In summary, taking into account the important role that women play in family, community and
economics, it is important to pay attention to their general health. Because the lack of women’s
health can cost a lot to any society and country. Therefore, the present study was conducted to
compare general health in athlete and non-athlete women so that it becomes a step forward to
fill the research gaps in this area are performed to improve the general health in women. This
makes it clear that there is need of further researches and analysis on this particular field.
In assessing the general health of individuals, one should not only focus on
traditional health indicators such as mortality and disease, but also the perception of
people about their quality of life (physical, mental and social status). General health
is very important in today’s time. By performing this study we also get to know about
the levels of health in both females who involved and not involved in sports or
physical activities. It’s also allows us to become more conscious about our needs of
body to become more fit and healthy. Mental health refers to the overall well-being
of an individual. It is about the balance of the social, physical, spiritual and emotional
aspects of life. Our Mental Health is characterized by our personal growth, sense of
purpose, self-acceptance, and positive relationship with other people taking into
account the important role that women play in family, community and economics, it
is important to pay attention to their general health because the lack of women’s
health can cost a lot to any society and country.
There will be significant difference of general health between athletic
and non-athletic females.
a) SAMPLE: The sample of 50 females were selected by using purposive sampling method. From
which 25 females were athletics and 25 were non – athletics. Age range of the participants is 18-
25 years .
b) VARIABLES: General health as independent variable and athlete and non-athlete females as
dependent variable .
c) Tools: General health questionnaire (GHQ 28) has been developed by Goldberg (1978). This
questionnaire has 28 items and four subscales including somatic symptoms (items 1-7); anxiety
(items8-14) ; social dysfunction (items 15-21) and severe (items 22-28). This scale is a fourpoint
Likert scale from (zero) no more than usual (score 1) rather more than usual ( score 2) much more
than usual (score 3) indicates a greater disorder in mental health of individuals (Goldberg, 1978).
Numerous studies have investigated reliability and validity of the GHQ -28 in various populations.
Malakouti, Fatollahi, Mirabzadeh, and Zandi (2007) reported that the Cronbach’s alpha, split-half
coefficients and test- retest reliability were 0.9,0.89 and 0.58 repectively and recommended that for
identifying individuals with the psychiatric diagnoses, GHQ-28 has a sensitivity 0.83, specificity 0.76.
d) Statistical Analysis : The data was coded and the test scores were obtained to summarize the
data through taking out the mean standard deviation and t test the collected data was organized in
Microsoft office.
6. Result
The data which were collected from the subjects were treated statistically. To compare the
general health among sports and non sports women, thus the score obtained from data collection
were treated statistically ‘t-test’ and the level of significance was kept at 0.05 level.
Table indicates that there was significant difference in mental health between sports and non-sports women.
Because the mean value obtained from sports women were 26.55 and non sports women were 21.60
respectively and ‘T’ value between them was 3.395. the obtained of 3.395 is significant as it was greater
than the value of 2.712 for the significance at 0.05 levels.
The purpose of the study was to finally carried out the differences between general health between sports
and non sports women. For this purpose the general health was selected as the independent variable. The
collected data was analyzed statistically by using ‘T’ ratio to find out the significant differences between
means. The result of the study reveals that there were significant differences in general health of sports and
non sports women.
Discussion and Conclusion
The purpose of this study was to compare general health in athlete and non-athlete
women the findings on this study indicated that somatic symptoms in athletes are
less than non athlete women anti anxiety effects of exercise and physical activities
can be explained on various mechanisms, including physical, psychological and
physiological mechanism of exercise. The findings of this study also indicated that
depression symptoms in athlete women is lower than non athlete women. It can be
stated that physical activities can be effective in reducing the symptoms of
depression through increasing sense of competence, independence and increase in
self-esteem of individuals. It is also seen that sports activities enhance the social
skills through enhancing social expression and assertiveness thereby improving
their social performance.