Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior
The last twenty-five years have shown an effective
development of intensive efforts and research
oriented toward a better understanding of human
behaviour concerning its consumption activity.
The knowledge and understanding of consumer
behaviour has become a basic task both at the
entrepreneurial and institutional levels. Firms have
realized that since consumers have adopted a-more
aggressive and demanding role, they have to
modify their attitudes. At an institutional level,
every Government has necessarily to be aware
about the quality standards of living and welfare
of the people, being consumption a major issue of
this awareness.
Consumer behaviour is a psychological part of an
individual which makes the difference in
purchasing any goods, services and anything else.
The behaviour of any consumer depends on many
factors which are very important for any marketing
management team in any business or any
organization which deals in directly to
consumers. The study of consumer behaviour
involves search, evaluation, purchase,
consumption and post purchase behaviour of
the consumers and includes the disposal of
purchased products keeping environment and
personal characteristics in mind. It is the body of
knowledge which studies various aspects of
purchase and consumption of products and
services by individual.
1) Lifestyle
Different consumers fall in different
social classes. This depends mainly
on their buying power. The buying
power is affected by the
background of the customer, his
income as well as his spending
habits. The customer will always
buy to maintain his social class.
5) Personality Psychographic
Personality in psychographic
segmentation is dependent on both –
lifestyle as well as social class. A person
will have a rich personality only if he
has high buying power as well as the
taste in clothes to maintain such a
lifestyle. Thus the term “
Brand personality” came into effect.
The reason for that is that different
brands target different personalities.
Subculture vs Culture
A subculture is a self-organized
tradition of shared interests,
lifestyles, beliefs, customs, norms,
style or tastes.
A culture is a shared social
tradition that may include language,
social norms, beliefs, art, literature,
music, traditions, pastimes, values,
knowledge, recreation, mythology,
ritual and religion.
Family Buying Influence on Consumer Behaviour