Group 2: Cordillera Administrative Region

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On July 15, 1987, Executive order No. 220
was signed in the city of Manila, creating the
Cordillera Administrative Region. It is the only
land-locked Region of the Philippines. The
CAR consists of 6Provinces, the Province of
Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, and
Mountain Province.
The regional center is the chartered city of Baguio,
officially known as the summer capital of the
Philippines. Its rugged terrain and breath-taking
topography have been home to the sturdy and
industrious indigenous tribes called Igorot. It is located
in the north-central part of Luzon and encompasses
most of the areas within the cordillera central mountain
range of Luzon. It has a mountainous topography ad
dubbed as the “Watershed Cradle of North Luzon”
because it hosts nine major rivers that provide
continuous water for irrigation and energy for Northern
Sea of clouds, waterfalls, beautiful scenery
and peace await those who wish and seek out
in this Region, which is scantily populated save
in Tabuk and Baguio City. The Cordilleras is a
great place to combine cultural discovery with
outdoor activities since many of the provinces
most important heritage sites are in
spectacular natural settings.
Mt. Pulag Hydro Falls
Iloba Resort Aran Cave
They also celebrated top events and festivals
like Say-am Festival as their way of celebrating
their anniversary as a separate province in the
month of February, Panagbenga festival in
Baguio/Benguet, Adivay festival of Benguet as
a celebration of Agri-tourism through the
culture, arts and industries of Benguet. It
culminates in the Grand Canao and cultural
presentations by 13 municipalities.
Say-am Festival
Panagbenga Festival
Adivay Festival
Cordillera Administrative Region is one of the
prime tourist destinations in the Philippines. It has
many spectacular views and enchantingly cool
places. The world-famous Banaue Rice Terraces in
the Province of Ifugao is considered as the “Eight
Wonder of the World”. This structure of about
2000-6000 years old is a UNESCO World Heritage
Site. Other tourist attractions of the Region include
Sumaguing Cave in Sagada and Mummy Caves in
Benguet and Mt. Province.
Banaue Rice Terraces
Sumaguing Cave Mummy Cave
There are also 4 National Parks in the Region,
the Cassamata Hill, Mount Pulag which is the
highest mountain in Luzon, Mount Data and
Cassamata Hill
Mt. Pulag
Mt. Data
Balbalasang Balbalan
The CAR is known for its unique musical
instruments including the Gangsa, Tongatong,
Diwdiw-as, Kullitong and many more. Other
than these instruments, the Region is also
known for their ethnic dances like, arts and
crafts like, ibaloi basket, loom weaving, akob,
and suklang.
The symbol of their tattoo particularly the Bontocs is
about being brave because of the pain while inking or
taking the tattoo, serves as a talisman or good luck
against black or evil forces about their religion, or could
possibly a symbol of position such as Leader, Chief
captain, and Mayor. They use tattoos as decoration and
clothes to their body using this art by placing inks with
an abstract on their skin. In addition, their talents in
doing tattoos, making arts and crafts, serves as their
source of income such as weaving clothes, woodcarving,
amulets and many more.
Traditional way of getting a Tattoo by Apo Whang-Od
They also have their own God called “Bulul”, it
is believed as the God of Rice that’s made and
worshipped by the Ifugaos
Some of the famous literary works  of this region are
Hudhud (epic), Ullalim (ballad), Dangdang-Ay (song),
The Giantess and Three Children (short story),
Wedding Dance (short story), Agga a  yaagge a
(song), Canao (ritual)and Tuingguian Flood Myth
(myth). The famous epic of Ifugao is the Hudhud
which depicts the rivalry of different tribes not only
in Ifugao but almost all areas in the region.
Hudhud is one of the literary works of CAR
explained the extreme clash of tribes in the
mountainous region in order to fight their own
beliefs.  The literature of CAR represents their
lifestyles and values that are really interesting
to know and discover more
Amador T. Daguio was a poet,
BACKGROUND OF THE novelist and teacher during the
AUTHOR pre-war. He was best known for
his fictions and poems. He had
published two volumes of poetry,
“Bataan Harvest” and”The Flaming
Lyre”. He served as chief editor for
the Philippine House of
Representatives before he died in
Daguio was born 8 January 1912 in
Laoag, Ilocos Norte, but grew up in
Lubuagan, Mountain Province
EXPOSITION- The story begins at night in a mountain
village in the Philippines, where Awiyao had just
been remarried.
RISING ACTION- Outside, the villagers are dancing in
celebration of the wedding. Awiyao leaves to ry and
comfort Lumnay. He offers her many items of the life
that they built together. Lumnay refuses them and
clings to Awiyao, wishing he could stay.
CLIMAX- Awiyao finally leaves to rejoin the wedding
and Lumnay runs into the hills.
FALLING ACTION- Lumnay sits on the side of the mountain
overlooking the blazing fire and dancing women, thinking
about how her life has changed. She has a sense of
desperation, isolation and worthlessness.
RESOLUTION- As the story goes, Lumnay went on her way to be
at the dance. But, as soon as she saw “the flaming brightness
of the bonfire”, she relented. Instead she went to “the new
clearing of beans which Awiyao and she started to make only
four moons before”. There, Wedding Dance ends.
CONFLICT- Awiyao has left his wife Lumnay because she
couldn't give him a child. He has now married Madulimay in
the hope of having a son. Lumnay is upset because she loves
Awiyao and doesn't want this seperation
Major Characters
Lumnay is Awiyao's ex-wife who is unable to bear children in the
story The Wedding Dance.
Awiyao left her because their society forbids them from continuing
their relationship.
Lumnay is the tribe's greatest dancer.
In the story Wedding Dance, Awiyao is the leading male character. He
has been married to Lumnay for seven years.
After seven years of marriage, Lumnay was unable to produce a child
for him, so he moved to Madulimay.
Minor Character
Madulimay is Awiyao's new wife in the story Wedding Dance.
Awiyao thought she was young and that she would bear him a child
Awiyao -The Husband stated in the short story. (Wedding dance)
Humorous and physically fit. Is the husband of Lumnay, she really love her
and they want to have a son, unfortunately they don't have a chance to have
one. According to the story if a man does not have a son he is considered to
be inferior to others in their community. It is not a case of not loving
Lumnay, which he does, but of his perceived necessity of a son to be
considered a man. He is however, insensitive believing the answer to
Lumnay's sorrow would be to join the other women at the wedding dance.
Lumnay -The wife of Awiyao.
The woman who was left by her husband (Awiyao) because she cannot bear
a child.
Beautiful, a good dancer, strong in planting beans, fast in cleaning jars, and a
good housekeeper, they really love each other. feels the need to marry
another in order to have a son. She seems to obsess over the necklace of his
grandmother which he had given her
I'll keep them because they stand for the love you have for me," she said. "I
love you. I love you and have nothing to give."
BEADS represents the great love of Lumnay to her Ex husband Awiyao. Awiyao
gave the beads to Lumnay as a gift, he said that she can keep the beads and it
is worth 20 fields but Lumnay said that she will keep the beads because of her
love to Awiyao.

After some moments during which he seemed to wait, he talked to the

listening darkness."
DARKNESS symbolizes of what Lumnay is feeling. She is feeling sad and
somehow lonely like when you are in the middle of the darkness, you'll feel
that you're all alone.
He crawled on all fours to the middle of the room"
HOUSE'S FOUR WALLS symbolizes the Lumnay's “imprisonment.” We
used the term imprisonment because in the story Lumnay has no
choice but to follow the rules of their tribe, even though she do not
like the idea of separation just like when you are in prison, you have
no choice but to follow and obey the rules.

With bare fingers he stirred the covered smoldering embers, and blew
into the stove. When the coals began to glow, Awiyao put pieces of
pine on them, then full round logs as his arms. The room brightened."
a while will disappear symbolize for the love of Awiyao to Lumnay. At
first a warm love then eventually it was fading.
31 minutes ago
Simile: the gangsas beat through the walls of the
dark house, like muffled roars of falling water
Metaphor: the fire played with strange moving
shadows and lights upon her face. She was partly
sullen but her sullenness was not because of anger
or hate.
Personification: the mountain clearing was cold in
the freezing moonlight. The wind began to cough
and stir the leaves of the bean plants.
Symbolism: The beads in the story symbolize the promise that Awiyao
made to Lumnay. They are also very precious and are worth 20 fields.
The fact that Awiyao gives them to Lumnay shows that he cherishes
her, and that he still believes she has worth. Although Lumnay rejects
the hut and field Awiayo offers her, she accepts the beads, suggesting
her desire to remain connected to Awiyao.
The gangsas are culturally important. The sound of the gangsas
represents the man in the wedding ceremony. Like the gangsas, they
are strong and provide a beat to the dance, or a "beat to life".
The fire or flames signify the burning intensity of both love and hate
that Lumnay feels in the situation. When Awiyao stirs the embers in
Lumnay’s dark hut, he stirs up both of these feelings in her. Later, as
Lumnay watches the bonfire from afar, her physical distance from the
fire reflects her emotional separation from the man she loves.
The darkness symbolizes how the two lead characters feel


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