Lesson 5

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• Every counselling session is a professional
relationship between the counsellor and the
counselee. If we are talking about therapy, the
session is between the psychologist and the
client. With every start of the session, both the
counsellor and the client is bounded by
guidelines and protocols. As a practitioner, the
counsellor is bounded to follow a Code of
Ethics in the area he is practicing the
Profession. In the Philippines, the practitioners
are regulated by the Guidelines set by the
Philippine Guidance Counselor’s Organization
(PGCA) and the Professional Regulatory
Commission (PRC).
Code of Ethics for Counselors & The Counseling Pr


Accredited Professional Organization (APO)
by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)


(REVISED as of December 21, 2006 @ Dr. Villar’s
The Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association, Inc. (PGCA) is an
organization of helping professionals whose members are committed to
the development of the well-functioning individual in a society utilizing
his/her potentials to the fullest. Members of the Association are bound to
uphold the dignity and worth of the individual throughout life in the
following settings: educational, community, clinical, hospital, or
This Code of Ethics in Guidance and Counseling expresses the ethical
principles and values of the Association and serves as a guide to the
professional and personal conduct of all its members. It also informs the
public which they serve of the standards of ethical conduct for which
members are to be responsible and accountable. The Code reflects such
values as integrity, competence, responsibility and an understanding of
Members have a responsibility to ensure that they are familiar
with this Code of Ethics, understand its application to their
professional and personal conduct, and strive to adhere to its
principles and values. They should also be familiar with other
sources of information which will assist them in making
informed professional decisions. These include the laws, rules
and regulations, and policies which are professionally relevant
in their working environment.
Members are accountable to both the public and their peers
and are therefore subject to the complaints and disciplinary
procedures of the Philippine Guidance and Counseling
Association. By accepting this statement of ethics, members of
the Association are committing themselves to act ethically in
· Fair treatment of all clients and
The expectations for ethical the provision of adequate services
conduct as expressed in this Code · Equal opportunity to clients
are based on the following availing counseling services
fundamental principles: · Ensuring the integrity of
· Respecting human rights and practitioner-client relationship
dignity · Fostering the practitioner’s self-
· Respect for the client’s right to knowledge and care for self
be self-governing · Enhancing the quality of
· A commitment to promoting the professional knowledge and its
client’s well being application
· Fostering responsible caring · Responsibility to the society
Learning Activity
Both Clients and Counselors have rights
and obligations. Since counselling is an
agreement between the practitioner and
the client, both should maintain each
other’s rights
and obligations. Write in the column
below which is classified as Client’s
Rights and
Obligations and which is classified as
Counselor’s obligations.
Client’s Rights and Counselor’s Rights and
Obligations Obligations
Processing Questions:
1. When can you consider
something to be a Right?
2. Explain when something
becomes a Responsibility.
3. Do counsellors have Rights?
4. Does clients have

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