in pregnancy
شيماء رؤوف الحسني
Hemodynamic changes in normal pregnancy
The ECG changes in normal pregnancy
1. Atrial and ventricular extrasystoles
2. A ‘left shift’ in the QRS axis
3. Small Q wave and inverted T wave in lead III
4. ST segment depression
5. T wave inversion in the inferior and lateral leads.
Pregnancy changes mimic cardiac disease
Signs :
•Splitting of 1st heart sound
•Murmur – systolic , breast bruit
•Displacement of apex beat – upwards to left
• ECG – cardiac arrhythmias, hypertrophy
• Echocardiography – cardiac status and structural
anomalies , an echocardiogram at the booking visit and at
around 28 GA is usual
• X-ray chest –AP and lateral view CXR
- lead apron shield
-cardiomegaly , vascular prominence
• Cardiovascular MR imaging
• Cardiac catheterization - It is safe to perform cardiac
catheterization with limited fluoroscopy time to minimize
radiation exposure
Stages of heart failure – New York Heart Association
(NYHA) classification
:Preconception counseling
It is important in the care for women with cardiac disease
and it should be performed before conception or, as
early as possible during pregnancy
• It should be multidisciplinary with both cardiac and
obstetric input, to enables women and their partners to
make a well-informed choice whether to continue
pregnancy or not.
• Counseling regarding the risk of pregnancy for the
mother and fetal.
• Optimizing the woman’s clinical condition by changes in
medications or surgical procedures before conception
Issues in prepregnancy counselling of women with
heart disease