Disaster Risk Management Plan For Pakistan

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The Effect of disaster on Pakistan
• Pakistan is in transition from a predominantly rural and agrarian to an
industrial, service based and urban economy.
• Natural disasters threaten sustained economic growth by causing
shocks, as the October 2005 earthquake did.
• The quake caused a loss of 5.2 billion USD which is staggering when
compared to national budget for 2006-07 which was about USD 25
• This amount was much higher than the total allocations for
development. Similarly, the economic damages suffered from 14
major floods, since 1947, have been estimated as USD 6 billion
The Effect of disaster on Pakistan
• The drought of 1998-2001 demonstrated that this phenomenon could
have serious political, economic and social repercussions. Sustainable
development in agriculture, livestock, water resources, food security and
environment sectors is seriously threatened by droughts, particularly in
Balochistan, Southern Punjab, Tharparkar and D.I.Khan in KPK.
• The drought of 2001 reduced economic growth rate to 2.6% as compared
to an average growth rate of over 6%. Therefore, it is not a coincidence
that areas which experience disasters frequently, are amongst the
poorest regions; e.g. Balochistan, Tharparker, Cholistan and Northern
Factor behind vulnerability in Pakistan
• A number of factors lay behind vulnerabilities of Pakistani society to hazards.
These include poor construction practices, poor livestock and agricultural
management, and fragile natural environment, weak early warning systems, lack
of awareness and Education and poverty. Poor communication infrastructure and
lack of critical facilities aggravate vulnerabilities of communities.

• In mountainous regions the non-availability of safer land for construction,

scattered settlement patterns and harsh climatic conditions further intensify
vulnerabilities. The size and growth of human and animal population,
environmental degradation resulting from poorly managed urban and
industrial development processes, and climate change and variability are major
dynamic pressures that increase vulnerabilities of Pakistani society.
• Realizing the importance of disaster risk reduction for sustainable
social, economic and environmental development, the GOP has
embarked upon establishing appropriate policy, legal and institutional
arrangements, and implementing strategies and programs to
minimize risks and vulnerabilities.
The National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) is a milestone in the history of the
Disaster Management System (DRM) in Pakistan. The rapid change in global climate
has given rise to many disasters that pose a severe threat to human life, property
and infrastructure. Disasters like floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, sediment
disasters, avalanches and cyclones with storm surges are some prominent
manifestations of climate change phenomenon.
Pakistan, which is ranked in the top 5 countries that are the most vulnerable to
climate change effects, started planning to safeguard and secure the life, land and
property of its people in particular the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized.
However, recurring disasters since 2005 have provided the required stimuli for
accelerating the efforts towards capacity building of the responsible agencies, which
include federal, provincial, district governments, community organizations, NGOs
and individuals.
• Prior to 2005, the West Pakistan National Calamities Act of 1958 was
the available legal remedy that regulated the maintenance and
restoration of order in areas affected by Disasters.
• An Emergency Relief Cell within the Cabinet Division has been serving
since 1971 as an institutional disaster relief support at the national
• Similar institutional arrangements existed at the provincial level in
the form of relief commissioners. However, that regime provided a
reactive approach towards emergency response only.
• The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
(UNISDR) introduced the paradigm shift from a reactive to a proactive
approach in the form of the Hyogo Framework of Action (2005-2015)
signed by 168 countries including Pakistan.
• To fulfill the global obligations as well as cope with the challenges
emerged in the aftermath of the October 2005 earthquake, the
Government of Pakistan define the National Disaster Management
Ordinance in 2007 to introduce a comprehensive National Disaster
Management System in the country. The Ordinance became the Act
called the National Disaster Management Act in December 2010.
• The Act includes three tiers
1. National
2. Provincial
3. District level
• Under the Act, the National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC) was
established at the national level to make policy and guidelines for DMS.

• The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) was subsequently

established in 2007 in line with the Act, and serves as the implementing,
coordinating and monitoring body for disaster risk management at the national
• The National Disaster Risk Management Framework (NDRMF) was
prepared by the NDMA in March 2007. The NDRMF served as an
overall guideline for disaster risk management at national, provincial
and district levels.
• In March 2010, the NDMA formulated the National Disaster Response
Plan (NDRP) identifying specific roles and responsibilities of the
relevant stakeholders in emergency response including Standard
Operation Procedures (SOPs).
National Disaster Risk Management
• The National Disaster Risk Management Framework envisions, “To
achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental development
in Pakistan through reducing risks and vulnerabilities, particularly
those of the poor and marginalized groups, and by effectively
responding to and recovering from disaster impact”.
Priority Areas
Nine priority areas have been identified within this framework to
establish and strengthen policies, institutions and capacities over the
next five years.
These include:-

• Institutional and legal arrangements for DRM

• Hazard and vulnerability assessment,
• Training, education and awareness,
Priority Areas
• Disaster risk management planning,
• Community and local level programming,
• Multi-hazard early warning system,
• Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development,
• Emergency response system
• Capacity development for post disaster recovery.
Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
Roles and responsibilities of key national, provincial and local
stakeholders have been defined in the present Framework.

• Integrate risk assessment in the planning and design stages of all new

• Assess vulnerability of people, infrastructure, assets and services

related to their sector,

• Develop disaster risk management plans

Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
• Integrate vulnerability reduction measures in their programs,

• Develop technical capacities of their departments/sectors to

implement disaster risk management strategies

• Allocate funds for disaster risk management in annual development

Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
Other responsibilities of the stakeholders include

• Conduct post disaster damage and loss assessments

• Organize emergency response as per the mandate of the department

• Organize recovery and rehabilitation as per the mandate.

Principles established for Framework
• promoting multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary

• reducing vulnerability of most vulnerable social groups

• strengthening community and local level risk reduction capacities

• combining scientific and people’s knowledge,

Principles established for Framework
• developing culturally, socially, economically and environmentally relevant

• strengthening sustainable livelihood practices

• acquiring specific capacities in view of the hazard-risk profile of the area and

• working with other countries, and the international community to promote

disaster risk reduction.
for Five
Priorities for
Five Years
Disasters in future would be more frequent and their social, economic and
environmental impacts higher than before.
• Pakistan’s exposure to natural hazards and disasters could be ranked between
moderate to severe. Natural hazards including avalanches, cyclones and
storms, droughts, earthquakes, epidemics, flood, landslides, pest attacks, river
erosion and tsunami pose risks to Pakistani society. A variety of human-induced
hazards also threaten the society, economy and environment. They include
industrial, transport, oil spills, urban and forest fires, civil conflicts and
internal displacements of communities. High priority hazards in terms of their
frequency and scale of impact are:-earthquakes, droughts, flooding, Wind
Storms and Landslides that have caused widespread damage and losses in
the past. Given below is an overview of the key hazards that threaten Pakistan.
• Earthquakes
• Droughts
• Landslides
• Tsunami
• Cyclones/storms
• Transport and industrial accidents
• Urban and forest fires
• Civil conflicts
• Main causes of vulnerability to hazards in Pakistan include; poor
quality of construction of housing, buildings and infrastructure
(particularly rural), fragile natural environment, poor livestock and
agriculture management practices, weak early warning systems, lack
of awareness and education and poverty. Lack of communications
infrastructure and critical facilities further aggravate vulnerabilities of
communities in post-disaster situations.
Dynamic Pressures
• Population growth and size

• Urbanization, industrialization and environmental degradation

• Climate change and variability

• Gender power imbalances

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