A Small Research Study On IGBC
A Small Research Study On IGBC
A Small Research Study On IGBC
• Water consumption
• Handling of Consumer Waste
• Energy Efficiency
• Reduced Use of Fossil Fuels
• Reduced Dependency on Virgin Materials
• Health and Well-being of Occupants
IGBC Green New Buildings Rating System
• IGBC has set up the Green New Buildings Core Committee to develop the rating
programmed. This committee comprised of key stakeholders, including architects, builders,
consultants, developers, owners, institutions, manufacturers and industry representatives.
The committee, with a diverse background and knowledge has enriched the rating system,
both in its content and process
• It Considered In Three Types:-
a. Features
b. scope
c. The Future of IGBC Green New Buildings Rating System
• Recognition for architectural excellence through integrated design
• Recognition for passive architectural features.
• Structural design optimization with regard to steel and cement. This is a
developmental credit. Projects are encouraged to attempt this credit, so as
to help IGBC in developing baselines for future use.
• Water use reduction for construction. This is also a developmental credit.
• A site visit and audit is proposed before award of the rating.
• IGBC Green New Buildings rating system® is designed primarily for new
buildings, both for air-conditioned and non air-conditioned buildings.
• Building types such as residential, factory buildings, schools, integrated
townships will be covered under other IGBC rating programs
• IGBC Green New Buildings rating system is broadly classified into two types:-
1) Owner-occupied buildings are those wherein 51% or more of the building’s built-up area is
occupied by the owner.
2) Tenant-occupied buildings are those wherein 51% or more of the building’s built-up area is
occupied by the tenants.
3.The Future of IGBC Green New Buildings Rating
• Many new green building materials, equipment and technologies are being
introduced in the market. With continuous up-gradation and introduction of
new green technologies and products, it is important that the rating
programme also keeps pace with current standards and technologies.
• Therefore, the rating programme will undergo periodic revisions to
incorporate the latest advancement and changes.
• IGBC Green New Buildings rating system® addresses green features under the following
1.Sustainable Architecture and Design
2.Site Selection and Planning
3.Water Conservation
4.Energy Efficiency8 Indian Green Buildings Council
5.Building Materials and Resources
6.Indoor Environmental Quality
7.Innovation and Development
• Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total
credits earned.
2. Registration
Organization's interested in registering their projects under IGBC Green New
Buildings rating system Certification are advised to first register on IGBC
website (www.igbc.in) under ‘IGBC Green New Buildings Rating System’ tab.
The website includes information on registration fee for IGBC member companies
as well as non-members.
To achieve the IGBC Green New • The threshold criteria for certification levels are as
Buildings rating, the project must under:-
satisfy all the mandatory
requirements and the minimum
number of credit points.
• file:///C:/Users/Kishan/Downloads/A-Review-On-Green-Building-Movement
• https://www.irjet.net/archives/V8/i4/IRJET-V8I476.pdf
• http://ijirt.org/Article?manuscript=146987
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