Communications System: A2 Level
Communications System: A2 Level
Communications System: A2 Level
A2 Level
Modulation of Radio waves
• Radio that we listened to these days is a part of communication
• Sound signal Radio signal Sound signal
• Each signal has a different carrier wave frequency
• The signal is carried by modulating the carrier wave
• Modulation is the variation of either the amplitude or the frequency
of the carrier wave
• The modulated wave is the actual wave transmitted
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
• The amplitude of the modulated wave is proportional to and in phase
with the signal
• The modulated wave is the carrier wave but its amplitude rise & falls
to match the value of the signal at any instant
• The amplitude of the signal must be less than half of the carrier
wave’s amplitude
• The frequency of modulated wave is constant
Frequency Modulation (FM)
• The frequency of modulated wave varies with time
• Without the signal, frequency of modulated wave is equal to
frequency of carrier wave
• When input signal is positive, the frequency of modulated wave
increased, and therefore grater than the frequency of carrier wave
• The larger the signal, the greater is the change of the frequency
• The amplitude of modulated wave is constant
• The frequency deviation of the carrier wave may be given a value
Sidebands &
Advantages of communicating
using Satellite
Geostationary vs Polar