Instruments of Throat: Sparsh Goel 77

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Boyle Davis Mouth Gag
• Mouth gags are used to keep the patient’s mouth open during oral
surgery, leaving both hands of the surgeon free to operate.

• The Boyle Davis mouth gag consists of the Davis gag, a frame
that serves to hold the mouth open and the Boyle tongue
depressor to hold the tongue down.
• The tongue depressor comes in several sizes, from pediatric to
• The instrument is assembled by sliding the tongue blade into the
• The mouth gag is held in position using the Draffin’s bipod stand.
• Used in oral and
oropharyngeal surgeries.
• Adenoidectomy
• Tonsillectomy
• Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
and other procedures on the
soft palate
• Procedures on the hard
palate like cyst or tumor
Doyen’s mouth Gag

• Used to keep the mouth

open for intraoral
surgery when retraction
of the tongue is not
required or desirable.
• Mostly used for tongue
• It is applied on one side
of the mouth on molar
Jenning’s Mouth Gag
• Use is similar to the previous one.
• It is applied in the center of the mouth.
Draffin’s Bipod
• Each pod has four rings.
• They can be assembled
to vary the height at
which the tongue blade
of the Boyle Davis
mouth gag can be
Denis Browne’s Tonsil Holding Forceps
• These forceps are used to grasp and hold the tonsils
during surgery (tonsillectomy by dissection method).
• The tonsil is grasped gently and then pulled medially.
This step helps hold the tonsil away from its bed to
facilitate dissection and prevent injury to structures in the
bed of the tonsil.

Identifying the instrument

• Tonsil holding forceps are long and sturdy with the shaft
bent at an angle to the handle. The tips are cup-shaped
with holes.
Waugh’s toothed forceps

• Better known as tonsil

dissection forceps with
• For incision in mucous
membrane and
dissection of tonsil.
• This pair of long forceps
is used while packing
the tonsillar fossa.
Yankauer suction tube

• This tube is ideal for

suction blood and
pharyngeal secretions
during tonsillectomy.
Tonsil dissector and anterior pillar
• One end is used to dissect the tonsil and the other to
retract the anterior pillar to inspect the fossa for any
bleeding point.
Tonsil artery forceps ( straight and
curved )
• Straight forceps is used
to catch the bleeding
• Curved one is used as a
replacement forceps
before tying with a
Negus artery forceps

• Its tip is sharply curved.

• The forceps is used as replacement forceps to ligate
the bleeding point.
Negus Knot tier

• Helps to carry the ligature

knot up to the tip of artery
forceps holding the vessel
and tie it.
Eve’s tonsil snare

• Used for tonsillectomy

• After the tonsil has been
dissected till its lower pole,
snare is passed round the
tonsil to engage the pedicle
and then firmly closed.
• It crushes and cuts the
pedicle minimizing
• Wire used in snare no. 25
Peritonsillar abscess forceps
• Used for drainage of
peritonsillar abscess.
St. Clair Thompson’s adenoid curette
with guard
• Used in adenoidectomy.
• Curette shaves off the adenoid mass while the guard
holes the tissue and prevents its slipping.
Leighton tonsillotome (Guillotine)

• The tonsillotome , was

used during the
nineteenth century to
amputate an enlarged
• This tool was innovative
in combining the
multiple steps to a tonsil
amputation into one

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