Health Assessment Proj 8
Health Assessment Proj 8
Health Assessment Proj 8
Program Design
Kaitlyn S. Greene
Purdue Global University
Be Specific
• Workout Specificity is important for defining fitness goal
• Gear workout plan toward that goal
The use of PROS will be integrated over time to ensure fitness improvements over time
P: The 45 min goal is set to be achieved by the end of the month.
R: Aerobic fitness will be used as a dynamic warm-up of 20 minutes pre-workout
O: There will be 1 designated Cardiovascular training day in which I will work my way up to 45 mins
of Steady State cardio (SSC)
S: The progression will be increasing the cardiovascular training day session from 20 mins to 45 in 5
minute increments every week.
Muscle Strengthening Prescription
Muscle Strengthening: 6xWeek 60-70% 60- PPL (Push Pull Legs) SPLIT
Push: Bench Press, Tricep Push-
120min downs, Military Press, Side/ Lateral
Lifting Weights s (4 sets of 12) 30-45sec rest
Pull: Pull-ups, Lat Pull-down,
Preacher Curls, Dumbbell Curls, Cable
v-bar row
Legs: Deadlift, Hamstring Curls, Quad
extension, Calf raises, Hip
*Perform Twice a Week*
The use of PROS will be integrated over time to ensure fitness improvements over time
P: Progression will be monitored through assessing strength/muscle endurance improvement.
R: Regularity will be the preset guidelines in the workout prescription.
O: Overload will take place in 10% increments by increasing weight from week to week.
S: Specificity is incorporated through the workout prescription. The main goal of the prescription is to increase
overall strength and muscle endurance.
Flexibility Prescription
The use of PROS will be integrated over time to ensure fitness improvements over time
P: Progression of flexibility will be monitored daily.
R: Regularity of flexibility will occur before and after workout.
O: Overload may be introduced by including 1 yoga class a week which works on flexibility and balance.
S: Specificity within the program occurs in the type of flexibility one may choose to perform.