Object-Oriented Programming: File Handling in Java

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Object-Oriented Programming

File Handling in Java

 Define data streams
 Identify the need for streams
 Identify the purpose of the File class, its constructors and
 Describe the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces
 Describe the byte stream and character stream in the java.io
 Explain the InputStream and OutputStream classes
 Describe the BufferedInputStream and
BufferedOutputStream classes
 Describe Character stream classes
 Describe the chaining of I/O systems
 Define Serialization and describe the need and purpose of
Stream Classes
 Java works with streams of data.
 A stream is a sequence of data or logical entity that produces or
consumes information.
 A data stream is a channel through which data travels from a source
to a destination.
 This source or destination can be an input or output device,
storage media, or network computers.
 A physical file can be read using different types of streams, for
example, FileInputStream or FileReader.
 Java uses such streams to perform various input and output
 The standard input/output stream in Java is represented by three
fields of the System class:
 in: The standard input stream is used for reading characters of data.
 out: The standard output stream is used to typically display the output on
the screen or any other output medium.
 err: This is the standard error stream.
Need for Stream Classes

 In Java, streams are required to perform all the input/output (I/O)

 Thus, Stream classes help in:

• Reading input from a stream.


• Writing output to a stream.


• Managing disk files.


• Share data with a network of computers.


Steps for Using Stream Classes

 To read or write data using Input/Output streams, the following

steps need to be performed. They are:
• Open a stream that points at a specific data source: a file, a socket, URL,
1 and so on.

• Read or write data from/to this stream.


• Close the stream.


 Input and Output streams are abstract classes and are used for
reading and writing of unstructured sequence of bytes.
 The other input and output streams are subclasses of the basic
Input and Output stream class and are used for reading and writing
to a file.
 The different types of byte streams can be used interchangeably as
they inherit the structure of Input/Output stream class.
 For reading or writing bytes, a subclass of the InputStream or
OutputStream class has to be used respectively.
File Class [1-2]

 File class directly works with files and the file system.
 The files are named using the file-naming conventions of the host
operating system.
 These conventions are encapsulated using the File class
 A pathname can be absolute or relative.
 In an absolute pathname, no other information is required in order to
locate the required file as the pathname is complete.
 In a relative pathname, information is gathered from some other
 The classes in the java.io package resolve relative pathnames
against the current user directory, which is named by the system
property user.dir.

File Class [2-2]

 The directory methods in the File class allow creating, deleting,

renaming, and listing of directories.
 The interfaces and classes defined by the java.nio.file package
helps the Java virtual machine to access files, file systems, and file
 The toPath() method helps to obtain a Path that uses the abstract
path. A File object uses this path to locate a file.
 The constructors of the File class are as follows:
 File(String dirpath)
 File(String parent, String child)
 File(File fileobj, String filename)
 File(URL urlobj)

Methods of File Class [1-4]

 The methods in File class help to manipulate the file on the file
 Some of the methods in the File class are:
 renameTo(File newname): Names the existing File object with the new
name specified by the variable newname.
 delete(): Deletes the file represented by the abstract path name.
 exists(): Tests the existence of file or directory denoted by this abstract
 getPath(): Converts the abstract pathname into a pathname string.
 isFile(): Checks whether the file denoted by this abstract pathname is a
normal file.
 createNewFile(): Creates a new empty file whose name is the pathname for
this file. It is only created when the file of similar name does not exist.
 mkdir(): Creates the directory named by this abstract pathname.
 toPath(): Returns a java.nio.file.Path object constructed from the
abstract path.
 toURI(): Constructs a file, URI. This file represents this abstract pathname.

Methods of File Class [2-4]

 The following Code Snippet displays the use of methods of the File
Code Snippet

. . .
File fileObj = new File(“C:/Java/Hello.txt”);
System.out.println(“Path is: “ +fileObj.getPath());
System.out.println(“Name is: “ +fileObj.getName());
System.out.println(“File exists is: “ +fileObj.exists());
System.out.println(“File is: “ +fileObj.isFile());

 Displays the full path and the filename of the invoking File object.
 Checks for the existence of the file and returns true if the file exists,
false if it does not.
 isFile() method returns true if called on a file and returns false if
called on a directory.
Methods of File Class [3-4]

The following Code Snippet displays the use of FilenameFilter class

to filter files with a specific extension:
Code Snippet

import java.io.*;
class FileFilter implements FilenameFilter {
String ext;
public FileFilter(String ext) {
this.ext = “.” + ext;
public boolean accept (File dir, String fName) {
return fName.endsWith(ext);
public class DirList {
public static void main (String [] args) {
String dirName = “d:/resources”;

Methods of File Class [4-4]

File fileObj = new File (“d:/resources”);

FilenameFilter filterObj = new FileFilter(“java“);
String[] fileName = fileObj.list(filterObj);
System.out.println(“Number of files found : “ +
System.out.println(“” );
System.out.println(“Names of the files are : “ );
System.out.println(“------------------------- “ );
for(int ctr=0; ctr < fileName.length; ctr++) {

FileDescriptor Class

 FileDescriptor class provides access to the file descriptors that are

maintained by the OS when files and directories are being accessed.
 In practical use, a file descriptor is used to create a FileInputStream or
FileOutputStream to contain it.
 File descriptors should not be created on their own by applications as they
are tied to the operating system.
 The FileDescriptor class has the following public fields:
 static final FileDescriptor err
 static final FileDescriptor in
 static final FileDescriptor out
 Following are the constructor and methods of FileDescriptor:
 FileDescriptor()
 sync()
 valid()

DataInput Interface and DataOutput Interface

 Data stream supports input/output of primitive data types and string

values. The data streams implement DataInput or DataOutput
 The DataInput interface has methods for:
 Reading bytes from a binary stream and convert the data to any of the Java
primitive types.
 Converting data from Java modified Unicode Transmission Format (UTF)-8 format
into string form.
 The DataOutput interface has methods for:
 Converting data present in Java primitive type into a series of bytes and write them
onto a binary stream.
 Converting string data into Java-modified UTF-8 format and write it into a stream.

Methods of DataInput Interface

 The methods in this interface are:

 readBoolean()




 readLine()
 readUTF()
 The Snippet
following Code Snippet displays the use of DataInput interface:

DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(System.in);
double d = dis.readDouble();
int num = dis.readInt();
catch(IOException e) {}
. . .

Methods of DataOutput Interface

 The important methods in this interface are:

 writeBoolean(boolean b)
 writeByte(int value)
 writeInt(int value)
 writeDouble(double value)
 writeChar(int value)
 writeChars(String value)
 writeUTF(String value)
 The following Code Snippet displays the use of DataOutput interface:
Code Snippet
. . .
catch (IOException e) {}
. . .

java.io Package [1-7]

 A stream represents many sources and destinations, such as disk

files and memory arrays.
 It is a sequence of data.
 An I/O Stream represents an input source or an output destination.
 Streams support many forms of data, such as simple bytes, primitive
date type, localized characters and so on.
 Certain streams allow data to pass and certain streams transform the
data in an useful way.
 However, all streams provide a simple model to programs to use
 A program uses an input stream to read data from a source. It reads
one item at a time.

java.io Package [2-7]

The following figure illustrates the input stream model:

The following figure illustrates that a program uses an output stream to

write data to a destination:

java.io Package [3-7]

The following Code Snippet displays the working of byte streams using
the FileInputStream class and FileOutputStream class: (đọc/ghi
1 byte)
Code Snippet
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
public class ByteStreamApp {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
FileInputStream inObj = null;
FileOutputStream outObj = null;
try {
inObj = new FileInputStream(“c:/java/hello.txt”);
outObj = new FileOutputStream(“outagain.txt”);
int ch;
while ((ch = inObj.read()) != -1) {

java.io Package [4-7]

} finally {
if (inObj != null) {
if (outObj != null) {

 In the Code Snippet, read() method:

 Reads a character and returns an int value which indicates that the end of the
stream is reached by returning a value of -1.

java.io Package [5-7]

 A program that uses character streams adapts to the local character

set and is ready for internationalization.
 All character stream classes are derived from the Reader and

Writer class.
 There are character stream classes that specialize in file I/O

operations such as FileReader and FileWriter. (đọc ghi 2 byte

 The following Code Snippet displays the reading and writing of

character streams using the FileReader and FileWriter class:

Code Snippet
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
public class CharStreamApp {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
FileReader inObjStream = null;
FileWriter outObjStream = null;

java.io Package [6-7]

try {
inObjStream = new FileReader(“c:/java/hello.txt”);
outObjStream = new FileWriter(“charoutputagain.txt”);
int ch;
while ((ch = inObjStream.read()) != -1) {
} finally {
if (inObjStream != null) {

 Character streams act as wrappers for byte streams.

 The character stream manages translation between characters and
bytes and uses the byte stream to perform the physical I/O

java.io Package [7-7]

 Character I/O typically occurs in bigger units than single characters,

such as a line that includes a string of characters with a line
terminator at the end.
 A line terminator can be any one of the following:
 Carriage-return/line-feed sequence (“\r\n”)
 A single carriage-return (“\r”)
 A single line-feed (“\n”).
 BufferedReader.readLine() and PrintWriter.println()
methods: hoặc BufferedWriter (đọc từng dòng)
 The readLine() method returns a line of text with the line.
 The println() method outputs each line on a new line as it appends the
line terminator for the current operating system.

Methods of InputStream Class [1-2]

 The read() method reads the next bytes of data from the input

stream and returns an int value in the range of 0 to 255.

 The method returns -1 when end of file is reached.

public abstract int read() throws IOException

 The available() method returns the number of bytes that can be

read without blocking.

public int available() throws IOException
 The close() method closes the input stream.

 It releases the system resources associated with the stream.

public void close() throws IOException

Methods of InputStream Class [2-2]

mark(int n):
 The mark(int n) method marks the current position in the stream

and will remain valid until the number of bytes specified in the
variable, n, is read.
 A call to the reset() method will position the pointer to the last

marked position.
public void mark(int readlimit)
skip(long n):
 The skip(long n) method skips n bytes of data while reading from

an input stream.
public long skip(long n) throws IOException
 The reset() method rests the reading pointer to the previously set

mark in the stream.

public void reset() throws IOException

FileInputStream Class [1-3]

 File stream objects can be created by either passing the name of the
file or a File object or a FileDescriptor object respectively.
 FileInputStream class is used to read bytes from a file.
 When an object of FileInputStream class is created, it is also
opened for reading.
 FileInputStream class overrides all the methods of the
InputStream class except mark() and reset() methods.
 The reset() method will generate an IOException.
 Commonly used constructors of this class are as follows:
 FileInputStream(String sObj)
 FileInputStream(File fObj)
 FileInputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj)

FileInputStream Class [2-3]

The following Code Snippet displays the creation of FileInputStream

Code Snippet

. . .
FileInputStream fileName = new FileInputStream(“Helloworld.txt”);
File fName = new File(“/command.doc”);
FileInputStream fileObj = new FileInputStream(fName);

The following Code Snippet demonstrates how to create a

FileInputStream object using different constructors:
Code Snippet

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
public class FIStream {
public static void main(String argv[]){
try {

FileInputStream Class [3-3]

FileInputStream intest;
intest = new FileInputStream(“D:/resources/Client.java”);
int ch;
while ((ch = intest.read()) > -1) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append((char) ch);
} catch (IOException e) {

ByteArrayInputStream Class [1-2]

 ByteArrayInputStream contains a buffer that stores the bytes

that are read from the stream.
 ByteArrayInputStream class uses a byte array as the source.

 ByteArrayInputStream class has an internal counter, which

keeps track of the next byte to be read.

 This class does not support any new methods.

 It only overrides the methods of the InputStream class such as

read(), skip(), available(), and reset().

protected byte[] buf:
This refers to an array of bytes that is provided by the creator of the
protected int count:
This refers to the index greater than the last valid character in the input
stream buffer.
protected int mark:
This refers to the currently marked position in the stream.
ByteArrayInputStream Class [2-2]

protected int pos:

This refers to the index of the next character to be read from the input
stream buffer.
The constructors of this class are as follows:
 ByteArrayInputStream(byte[] b)

 ByteArrayInputStream(byte[] b, int start, int num)

The following Code Snippet displays the use of the

ByteArrayInputStream class:

Code Snippet

. . .
String content = “Hello World”;
Byte [] bObj = content.getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream inputByte = new ByteArrayInputStream(bObj);
. . .

OutputStream Class and its Subclasses

 The OutputStream class is an abstract class that defines the

method in which bytes or arrays of bytes are written to streams.
 ByteArrayOutputStream and FileOutputStream are the
subclasses of OutputStream class.

Methods in OutputStream Class

write(int b) b, int off,
int len)

flush() close()

FileOutputStream Class [1-2]

 FileOutputStream class creates an OutputStream that is used

to write bytes to a file.
 FileOutputStream may or may not create the file before opening it
for output and it depends on the underlying platform.
 Certain platforms allow only one file-writing object to open a file for
 Therefore, if the file is already open, the constructors in the class fail.
 An IOException will be thrown only when a read-only file is
 Some of the commonly used constructors of this class are as follows:
 FileOutputStream(String filename)
 FileOutputStream(File name)
 FileOutputStream(String filename, boolean flag)
 FileOutputStream(File name, boolean flag)

FileOutputStream Class [2-2]

The following Code Snippet displays the use of FileOutputStream

Code Snippet
String temp = “One way to get the most out of life is to look
upon it as an adventure.”
byte [] bufObj = temp.getBytes();
OutputStream fileObj = new FileOutputStream(“Thought.txt”);

Code Snippet first stores the content of the Stringvariable in the

byte array, bufObj, using the getBytes()method.
Then, the entire content of the byte array is written to the file,

ByteArrayOutputStream Class

 ByteArrayOutputStream class creates an output stream in which

the data is written using a byte array.
 It allows the output array to grow in size so as to accommodate the
new data that is written.
 ByteArrayOutputStream class defines two constructors which are
as follows:
 ByteArrayOutputStream()
 ByteArrayOutputStream(int size)

Methods in ByteArrayOutputStream Class [1-2]

reset() size() toByteArray()

writeTo(OutputStream out)


Methods in ByteArrayOutputStream Class [2-2]

 The following Code Snippet displays the use of the

ByteArrayOutputStream class:
Code Snippet

. . .
String strObj = “Hello World”;
byte[] buf = strObj.getBytes();
ByteArrayOutputStream byObj = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.out.println(“The string is:” + byObj.toString());
. . .

 In the Code Snippet, a ByteArrayOutputStream object is created

and then the content from the byte array is written to the
ByteArrayOutputStream object.
 Finally, the content from the output stream is converted to a string
using the toString() method and displayed.

Filter Streams [1-8]

 The FilterInputStream class provides additional functionality by

using an input stream as its basic source of data.
 The FilterOutputStream class streams are over existing output

 They either transform the data along the way or provide additional

 The FilterInputStream class overrides all the methods of the

InputStream class that pass all requests to the contained input

 The subclasses can also override certain methods and can provide

additional methods and fields.

 Following are the fields and constructors for

java.io.FilterInputStream class:
 protected InputStream in
 protected FilterInputStream(InputStream in)

Filter Streams [2-8]

 Following are the methods of this class:

 mark(int readlimit)
 markSupported()
 read()
 available()
 close()
 read(byte[] b)
 reset()
 skip(long n)
 read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 The following Code Snippet demonstrates the use of
FilterInputStream class:
Code Snippet

package javaioapplication;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;

Filter Streams [3-8]

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
public class FilterInputApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
InputStream inputObj = null;
FilterInputStream filterInputObj = null;
try {
// creates input stream objects
inputObj = new FileInputStream(“C:/Java/Hello.txt”);
filterInputObj = new BufferedInputStream(inputObj);
// reads and prints from filter input stream
System.out.println((char) filterInputObj.read());
System.out.println((char) filterInputObj.read());
// invokes mark at this position
System.out.println(“mark() invoked”);
System.out.println((char) filterInputObj.read());
System.out.println((char) filterInputObj.read());
} catch (IOException e) {

Filter Streams [4-8]

// prints if any I/O error occurs

} finally {
// releases system resources associated with the stream
if (inputObj != null) {
if (filterInputObj != null) {

Filter Streams [5-8]

FilterOutputStream Class:
 The FilterOutputStream class overrides all methods of

OutputStreamclass that pass all requests to the underlying output

 Subclasses of FilterOutputStream can also override certain

methods and give additional methods and fields.

 The java.io.FilterOutputStream class includes the protected

OutputStreamout field, which is the output stream to be filtered.

 FilterOutputStream(OutputStream out) is the constructor

of this class.
 This creates an output stream filter that exist class over the defined

output stream.

Filter Streams [6-8]

The following Code Snippet demonstrates the use of

FilterOutputStream class:

Code Snippet

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FilterOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
public class FilterOutputApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OutputStream OutputStreamObj = null;
FilterOutputStream filterOutputStreamObj = null;
FileInputStream filterInputStreamObj = null;
byte[] bufObj = {81, 82, 83, 84, 85};
int i=0;
char c;

Filter Streams [7-8]

//encloses the creation of stream objects within try-catch block

// creates output stream objects
OutputStreamObj = new FileOutputStream(“C:/Java/test.txt”);
filterOutputStreamObj = new FilterOutputStream(OutputStreamObj);
// writes to the output stream from bufObj
// forces the byte contents to be written to the stream
// creates an input stream object
filterInputStreamObj = new FileInputStream(“C:/Java/test.txt”);
{ // converts integer to character
c = (char)i;
// prints the character read
System.out.println(“Character read after conversion is: “+ c);

Filter Streams [8-8]

}catch(IOException e){
// checks for any I/O errors
System.out.print(“Close() is invoked prior to write()”);
// releases system resources associated with the stream

Buffered Streams

 A buffer is a temporary storage area for data.

 By storing the data in a buffer, time is saved as data is immediately
received from the buffer instead of going back to the original source
of the data.
 Java uses buffered input and output to temporarily cache data read
from or written to a stream.
 This helps programs to read or write small amounts of data without
adversely affecting the performance of the system.
 Buffer allows skipping, marking, and resetting of the stream.
 Filters operate on the buffer, which is located between the program
and the destination of the buffered stream.

BufferedInputStream Class

 BufferedInputStream class allows the programmer to wrap any

InputStream class into a buffered stream.
 The BufferedInputStream act as a cache for inputs.
 It does so by creating the array of bytes which are utilized for future
 The simplest way to read data from an instance of
BufferedInputStream class is to invoke its read() method.
 BufferedInputStream class also supports the mark() and
reset() methods.
 The function markSupported() will return true if it is supported.
 BufferedInputStream class defines two constructors:
 BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
 BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size)

BufferedOutputStream Class

 BufferedOutputStream creates a buffer which is used for an

output stream.
 It provides the same performance gain that is provided by the
BufferedInputStream class.
 The main concept remains the same, that is, instead of going every
time to the operating system to write a byte, it is cached in a buffer.
 It is the same as OutputStream except that the flush() method
ensures that the data in the buffer is written to the actual physical
output device.
 The constructors of this class are as follows:
 BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream os)

 BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream os, int size)

Character Streams [1-4]

 Byte stream classes provide methods to handle any type of I/O operations
except Unicode characters.
 Character streams provide functionalities to handle character oriented
input/output operations.
 They support Unicode characters and can be internationalized.
 Reader and Writer are abstract classes at the top of the class hierarchy that
supports reading and writing of Unicode character streams.
 All character stream class are derived from the Reader and Writer class.
Reader Class:
 Reader class is an abstract class used for reading character streams.
 The subclasses of this class override some of the methods present in this
class to increase the efficiency and functionality of the methods.
 All the methods of this class throw an IOException.
 The read() method returns -1 when end of the file is encountered.
 The following are the two constructors for the Reader class:
 Reader()

 Reader(Object lock)

Character Streams [2-4]

Writer Class:
 Writer class is an abstract class and supports writing characters into
streams through methods that can be overridden by its subclasses.
 The methods of the java.io.Writer class are same as the methods of the
java.io.OutputStream class.
 All the methods of this class throw an IOException in case of errors.
 The constructors for the Writer class are as follows:
 Writer()

 Writer(Object lock)

PrintWriter Class:
 The PrintWriter class is a character-based class that is useful for console
 It implements all the print methods of the PrintStream class.
 It does not have methods for writing raw bytes.
 In such a case, a program uses unencoded byte streams.

Character Streams [3-4]

 The PrintWriter class differs from the PrintStream class as it can

handle multiple bytes and other character sets properly.
 This class provides support for Unicode characters.
 The class overrides the write() method of the Writer class with the
difference that none of them raise any IOException.
 The printed output is tested for errors using the checkError() method.
 The PrintWriter class also provides support for printing primitive data
types, character arrays, strings and objects.
 It provides formatted output through its print() and println() methods.
 The toString() methods will enable the printing of values of objects.
 The constructors for PrintWriter class are as follows:
 PrintWriter(OutputStream out)
 PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush)
 PrintWriter(Writer out)
 PrintWriter(Writer out, boolean autoFlush)

Character Streams [4-4]

 The following Code Snippet displays the use of the PrintWriter class:
Code Snippet
. . .
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader (System.in);
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter (System.out);
PrintWriter pwObj = new PrintWriter (writer,true);
. . .
while (tmp != -1)
tmp = reader.read ();
ch = (char) tmp;
pw.println (“echo “ + ch);
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println (“IO error:” + e );
. . .

CharArrayReader Class

 CharArrayReader class is a subclass of Reader class.

 The class uses character array as the source of text to be read.
 CharArrayReader class has two constructors and reads stream of
characters from an array of characters.
 The constructors of this class are as follows:
 CharArrayReader(char arr[])
 CharArrayReader(char arr[], int start, int num)
 The following Code Snippet displays the use of the
CharArrayReader class:
Code Snippet

. . .
String temp = “Hello World”;
int size = temp.length();
char [] ch = new char[size];
temp.getChars(0, size, ch, 0);
CharArrayReader readObj = new CharArrayReader(ch, 0, 5);

CharArrayWriter Class [1-2]

 CharArrayWriter class is a subclass of Writer class.

 CharArrayWriter uses a character array into which characters are
 The size of the array expands as required.
 The methods to CharArray(), toString(), and writeTo()
method can be used to retrieve the data.
 CharArrayWriter class inherits the methods provided by the
Writer class.
 The constructors of this class are as follows:
 CharArrayWriter()
 CharArrayWriter(int num)

CharArrayWriter Class [2-2]

The following Code Snippet displays the use of the CharArrayWriter

Code Snippet

. . .
CharArrayWriter fObj = new CharArrayWriter();
. . .
String temp = “Hello World”;
int size = temp.length();
char [] ch = new char[size];
temp.getChars(0, temp.length(), ch, 0);
char[] buffer = fObj.toCharArray();
. . .

Chaining I/O Systems

 A program, typically, uses a series of streams to process the data.

 The following figure illustrates this:

 The following figure displays the chaining of an output stream:


 Serialization is the process of reading and writing objects to a byte

 An object that implements the Serializable interface will have its
state saved and restored using serialization and deserialization
 When a Java object’s class or superclass implements the
java.io.Serializable interface or its subinterface,
java.io.Externalizable, the Java object becomes serializable.
 The java.io.Serializable interface defines no methods.
 It indicates that the class should be considered for serialization.
 If a superclass is serializable, then its subclasses are also
 The only exception is if a variable is transient and static, its state
cannot be saved by serialization facilities.
 When the serialized form of an object is converted back into a copy of
the object, this process is called deserialization.

ObjectOutputStream Class [1-2]

 ObjectOutputStream class extends the OutputStream class and

implements the ObjectOutput interface.
 It writes primitive data types and object to the output stream.
 The constructors of this class are as follows:
 ObjectOutputStream()
 ObjectOutputStream(OutputStreamout)
Methods in ObjectOutputStream Class:
writeFloat(float f)
writeObject(Object obj)

ObjectOutputStream Class [2-2]

The following Code Snippet displays the use of methods of

ObjectOutputStream class:
Code Snippet

. . .
Point pointObj = new Point(50,75);
FileOutputStream fObj = new FileOutputStream(“point”);
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fObj);
oos.writeObject(new Date());
. . .

ObjectInputStream Class [1-5]

 ObjectInputStream class extends the InputStream class and

implements the ObjectInput interface.
 ObjectInput interface extends the DataInput interface and has
methods that support object serialization.
 ObjectInputStream is responsible for reading object instances
and primitive types from an underlying input stream.
 It has readObject() method to restore an object containing non-
static and non-transient fields.
 The constructors of this class are as follows:
 ObjectInputStream()
 ObjectInputStream(InputStream in)
Methods in ObjectInputStream Class:
readFloat() readBoolean() readByte()
readChar() readObject()

ObjectInputStream Class [2-5]

The following Code Snippet displays the creation of an instance of

ObjectInputStream class:
Code Snippet

. . .
FileInputStream fObj = new FileInputStream(“point”);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fObj);
Point obj = (Point) ois.readObject();

 In the Code Snippet, an instance of FileInputStream is created

that refers to the file named point.
 An ObjectInputStream is created from that file stream.
 The readObject() method returns an object which deserialize the
 Finally, the object input stream is closed.

ObjectInputStream Class [3-5]

 The ObjectInputStream class deserializes an object.

 The object to be deserialized must had already been created using

the ObjectOutputStream class.

 The following Code Snippet demonstrates the Serializable

Code Snippet

import java.io.Serializable;
public class Employee implements Serializable{
String lastName;
String firstName;
double sal;
public class BranchEmpProcessor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FileInputStream fIn = null;
FileOutputStream fOut = null;
ObjectInputStream oIn = null;

ObjectInputStream Class [4-5]

ObjectOutputStream oOut = null;

try {
fOut = new FileOutputStream(“E:\\NewEmplyee.Ser”);
oOut = new ObjectOutputStream(fOut);
Employee e = new Employee();
e.lastName = “Smith”;
e.firstName = “John”;
e.sal = 5000.00;
fIn = new FileInputStream(“E:\\NewEmplyee.Ser”);
oIn = new ObjectInputStream(fIn);
//de-serializing employee
Employee emp = (Employee) oIn.readObject();
System.out.println(“Deserialized - “ +
emp.firstName + “ “ +
emp.lastName + “ from NewEmployee.ser”);

ObjectInputStream Class [5-5]

} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} finally {


 A stream is a logical entity that produces or consumes information.

 Data stream supports input/output of primitive data types and String
 InputStream is an abstract class that defines how data is received.
 The OutputStream class defines the way in which output is written to
 File class directly works with files on the file system.
 A buffer is a temporary storage area for data.
 Serialization is the process of reading and writing objects to a byte


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