Accounting For Disbursements AND Related Transactions: Prepared By: Mariel Ann Guiljon & Desirie Camus

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This chapter covers the rules and regulations to
be followed in the disbursement of public
funds, the monitoring of receipt and utilization
of NCA/NTA,, preparation and processing of
DV/Payroll; preparation and issue of checks;
payment by cash; granting, utilization, and
liquidation/ replenishment of cash advances;
payment through ADA; remittance of taxes
withheld through TRA; availment of foreign
loans through suppliers credit/constructive
cash; and payment of operating requirements
on FSPs through Cash Disbursement Ceiling
(CDC). Specifically, accounting for Inventories
(IPSAS/PPSAS 12) and Poperty, Plant and
Equipment (IPSAS/PPSAS) 17) were discussed.
Receipt of Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA)
from DBM

NCA received by the agency may be net of the

amount of the taxes withheld by the agency,
DISBURSEMENT because of Tax Remittance Advice (TRA)
NGA System.

The NCA may be used for payment of personnel

services, maintenance and other operating
expenses, financial expenses, capital outlay, and
other miscellaneous transactions.

 Preparation and processing of disbursement voucher

 Preparation and issuance of check
 Payment by cash
 Granting, utilization, and liquidation/replenishment of cash advances.

Disbursements constitute all cash paid out during a given period either in cash or
by check.
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Fundamental Principles for
Disbursement of Public Funds No money shall be paid out of any public
1 treasury or depository except in pursuance
of an appropriation law or other specific
statutory authority.

Government funds or property shall be

2 spent or used solely for public purposes.
No. 1445, the Government Auditing Code of the
Philippines, provides that all financial transactions and
operations of any government entity shall be governed Trust funds shall be available and may
by the following fundamental principles:
be spent only for the specific purpose for
which the trust was created or the funds

Fiscal responsibility shall, to the greatest

4 extent, be shared by all those exercising
authority over the financial affairs,
transactions, and operations of the
government agency.
Fundamental Principles for
Disbursement of Public Funds Disbursement or disposition of government
5 funds or property shall invariably bear the
approval of the proper officials.

6 Claims against government funds

shall be supported with complete
No. 1445, the Government Auditing Code of the
Philippines, provides that all financial transactions and
operations of any government entity shall be governed All laws and regulations applicable to
by the following fundamental principles:
7 financial transactions shall be faithfully
adhered to.

Generally accepted principles and

practices of accounting as well as of
8 sound management and fiscal
administration shall be observed,
provided that they do not contravene
existing laws and regulations.
Availability of allotment/budget for obligation/utilization certified by the Budget
Officer/Head of Budget Unit;

b. Obligations/Utilizations properly charged against available allotment/budget by

the Chief Accountant/Head of Accounting Unit;

Requirements c. Availability of funds certified by the Chief Accountant. The Head of the Accounting
for Unit shall certify the availability of funds before an Agency Head or his duly
and the authorized representative enter into any contract that involves the expenditure of
Required public funds based on the copy of budget release documents;

d. Availability of cash certified by the Chief Accountant. The Head of the Accounting
Unit shall certify the availability of cash and completeness of the supporting
documents in the disbursement voucher and payroll based on the Registry of
Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocation/Registry of Allotment and Notice of
Transfer of Allocation,
Legality of the transactions and conformity with existing rules and regulations. The
requesting and approving officials shall ensure that the disbursements of
government funds are legal and in conformity with applicable rules and

Submission of proper evidence to establish validity of the claim. The Head of

Requirements f. the Requesting Unit shall certify on the necessity and legality of charges to
allotments under his/her supervision as well as the validity, propriety and legality
and the of supporting documents. All payments of government obligations and payables
shall be covered by Disbursement Vouchers (DV)Payrolls together with the
original copy of the supporting documents which will serve as basis in the
evaluation of authenticity and authority of the claim. It should be cleared,
however, that the submission of the supporting documents does not preclude
reasonable questions on the funding, legality, regularity, necessity and/or
economy of the expenditures or transactions; and
Requirements Approval of the disbursement by the Head of Agency or by his duly authorized
representative. Disbursement or disposition of government funds or property shall
Disbursements g.
and the invariably bear the approval of the proper officials. The DVs/Payrolls shall be
Required signed and approved by the head of the agencies or his prized representatives.

No funds shall be disbursed, and no expenditures or obligations chargeable against any authorized
allotment shall be incurred or authorized in any department, office or agency without first securing the
certification of its Chief Accountant or head of accounting unit as to the availability of funds and the allotment
to which the expenditure or obligation may be properly charged.
No obligation shall be certified to accounts payable unless the obligation is founded on a valid claim that is
properly supported by sufficient evidence and unless there is proper authority for its incurrence. Any
certification for a non-existent or fictitious obligation and/or creditor shall be considered void. The certifying
official shall be dismissed from the service, without prejudice to criminal prosecution under the provisions of
the Revised Penal Code. Any payment made under such certification shall be illegal and every official
authorizing or making such payment, or taking part therein or receiving such payment, shall be jointly and
severally liable to the government for the full amount so paid or received.

And in accordance with Book IV. Chapter 5, Section 41 of Executive Order No. 292, no expenditure or
obligation shall be incurred in excess of allotments released by the DBM Secretary. Parties responsible for the
incurrence of overdrafts shall be held personally liable therefore.

The Notice of Cash Allocation shall be the authority, issued by DBM to central, regional and operating units
of an agency, to pay operating expenses, purchases of supplies and materials, acquisition of PPE, accounts
payable, and other authorized disbursements through the issue of Modified Disbursement System (MDS)
checks, Authority to Debit Account (ADA) or other modes of disbursements. No MDS check/ADA shall be issued
without the covering NCA. The NCA specifies the maximum amount of withdrawal that an entity can make from
a government bank for the period indicated. Hence, the total MDS checks/ADA issued shall not exceed the total
NCA received. The Collecting Officer shall not issue an Official Receipt (OR) for the receipt of NCA.

NCA issued and credited to the Special MDS Accounts of agencies for payment of retirement
gratuity/terminal leave benefits as well as prior years' accounts payable shall be valid within the period
prescribed under existing rules and regulations. The NCA shall be monitored through the maintenance of the
Registry of Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocation (RANCA) by the Accounting Division/Unit.
NCA issued and credited to the Special MDS Accounts for Trust to cover payments of authorized claims
shall be valid within the period prescribed under existing regulations.
For NCA issued for foreign assisted projects such as grants from foreign country with a separate MDS
account maintained by the spending agency with Government Servicing Banks (GSBs), MDS check/ADA shall be
issued only for specific purpose until full implementation of the project, subject to pertinent DBM issuances
prescribing the validity of the NCA.

Agency X of national government received the

following NCA from DBM for the first quarter of the
current year:
Regular Agency Fund P500,000

Special account in the General Fund 300,000

Trust Receipt Fund 200,000


All Agency X of national

government received the
following NCA from DBM for the
first quarter of the current year:

Regular Agency Fund:


Special account in the GF :


Trust Receipt Fund:


The Notice of Transfer of Allocation shall be the authority of the regional and operating units to pay their
operating expenses, purchases of supplies and materials,acquisition of PPE, accounts payable, and other
authorized disbursements through the issue of MDS checks, ADA or other modes of disbursements.
No MDS check/ADA shall be issued by the ROS/OUS without the covering NTA. Hence, the total MDS checks
issued shall not exceed the total NTA received. NTA issued and credited to the Regular MDS Accounts of
ROS/OUS for their regular operations which are programmed for a specific month shall be valid within the period
prescribed under existing rules and regulations. Similar with NCA, to maximize the available NTAs of the agency,
the Common Fund System policy shall be adopted whereby cash allocation balances of agencies under the
Regular MDS Account may be used to cover payment of current year's accounts payable i.e., goods and services
which have been delivered and accepted during the year charged against appropriations of prior year/s, after
satisfying their regular operating requirements as reflected in their Monthly Cash Program.

NTA issued by the Central Office and credited to the Special MDS Accounts of ROS/OUS for payment of
retirement gratuity/terminal leave benefits as well as prior years' accounts payable shall be valid within the period
prescribed under existing rules and regulations. The NTA shall be monitored through the maintenance of the
Registry of Allotment and Notice of Transfer of Allocation (RANTA) by the ROS/OUS.

The Non-Cash Availment Authority is an authority issued by the DBM to agencies to cover the liquidation of their
actual obligations incurred against available allotments for availment of proceeds from loans/grants through
supplier's credit/constructive cash.

The Cash Disbursement Ceiling is an authority issued by DBM to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to utilize their income collected/retained by their Foreign Service
Posts (FSPs) to cover their operating requirements, but not to exceed the released allotment to the said post.

Payments/Disbursements by NGAs may be effected through the Treasury Single Account (TSA), by issuing
Modified Disbursements System (MDS) check or commercial check, cash through cash advance, Advice to Debit
Account (ADA), or Non-Cash Availment Authority (NCAA).
NGAS are authorized to disburse/pay based on the Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA), Notice of Transfer of
Allocation (NTA), Cash Disbursement Ceiling (CDC) or other authority that may be provided by law.

The different modes of disbursements are as follows:

(a) checks (MDS or commercial checks).
(b) cash (out of cash advance granted to authorized Disbursing Officer),
(c) advice to debit the account,
(d) tax remittance advice,
(e) working Fund/CDC, and
(f) direct payment method.

Checks shall be drawn only on duly approved Disbursement Voucher

(DV) or Payroll. These shall be used for payment of regular expenses
which cannot be conveniently nor practically paid using the ADA or not
authorized to be paid using the Petty Cash Fund or advances for
operating expenses. Checks issued shall be reported and recorded in
the books of accounts whether released or unreleased to the respective
payees. There are two types of checks being issued by government
agencies as follows:
a. Modified Disbursement System Checks - are checks issued by government
agencies chargeable against the account of the Treasurer of the Philippines,
which are maintained with different MDS-GSBs.
b. Commercial Checks - are checks issued by NGAs chargeable against the
Agency Checking Account with Government Servicing Banks (GSBs). These shall
be covered by income/receipts authorized to be deposited with Authorized
Government Depository Banks (AGDBs).


A primary issue in accounting for inventories is the amount of cost to be recognized

as an asset and carried forward until sold or consumed. Inventories are required to be • Cost
measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value; except inventories acquired • Net Realizable Value
through a non-exchange transaction where their cost shall be measured at their fair • Fair Value
value at acquisition date. The standard further provides that inventories are required • Current Replacement Cost
to be measured at the lower of cost and current replacement cost where they are held • Specific Identification
for distribution at no charge or for a nominal charge; or, consumption in the • Inventories are expensed
production process of goods to be distributed at no charge or for a nominal charge. when sold, exchanged or
• Loss on inventory writedown
When the government has determined to distribute goods at no charge or for a nominal • Perpetual Inventory Method
amount, the future economic benefits or service potential of the inventory for financial
reporting purposes is reflected by the amount the entity would need to pay to acquire
the economic benefits or service potential. However, if it cannot be acquired in the
market, an estimate of replacement cost will need to be made.
• Tangible items below the capitalization threshold of 15,000 shall be accounted as
semi-expendable property.

Semi-expendable • Semi-expendable property which were recognized as Property, Plant and Equipment
Property shall be reclassified to the affected accounts.
• These tangible items shall be recognized as expenses upon issue to end users.
• Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS) - issued to end users of Semi-expendable Property to
establish accountability.

According to Section 13, Chapter 8-Inventories, GAM, the inventory accounting system consists of the
system of monitoring, controlling and recording of acquisition and disposal of inventory.

Purchase Request Accomplish Duly approved

Inventory is not
shall be prepared required Purchase Order
available in stock
by requesting procurement shall be issued by
office procedures the agency.

Inventory Accounting System starts with the receipt of the purchased inventory system.

The sub-systems for inventory accounting

a title
1. Receipt, inspection, acceptance and recording deliveries of inventory items.
2. Requisition and issue of inventory items.

3. Transfer and/or disposal of inventory items.

At the beginning of the first quarter, Agency ABC received its P2,000,000 allotment for
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) and the corresponding Notice of Cash
Allocation (NCA). This transaction was appropriately posted in the Registry of
Appropriations and Allotments (RAPAL) and Registry of Allotments and Notice of Cash
Allocation (RANCA) and the corresponding journal entry to record the receipt of NCA.
Agency ABC, then, issued Obligation Request and Status (ORS) for the purchase of office
supplies to be used in its research and development project in the amount of P30,000.
Accordingly, said amount was obligated.

Upon delivery by the supplier, the agency paid the purchase order, net of withholding tax.
Eventually, office supplies amounting to P10,000 were issued based on the Requisition and
Issue Slip.



IPSAS/PPSAS 17 applies to Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE), including Specialist To identify these assets as
Military Equipment and Infrastructure Assets. This standard neither require nor infrastructure, the following
prohibit the recognition of heritage assets. characteristics may be useful:
However, an entity which recognizes heritage assets is required to comply with the 1.They are part of the system or
disclosure requirements of the standard. Property, plant and equipment are tangible network.
items that are: 2. They are specialized in nature and
1. Held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, do not have alternative uses.
or for administrative purposes; and 3. They are immovable.
2. Expected to be used for more than one reporting period 4. They are subject to constraints on
The useful life of PPE is the period over which an asset is expected to be available for Examples of infrastructure include
use by an entity; or the number of production or similar units expected to be road network,sewer systems, water
obtained from the asset by an entity. and power supply systems, and
communication networks.
Bureau X, a national government agency, received its capital outlay allotment of P25,000,000 for the
first quarter of the year. The agency appropriately posted this in its Registry of Appropriations and
Allotments (RAPAL).
In the same quarter, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released Notice of Cash
Allocation (NCA) in the amount of P20,000,000 for the construction of roads, a foreign assisted
project. The agency contracted Earth Movers Construction Co. for the said project with a total
contract price of P20,000,000. Upon signing of the contract, the agency received surety bond from
Earth Movers as performance bond in the amount of P1,500,000. An obligation request was
approved and the contract price was obligated. A 15% mobilization fee was released to the
contractor. When the project is 50% completed, a progress billing was received by the agency and
the accounts payable was set-up and eventually paid, net of 10% retention fee and withholding tax.
Upon completion of the project, a final billing was received from the contractor. The project was
inspected, accepted and paid the final billing by the agency. Accordingly, the retention fee was
refunded to the contractor and the withholding tax was remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

P20,000,000 P20,000,000

Section 3, Chapter 10- Property, Plant and Equipment, GAM provides that the cost of an item of PPE shall be
recognized as an asset if, and only if:
1. It is probable that future economic benefits or service potential associated
with the items will flow to the entity, and
2. The cost or fair value can be measured reliably.
3. Beneficial ownership and control clearly rest with the govemment.
4. The asset is used to achieve government objectives.
5. It meets the capitalization threshold of 15,000. (per item or individual basis)

• Individual values below the threshold but which work together as a group of network asset whose total value
exceeds the threshold (P15,000) shall be recognized as part of the primary PPE (e.g., computer network, etc.)
• Major spare parts and stand-by equipment qualify as PPE when an entity expects to use them for more than one
period. Similarly, if the spare parts and servicing equipment can be used only in connection with an item of PPE,
they may be accounted as PPE.
• Some PPE may not directly increase the future economic benefits or service potential of any particular existing
items of PPE but may be necessary to obtain the future economic benefits or service potential from its other assets
like those items that may be required for safety or environmental reasons. (example:fire regulation safety may
require a building new sprinkle system.)
• Regular major inspection performed, the cost of this inspection may be recognized as PPE regardless of whether
parts of the item are replaced. Any carrying amount of the cost of previous inspection (as distinct from physical
parts) is derecognized.




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A project may be constructed by administration or by contractor. The Government Accounting

Manual (GAM) provides that during the construction period, all expenses incurred in relation to
the construction of the PPE shall be taken up in the books as Construction in Progress (CIP),
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with the appropriate asset classification. As soon as the construction is completed,
Construction in Progress account shall be closed to the proper asset account. Likewise, all
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expenses, such as: interests, license fees, etc. during the construction period shall here to

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Exchange transaction may be exchange with commercial substance or exchange without

commercial substance. Where the exchange transaction is with commercial substance, an item
of PPE is measured at its fair value. However, if the exchange transaction lacks commercial
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substance or the fair value of the asset given or the fair value of the a title
asset received is not reliably
measured, the exchange is recognized at carrying amount. Consequently, no gain or loss shall
be recognized.. • Click here to
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PPE acquired through a non-exchange transaction, such as: donation, presidential proclamation,
taxes, transfer and grants, its cost shall be measured at its fair value at the date of acquisition. If
the fair value cannot be determined, the asset shall be recorded at a nominal value (the value
that is stated on currency or face value).

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Donation may be with or without condition. If there is no condition, the cost of PPE acquired
through donation shall be recorded at its fair value at the date it is acquired.
• If a PPE is acquired through donation with conditions, a liability account shall be recognized
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until the conditions have been fulfilled.
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PPE acquired through a non-exchange transaction, such as: donation, presidential proclamation,
taxes, transfer and grants, its cost shall be measured at its fair value at the date of acquisition. If
the fair value cannot be determined, the asset shall be recorded at a nominal value (the value
that is stated on currency or face value).

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Grants shall be measured at its fair value as at the date of acquisition, and shall be
recognized when there is reasonable assurance that: 1.) the entity will comply with the
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conditions attached; and 2.) the grants will be received.
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Transfer of PPE maybe Intra-agency (from Central Office to

Regional Office/Staff/Bureau or vice versa) or Inter-agency (from
one government entity to another). In an Intra-agency transfer,
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the receiving unit shall recognize thea title
asset at its original
historical cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated
impairment loss. However,• in Click here to
an Inter-agency transfer, the
recipient entity shall recognize the
addasset at net
your textcarrying amount.



A finance lease is a kind of lease that transfers substantially
all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset.
At the start of the lease term, the lessee shall recognize the
lease assert as asset and the related lease obligation as
liability. The depreciable amount of a leased asset is
allocated to each accounting period during the period of
expected use on a systematic basis consistent with the
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depreciation policy the a title
lessee adopts for depreciable assets
that are owned.
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Under the cost model, an item of PPE shall be carried at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any
accumulated impairment losses.

Under the revaluation model, an item of PPE, whose fair value can be measured reliably shall be carried at
revalued amount less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment

Depreciation is charged systematically over the useful life of the depreciable asset. Depreciation begins when it is available
for use and even it is idle or retired from active use and held for disposal because depreciation ceases when derecognized or
fully depreciated.


No depreciation is recorded when the residual value is equal or greater than
the its carrying amount.

A residual value equivalent to at least five percent (5%) of the cost shall be adopted unless a more appropriate percentage
is determined by the entity based on its operations subject to the approval of COA. Generally, infrastructure assets have no
residual value. In case, residual value of parts of the infrastructure assets can be determined, the policy of at least five
percent (5%) of the cost of that part shall be applied.

The residual value and useful life of an asset shall be reviewed at least at each annual reporting date and, if expectations
differ from previous estimate, the change shall be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.

A variety of depreciation methods can be used to allocate the depreciable amount of an asset on a systematic basis over its
useful life. These methods include the straight-line method, the diminishing balance method, and the units of production
method. The entity shall select the method that most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of the future
economic benefits or service potential embodied in the asset. The selected method is then applied consistently from period
to period unless there is a change the said pattern of consumption, in which case, the change shall be accounted for as a
change in accounting estimate in accordance with IPSAS 3. Accounting Polices Change in Accounting Estimates and Errors

Cash disbursements constitute payments out of cash advances granted to the regular and special disbursing officers for
personal services, petty expenses and MOOE for field operating requirements. All cash payments shall be covered by
duly approved DVs/payrolls/petty cash vouchers (PCVs). The cash advances may be granted to the cashiers/disbursing
officers/officials and employees to cover the following: salaries and wages, travels, special time-bound undertakings and
petty operating expenses.
No cash advance shall be given unless for a
a. legally authorized specific purpose;

A cash advance shall be reported on and

b. liquidated as soon as the purpose for

which it was given has been served;
The granting, utilization and liquidation of cash
advances shall be governed by the following
No additional cash advance shall be
existing rules and regulations, per COA Circular
No. 97-002 dated February 10, 1997, as amended allowed to any official or employee unless
by COA Circular No. 2006-005 dated July 13, 2006
the previous cash advance given to
him/her is first settled/liquidated or a
proper accounting thereof is made;

Except for cash advance for official travel,

d. no officer or employee shall be granted
cash advance unless he/she is properly
bonded in accordance with existing laws or
regulations. The amount of cash advance
which may be granted shall not exceed the
maximum cash accountability covered by
his/her bond;
Only permanently appointed officials shall
e. be designated as disbursing officers;

Only duly appointed or designated

disbursing officer may perform disbursing
functions. Officers and employees who are
The granting, utilization and liquidation of cash
advances shall be governed by the following existing given cash advances for official travel
rules and regulations, per COA Circular No. 97-002 need not be designated as Disbursing
dated February 10, 1997, as amended by COA Officers;
Circular No. 2006-005 dated July 13, 2006.
g. Transfer of cash advance from one
accountable officer to another shall not be
allowed; and

h. The cash advance shall be used solely for

specific legal purpose for which it was
granted. Under no circumstance shall it be
used for encashment of checks or for
liquidation of a previous cash advance.
• Advances for Payroll shall be granted to Regular Disbursing Officers for payment of
salaries, wages, honoraria, allowances and other personnel benefits of officials and
employees. The Advances for Payroll shall not be used for encashment of checks or for
liquidation of previous or other types of cash advances. It shall be equal to the net
amount of the processed payroll corresponding to the pay period. Liquidation of the
advances shall be made within five (5) days after the end of the pay period. Any
Cash Advance for
unclaimed salaries/allowances shall be refunded and issued official receipt to close the

• The Disbursing Officer shall maintain the Cash Disbursements Record (CDRec) to
monitor the cash advances/payroll, current operating expenses, and special
purpose/time-bound undertakings and prepare the Report of Cash Disbursements
(RCDisb) to report its utilization.

Sometimes overpayments or even double payment of expenditures do happen in agencies. These could be avoided
with the institution of proper controls but some could not be avoided because of built-in procedures. One example
is the payment of payrolls. Payrolls are prepared in advance and some agencies pay their employees through the
banking system. All these are done before reports of attendance are submitted, making it impossible to know the
exact amount to be paid in case there are absences without pay during the pay periods. In case of overpayments,
refunds shall be demanded of the employees concerned.
Using the data from the preceding illustration, that after payments were made to those employees, the
agency discovered overpayments in the amount of P5,000 due to the preparation of payroll before
reports of attendance are submitted making it impossible to know the exact amount to be paid in case
there are absences without pay during the pay periods. Accordingly, the resulting overpayment was
refunded by the concerned employees.

• Field/Extension/Satellite Offices are some of the government units under the
central/regional/district offices without complete set of books of accounts.
Those offices may be granted cash advances covering two (2) months
Cash Advances requirements for MOOE/authorized expenses to finance their operations. The
for Operating cash advance shall be granted to the duly designated or appointed Disbursing
Expenses of
• A Cash Disbursements Register (CDReg) shall be maintained to record, monitor
Units without
Complete Set of and report transactions involving the grant, utilization and liquidation of the
Books of cash advance. The Disbursing Officer shall submit within five days after month-
Accounts. end the certified copies of the CDReg with supporting paid DVs and other
documents to the accounting units of their respective Central/Regional/Division
Offices and Operating Units for JEV preparation or whenever a request for
replenishment is made.
Assume the following daata
from the accounting records
of Agency X:

Section 2 of Executive Order (EO) No. 248 dated May 29, 1995, as amended by EO No.
248A and EO No. 298 dated August 14, 1995 and March 23, 2004, respectively, provide
that travels shall cover only those that are urgent and extremely necessary,will involve the
minimum expenditure and are beneficial to the agency concernedand/or the country.

Cash Advances No government fund shall be utilized to defray foreign travel expenses of any government
for Travel official or employee, except in the case of training, seminar or conference abroad when
the officials or other personnel of the foreign mission cannot effectively represent the
country therein, and travels necessitated by international commitments; provided that no
official or employee, including uniformed personnel of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG) and Department of National Defense (DND) will be sent to
foreign training, conferences or attend international commitments when they are due to
retire within one year after the said foreign travel (Section 16(e) of Fiscal Year (FY) 2012
GAA or pertinent provisions of the GAA for the Year]. Under Memorandum Circular No. 52
dated October 2 2003 of the Office of the President, the grant of clothing allowance in all
categories of trips is suspended indefinitely.
Officials and employees authorized to travel shall be granted cash advance to cover
traveling expenses. The amount to be granted shall be accounted as "Advances to Officers
and Employees". No additional cash advance shall be granted to any official or employee
unless the previous cash advance given to him/her for travel is first liquidated and
accounted for in the books. For local travel, liquidation shall be done within a period of 30
Cash Advances days upon return to the personnel's workstation. On the other hand, cash advance for
for Travel
foreign travel shall be liquidated within 60 days upon return to the Philippines. The
Liquidation Report) (LR) shall be prepared by the officers/employees concerned and
submitted to the Accounting Division/Unit with appropriate SDs as basis for JEV
preparation. The excess cash advance shall be refunded and an OR shall be issued to
acknowledge receipt thereof. In case the amount of cash advance is less than the travel
expenses incurred, the LR shall be submitted to liquidate the cash advance previously
granted and a DV shall be prepared to claim reimbursement of the deficiency in amount.
ILLUSTRATION: (Local Travel)

An employee of Agency A
was granted cash advance for
local travel in the amount of
P5,000. Within a week upon
return to the personnel's
workstation, the employee
prepared the liquidation
report and submitted it to the
Accounting Division with
appropriate supporting
Cash advance for special purpose/time-bound undertaking shall be granted only to duly
authorized accountable officer/special disbursing officer. It shall be accounted for in the
books of accounts as "Advances to Special Disbursing Officer." It shall be liquidated by the
Cash Advance accountable officer within a specified period. Any unutilized cash advance shall be
for Specific refunded and an OR shall be issued to acknowledge collection thereof. The accountable
officer/special disbursing officer shall prepare the RCDisb and maintain the Cash
Disbursements Record (CDRec) to monitor and control the granting and utilization of cash
advance. The RCDisb shall be the basis in thel preparation of the Journal Entry Voucher
(JEV) which shall be recorded by the designated staff in the Cash Disbursements Journal
(CDJ). The Subsidiary Ledger (SL) and Index of Payment (IP) shall also be maintained by
the Accounting Division/Unit.
Assume the following estimated
expenses for the anniversary
celebration of Agency AB from
its accounting records:
Office Supplies Expenses P15,000

Traveling Expense P3,000

Printing and Publication 2,000

Total P20,000

The following journal entries shall be

prepared to record the transactions:
Cash Advance The Petty Cash Fund (PCF) to be set up shall be sufficient for the recurring petty operating
for Petty expenses of the agency for one month.) It shall be maintained using the Imprest System.
All replenishments shall be directly charged to the expense account and at all times, the
PCF shall be equal to the total cash on hand and the unreplenished expenses. The PCF
shall be replenished as soon as disbursements reach at least 75% or as needed.
The fund shall be kept separately from the
regular cash advances/collections and shall
not be used for payment of regular
expenses such as rentals, subscriptions,
light and water bills, purchase of supplies
and materials for stock purposes, and the
like. Payments out of PCF, which shall be
The following are the accounting policies regarding made through a Petty Cash Voucher (PCV),
cash advance for PCF: should be allowed only for amounts not
exceeding 15,000 for each transaction,
except when a higher amount is allowed by
law and/or specific authority by the COA
transactions to avoid exceeding the ceiling
shall not be allowed. All Splitting of
disbursements out of PCF shall be covered
by duly accomplished and approved PCV
supported by cash invoices, ORs or other
evidence of disbursements;
b. The unused balance of the PCF shall not be
closed/refunded at the end of the year. The
fund shall be closed only upon termination,
separation, retirement or dismissal of the
Petty Cash Fund Custodian (PCFC), who in
turn shall refund any balance to close
The following are the accounting policies regarding
cash advance for PCF: his/her cash accountability, and

At the end of the year, the PCFC shall

c. submit to the Accounting Division/Unit all
unreplenished Petty Cash Vouchers (PCVs)
for recording in the books of accounts.
Cash Advance The PCFC shall prepare the Report on Paid Petty Cash Vouchers (RPPCV) and maintain the
for Petty Petty Cash Fund Record (PCFR) to monitor and control the granting and utilization of the
fund. The RPPCVs shall be the basis in the preparation of the DV to replenish the PCF. The
Accounting Division/Unit shall maintain SL. to monitor and control accountability.
Assume the following data from the accounting records of Agency Y:

Estimated Expenses:

Traveling Expenses P 5,000

Office Supplies Expenses 2,000
Postage and Courier Expenses 1,500
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 2,500
Other MOOE 4,000
TOTAL P 15,000

Government Units without complete set of books of accounts may be granted cash
covering two months operating requirements for authorized petty and other
miscellaneous expenses to finance their operations. The cash advance shall be
granted to the duly designated or appointed Disbursing Officer.
Disbursements through List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-
Advice to Debit Account (LDDAP-ADA)

The use of LDDAP-ADA as a mode of settlement of accounts payable due the creditors/payees of all
NGAS and their OUS was prescribed under DBM Circular Letter No. 2013-16 dated December 23, 2013
which implemented the Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme (ExMDPS), amended by DBM
Circular Letter Nos. 2013-16A and 2013-16B dated February 6, 2014 and February 25, 2014, respectively.
Payment of Terminal Leave and Retirement

1. Gratuity (TL/RG) benefits which is

governed by Republic Act No. 10154 as
implemented by CSC Resolution
No.1300237 and Budget Circular No. 2013-
Remittance of social insurance premium
2. contributions to government corporations,
The following are excluded from the such as GSIS, PHILHEALTH, and HDMF
implementation of ExMDPS:
Payment of Accounts Payable to utility
3. companies, such as: supplier of petroleum,
oil and lubricants, water, illumination and
power services, telephone, internet and
other communication services; and

4. Other payables which cannot be

conveniently or practicably paid using the
Disbursements through List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-
Advice to Debit Account (LDDAP-ADA)

All LDDAP-ADA prepared/issued during the day shall be recorded chronologically in the CkADADRec
maintained by the Cash/Treasury Unit, which also shall monitor the receipt of the validated LDDAP-ADA
from the MDS-GSB and the issue of Official Receipt (OR) or other acceptable evidence of receipt of
payments by the creditors/payees.
Upon receipt from the Cash/Treasury Unit of the duly supported Report of Authority to Debit Account
Issued (RADAI), the accounting unit shall prepare a Journal Entry Voucher (JEV), to be recorded in ADA
Disbursements Journal (ADADJ), and credit the Cash MDS. Regular account. The MDS Government
Servicing Bank (MDS- GSB) shall effect payment through the Modified Disbursements Payment System
(MDPS) not earlier than 24 hours but not later than 48 hours after receipt of the said document. -
Disbursements through List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-
Advice to Debit Account (LDDAP-ADA)

Sometimes, due to inconsistency of information (ie, bank branch, account name/number) between the
bank records and LDDAP-ADA or errors stated in DBM Circular Letter 2013-16 dated December 23, 2014
(ie, typographical errors). LDDAP-ADA may be invalidated. Along this line, a new LDDAP-ADA may be
issued for the replacement of the invalidated upon submission of the validated LDDAP-ADA indicating
non-payment to creditors/payees due to inconsistency of information. Accordingly, a JEV shall be
prepared for the cancellation of the invalidated LDDAP-ADA and the replacement shall be reported in
For creditors without existing accounts with the agency's MDS-GSB (ie., other GSBS or private banks), the
payments of their claims shall be through bank transfer. Payment through the issuance of a Manager's
Checks by the MDS-GSB of an agency shall be discontinued to minimize cases of late payments.
Disbursements through Electronic Modified Disbursement System as part of the
Modified Disbursement Scheme

As part of the implementation of the Treasury Single Account (TSA) system for government
disbursement, the electronic Modified Disbursement System (eMDS) has been adopted as one of the
modes of disbursement under Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 2015-1 dated March 12, 2015 of the
DBM and DOF. This is to facilitate an efficient and prompt reconciliation of spending agencies'
disbursements vis-à-vis the accounts of the BTr maintained at the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) as
Authorized Government Servicing Bank (AGSB).
Those covered by this JAO are enjoined to enroll and subscribe to the eMDS to perform selected MDS
transactions on line; and to monitor disbursements and generate MDS reports under the government
MDS. Enrollment is free of charge.
Disbursements through Electronic Modified Disbursement System as part of the
Modified Disbursement Scheme

Other spending agencies, offices, and instrumentalities of government maintaining MDS sub-accounts
of GSBS other than LBP shall continue to observe the current procedure of the MDS system, unless they
voluntarily transfer their accounts with LBP to avail of the latter's eMDS facility or until after enrollment
and subscription to the eMDS upon amendment or repeal of Memorandum Order Nos. 276 (s. 1990)
and/or (s. 1994).
Disbursements through Cashless Purchase Card (CPC) System

The CPC System was prescribed as an alternative mode of payment for goods and services under Joint
Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2014-1 dated May 15, 2014 of the Department of National Defense
(DND), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the DBM.
The general guidelines on the implementation of the CPC System are as follows:

1. The CPC System to be implemented by participating agencies is a mode to procure specific eligible items
through the use of an electronic card. The CPC functions similarly to a credit card and shall only be used for
pre-identified items within body limits mutually agreed upon by members of the Steering Committee. It shall
also be used only with specific merchant groups already enumerated under agreement with the credit card

2. Only individuals recommended by the Program Administrator and authorized by the Steering Committee
shall be allowed to use the CPC and pre-identified items within monthly limits set at levels mutually agreed
upon by members of the Steering Committee. The CPC shall likewise be used only with specific merchant
groups already enumerated under agreement with the credit card company.
The general guidelines on the implementation of the CPC System are as follows:

3. Only individuals recommended by the Program Administrator and authorized by the Steering Committee
shall be allowed to use the CPC at predetermined monthly purchase limits. Authorized individuals shall be
permanent employees of the participating agencies, and shall, as much as possible be involved in the
procurement of goods and services of their unit/office.

a. Individual credit limits which have been approved by the Steering Committee may only be increased
and/or amended by the Steering Committee.
b. Approvals or increased individual credit limits as well as additional personnel of participating agencies to
be entitled to the CPC shall only be granted after three (3) months pilot testing of implementation of the CPCS.
c. In the event the participating agencies determine that additional personnel should be entitled to the CPC
or in case its existing cardholders need to be replaced, the Program Administrator shall inform the Steering
Committee in the writing about the changes proposed. The Program Administrator must support these
changes with a written explanation on why the changes are being sought.
The general guidelines on the implementation of the CPC System are as follows:

4. Chief of Offices of the Participating Agencies who approved CPC are jointly accountable with their Special
Disbursing Officers.
5. The CPC System shall not, in any way, supplant, replace or revise the procurement policies and procedures
prescribed under RA No. 9184 otherwise known as the Procurement Law.
6. The total amount authorized to be covered by the CPC shall form part of the cash advance levels of the
participating agencies. The CPC shall not be used nor intended to allow or justify the increase in cash advance
levels for the participating agencies.
7. The CPC shall initially be used for purchase of small value non-common use items which are not available
with the Procurement Service.
8. The cost of purchasing unauthorized items using the CPC shall be for the personal account of the individual
who undertook the transaction. This is without prejudice to the suspension of the cardholder's privilege to use
the issued CPC and other penalties which the participating agencies may impose.
The general guidelines on the implementation of the CPC System are as follows:

9. In case the participating agencies find specific items which it disputes as having been procured (based on
the receipts the individual CPC holder has), they shall immediately inform Credit Card Company (CCC) of this
10. The participating agencies shall ensure the timely payment of the CPC billing received from the CCC. In the
event that delays in payment of the CPC billings occur, any additional charges such as late payment
charges/penalties shall be charged against the personal account of the employee directly responsible for the
cause of such delays. In no case shall the NCA issued be used to settle late payment charges.
11. The existing disbursement policies and procedures on the use of NCA and the Common Fund System shall
continue to apply where the CPC System is concerned.
12. Payment to the CCC for legitimate purchases made out of the CPC shall be consistent with the existing MDS
disbursement procedures pursuant to DMB Circular Letter No. 2013-16.
Disbursements through Cashless Purchase Card (CPC) System

Specifically, DND-AFP-DBM Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2014-1 dated May 15. 2014 provides that
once the allotment is available, the participating agencies shall obligate an amount corresponding to the
amount allocated for the CPC System. Once obligated, the CPC holder shall be entitled to purchase the
goods, secure the charge slips/receipts and submit for inspection. Inspection and acceptance shall
comply with the existing procedures; and ensure that the procured items are within the items
enumerated and consistent with the limitations under the above-mentioned Joint Memorandum

Upon receipt of the CCC billing statement, the accounting unit shall compare the correctness of the
amount billed with the charge slips. Payment shall be made on or before the dates specified in the CCC
billing statement. Adjustment in payment, if any, shall be made in subsequent billing.
Disbursements by Foreign-based Government Agencies

CDC is an authorization issued by the DBM to DFA and other agencies with foreign posts to utilize their
collections retained by their Foreign Service Posts (FSPs) to cover operating requirements, but not to
exceed the released allotment to the said post. (National Budget Circular No. 535 dated December 29,
The following are the accounting policies regarding disbursements by Foreign-based
Government Agencies (FBGAs):

a. Based on the proposed budget of FSP/Foreign Attaché, a Working Fund shall be established to cover
payment of PS and MOOE. The Finance Officer shall be required to maintain Cash in Bank Register (CBReg) and
Cash Disbursements Register (CDReg) to monitor and control the Working Fund.
b. All disbursements from the Working Fund shall be covered by duly approved DV/Payroll with the required
supporting documents. At the end of the month, the Finance Officer of FSPs/Foreign Attachés shall prepare
and submit Report of Cash Disbursements (RCDisb) together with the supporting documents to the Central
Office concerned for preparation of JEV to record the liquidation made by the accountable officer. The JEV shall
be recorded in the Check Disbursements Journal (CkDJ) and Cash Disbursements Journal (CDJ) based on the
CBReg and CDReg, respectively.
Disbursements through Direct Payment Method

This type of disbursement should be covered by a Non-Cash Availment Authority (NCAA). This mode of
disbursement is made through the JEV issued by the BTr to the availing/implementing agency to record
payment of goods and services made directly by the lending institution to the supplier or contractor.
The JEV shall be recorded in the General Journal (GJ).
Agency AB purchased communication
equipment in the amount of P500,000
through Direct Payment Scheme of Foreign
Loan Availment. A liability was set-up. The
corresponding NCAA was received and
payment through Direct Payment Scheme
was made. The BTr recognized the above
transactions in its books.

The following journal entries shall be

prepared to record the above transactions:
Enterprise vision

“Believe you can and you’re

THANK YOU! halfway there”

-President Theodore

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