Philippines Politics and Governance

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1. What is your expectation for this subject of Philippine Politics and Governance?
2. Why do we need to understand the ideas of PPG?
Politics and
Denotes a social activity
Is the creation, maintenance and amendment
of social norms or rules.
Is an art and science of the government.
Is the exercise of power authority by political leader
for the well being at their country’s citizen or subject.
Refers to the manner of steering/governing and or
directing and controlling a group of people the state.
Basic Concepts of Politics

Is the central to the study of politics

because it shows different components
of human society
The main source of reign of the
government. The possession to
govern or rule the state
The process of legalizing and
penalizing the abuse of political
power and power rule.
Structures of Order
Community- is one kind of social
order which refers to the association
of individual who shares a common
State- is the largest social
order today in which the term
politics originally derived.
Government- is a higher level of
social order that exist primarily for
the maintenance and perpetuation of
the community.
Two approaches to the Study of Politics

 PoliticalPhilosophy- Is the traditional approach in which the

primary goal is to understand the essence or the truth about politics.

 Political Science- It is the empirical/ objective approach in which it

places little emphasis on abstract and normative question, and
concentrates on a dispassionate and objective of the realties of
Importance of studying Governance
Governance, the people, most especially the citizens, will be
aware of the need for good governance. Consequently, such
awareness should move them to action, For their continued
empowerment and sustainable development, they have to
know how to fight their rights by knowing what expect from
Philippine governance
Processes and Actors in Governance
 Decision-Making and Implemention

 Decision making refers the process by which a person or group of

persons, guided by socio-political structures arrive at a decision
involving their individual and communal needs and wants.
 Implementation is the process the logically follows the decision.
Actors and Structures
An actor is a sector or group or institution that participates in
the process of decision-making and implementation.
A structure refers to an organization or mechanism the
formally or informally guides the decision-making process and
sets into motion the different actors and apparatuses in the
implementation process
Informal actors and Bad Governance

Their influence is felt more clearly into local government, such

as organized crime syndicates and powerful families and in
rural and urban areas. Most often than not these actors are the
cause of corruption. In the legitimate government objectives
are distorted by their legal and private interest worse they
manipulate government officials and agencies and cause
widespread yet organized violence in the community.
Indicators of Good Governance
 Participation
 Rule of Law
 Effective and Efficiency
 Transparency
 Responsiveness
 Equity and Inclusiveness
 Consensus Oriented
 Accountability
Political Ideologies
Certain set of ethical ideas, principles,
doctrines, Myths, or symbols of a social
movements, institution, class or large group that
explains how society should work and offers some
political and cultural blueprint for a certain social
ethical ideas

it studies what is morally right or wrong, just or

unjust. In a broader sense, ethics reflects on human
beings and their interaction with nature and with
other humans, on freedom, on responsibility and on

afundamental truth or proposition that

serves as the foundation for a system of
belief or behavior or for a chain of

a belief or set of beliefs held and

taught by a Church, political party, or
other group.
"the doctrine of predestination"

Flood described a working definition of a political

myth as "an ideologically marked narrative which
purports to give a true account of a set of past,
present, or predicted political events and which is
accepted as valid in its essentials by a social group"

Political symbols simplify and “summarize” the political

structures and practices for which they stand; can connect
institutions and beliefs with emotions; can help make a
polity or political movement more cohesive. People fit
themselves to words as much as they bend them to their
own purposes.
Ten Political Ideologies
isa political philosophy that advocates self-governed
societies based on voluntary institutions. These are often
described as stateless societies, although several authors
have defined them more specifically as institutions
based on non-hierarchical or free associations.
Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable,
unnecessary and harmful
The acceptance of a belief in absolute principles in
political, philosophical, ethical or theological
Absolute monarchy- a governing body in which a
monarch rules freely, with no laws or legally
organized opposition, especially used to describe the
Autocracy- also know as “political absolutism” a
political theory which argues that one person should
hold all power.
 is a political and moral philosophy based on
liberty and equality. Liberals a wide array of
views depending on their understanding of
these principles, but they generally support
civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender and
race equality, internationalism and the
freedoms of speech, the press, religion and
Conservatism is opposed to the ideals of
Liberalism and Socialism. Conservatism
generally refers to right-wing politics
which advocate the preservation of
personal wealth and private ownership
(Capitalism) and emphasize self-reliance
and Individualism.
is a range of economic and social systems
characterised by social ownership and
democratic control of the means of
production as well as the political theories
and movements associated with them.
The belief that a capitalist society is doomed by the way that the
tendency of the rate of profit to fall is inherent with capitalism,
that the people will y when capitalism has exhausted itself rise up
against the capitalists, expropriate their land, size the state for a
short time to use it’s function to socialize the means of
production, distribute based on labour contribution (labour
vouchers), and by equalizing the people, the state will have no
function, and communism can be achieved. Violence is
permissible given that no powerful person will give up power
The belief that Marxism can occur without
needing to wait for a tendency of the rate
of profit to fall causing capitalist crisis by
using a vanguard party, which also protects
the people from outside capitalists still
trying to hold onto their wealth.
Nothing outside the state, nothing against the state, everything
within the state. The idea that the varying social classes all
contribute to a society where the state is the expression of the
desire of the people, using a meritocracy not democracy to
decide leadership, using force if needed to pursue the goals,
desiring autoracy and self reliance, based on nationalism. The
kinks of society can be expelled with force if needed. Religion is
either not existent or contributes to the existence of the state and
is controlled by it. Private companies can exist, but they must do
as the state commands.
Government by a single
person with absolute
control over the resources
of the state.
The extension of power
and rule beyond
established geographical
liberty. The freedom of speech and the right to

equality. A classless society with the redistribution

of wealth through a welfare state.

fraternity. The communal brotherhood, working and

living as one.
authority. The preservation of order through an
evolved authority.

hierarchy. The continuation of the existing

social order.

property. The right to private ownership.

In your own words, what
could be the most
applicable political
ideology of the Philippines?
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the
aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
humane society, and establish a Government that
shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
the common good, conserve and develop our
patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
the blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and a
regime of truth, justice, freedom, love,
equality, and peace, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitution.

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