Unit - 2: Good Morning
Unit - 2: Good Morning
Unit - 2: Good Morning
Good morning
Introduction to MS-DOS
• To start DOS
Click start, Type cmd, Click Command Prompt, you will get command prompt
window with C:\user\HP>_
• C:\> _
known as C drive or C-prompt, C:\ is used for local disk or hard disk
similarly A:\> is called A-prompt or A drive, Generally A:\ is used as floppy drive
_blinking small bar is on the screen is known as cursor. User writes all
instructions /Commands here.
File and Directory
• File
A file is a container of information on a particular topic. Every file have a
filename which helps to recognize them. these are divided into two parts
1.File name or Primary name
2.Extension or Secondary name
The primary name can be from 1 to 8 characters long. The extension contains 1
to 3 characters long. A filename and extension are separated by using a dot
symbol. It's structure looks like
Filename . Extension
A directory is a structure or a cabinet which keeps one or more files.
Directories are usually creates for keeping one or more identical files together.
Internal Commands
• These commands are automatic loaded into the memory when operating
system is loaded.
• These are also called memory-resident commands.
• The command available are all combined together and are stored in
Command.com file, which is a executable command file.
General File related Directory related
Commands Commands commands
General Commands
•CLS:- (Clear the screen) This command is used to clear the screen
Syntax:- C:\> CLS and press Enter
•DIR:- (Directory) Dir command is used for listing files and directories present in the
current disk.
Syntax:- C:\> DIR
•VER:-(Version) Version numbers indicates that which edition of DOS we are working
Syntax:- C:\> VER
•VOL:-(Volume) Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if it exist.
Syntax:- C:\> VOL
•DATE:- Display the current Date
Syntax:- C:\> DATE
•TIME:- Display current time
Syntax:- C:\> TIME
File related commands
File related commands
• COPY :- Copy command is used for copy any file to another location or to copy the
files to another directory. This command is also be used for making duplicate copy
of any file with different file name.
Syntax:- C:\> COPY <Source filename> <Target file name>
C:\>COPY abc.txt abc1.txt
1 file(s) copied
• REN:- (Rename) This command is used to change the name of any file or directory.
Syntax:- C:\> REN <Source filename> <Target filename>
C:\>REN abc.txt xyz.txt
• DEL:- This command is used for erasing any file from the disk.
Syntax:- C:\> DEL <Filename>
C:\>DEL xyz.txt
Directory related commands
Operating system
• An Operating system (OS) is a software which acts as an interface between the end user and computer
• An application like Chrome, MS Word, Games, etc needs some environment in which it will run and
• The OS helps you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's
Introduction to windows
• Featuring the first graphical user interface (GUI) for IBM-compatible PCs.
• MS-DOS Windows OS
• Windows 1.0 - 2.0
• Windows 95
• Windows 98
• Windows XP Windows CE
• Windows 10
Using Mouse and moving icons on the screen
• Drag: The drag operation is done to graphically pick up something on the screen and move it. To
do that, you point the mouse at the thing you want to drag, press and hold the mouse's button , and
then move the mouse to another location.
• By default, the left button is the main mouse button, and is used for common tasks such as
selecting objects and double-clicking.
• Press Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock on your keyboard at the
same time to get a dialog box similar to the example shown below.
the computer.
• By default, Microsoft Windows uses 10% of available disk space to save files so it functions as a
temporary storage location.
• This means that as long as deleted items remain in there, you can always browse through them and
restore them back to their original location
• In case they were deleted by accident or if you decided you needed them again.
• The main difference is that a folder is a logical concept that does not necessarily map to a
physical directory.
• The term directory refers to the way a structured list of document files and folders is stored on the
files and folders
• Knowing how a computer's organization system works will help you to find what you are looking
• You can do lots of things with files - create them, name them, rename them, save them, or delete
them. Certain files can even be looked at, listened to, and run.
• File names often consist of 2 parts
• name
• type
• Computer files come in different types
• text files
• graphic files
• program files
• e-mail files
• In many computer systems, files are named so that you know what type of file it is just by looking at
the abbreviation behind the name. A period is used to separate the name from the type, like this:
• Eg: student.doc , class_2021.jpg , college.mkv
File operations
• Create
• Copy
• Edit
• Rename
• Delete
• Open
• Close
• The desktop is the main screen area that you see after you turn on
serves as a surface for your work. When you open programs or folders, they
appear on the desktop. ... The taskbar sits at the bottom of your screen.
Control panel
• Shortcuts allow you to create links to programs in any folder, Start bar, Taskbar,
browse network resources.