not sell products, they used their skills and got
compensated for it- bringing forth a specialized group of artisans.
- Physical strength was valued at most, although there appeared to be as
many intellectually gifted figures just the same.
The Essence of Technology
- Modern humans are reliant on technology in their search for the good life.
- By too much reliance on technology, humans lose track of the things that
matter, reducing their surroundings to their economic value.
• Science and technology has been part of human activity since the
beginning of our species.