Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Lectures on
Iyanda Abdulwasiu
Learning objectives;
At the end of this study session, students should be able to:
• Identify and explain the nature, significance and scope of enterprise
governance and threats to effective governance.
• Identify and based on a given scenario assess the role and responsibilities of an effective board.
• Identify and based on a given scenario assess the issues of accountability of
• management to a board, private and institutional shareholders.
• Identify and based on a given scenario evaluate the issues of transparency for an entity.
• Explain the importance of probity as a principle of governance assessing
• issues and their implications in a given scenario.
• Assess the extent to which a board is focusing on sustainable long-term
• success in a given scenario.
• Lack of information to shareholders
• Poor Attendance of AGM's by investors
• Persistent manipulation of financial statements through window dressing and
• Lack Of compliance with accounting and ethical standards
• Poor internal control systems and procedures
• Lack of probity, transparency and accountability by directors
• Lack of corporate code of ethics
• Agency problems between directors and shareholders
Headline hitting corporate failures in Europe, USA andUK led to recognition of the need for some
sort of control in an attempt to prevent similar failures.
Common elements identified in many of the failed companies include:
1. Poor entity management by directors;
2. Single dominant individual;
3. Unreliable financial reporting;
4. Ineffective internal controls;
5. Incompetent directors;
6. Lack of close involvement of institutional shareholders;
7. Non compliance with standards
8. Single proprietorship business
9. Ineffective audit committee
10. Lack of diversification or expansion
11.Window dressing
12.Poor risk Management
13.Capitalisation of expensive
14.Weak internal control systems. Etc
Corporate Governance Issues
1. Fairness: This refers to the principle that all stakeholders should receive fair
treatment from the directors. At a basic level, it means that all the equity
shareholders in a company should be entitled to equal treatment, such as onevote
per share at general meeting of the company and the right to dividends per share.
2. Openness/transparency: Means “not hiding anything”. Intention should be clear,
and information should not be withheld from individuals who ought to have a right
to receive it.
3. Independence: Means freedom from the influence of someone else. It meansthat
board of directors are to make judgements and give opinions that are in the best
interests of the company, without bias or pre-conceived ideas.
4. Honesty and integrity (probity): It means behaving in accordance with high
standards of behaviour and a strict moral or ethical code of conduct.
5. Responsibility and accountability: The directors of a company are
given most of the powers for running the company. Many of these
powers are delegated to executive managers, but the directors remain
responsible for the way in which those powers are used. The board of
directors should be accountable to the shareholders.
1. Time Horizon
2. Earnings Retention
3. Effort Level
4. Risk Aversion
5. Moral Hazard
• Monitory Cost
• Bonding Cost
• Residual loss or cost
i. Devising a good Remuneration
ii. Monitoring of Executives
iii. Having large proportion of
debt in the Capital Structure.
The agency theory of corporate governance is based on the view that the directors
of a company are agents of the company’s owners, the shareholders. Since the
directors as agents do not have the same attitude as their principals, the
shareholders, some measures are necessary to ensure that governance is effective
in protecting shareholders’ interests. Other theories of corporate governance, or
ways of looking at corporate governancehave been developed from agency theory.
1. Transaction cost theory: this attempts to explain companies not just as ‘economic
units’ but as organisations consisting of people with differing views and objectives.
A large part of the theory is concerned with what makes an organisation grow to the
size that it achieves: how many operations does it undertake ‘in house’ and how
much does it buy from external suppliers
2. Class hegemony theory: is a Marxist-based theory that considers the
business elite (the ‘upper class’) as a group of individuals who control
the governance of companies to perpetuate their power base.
1. CEO/CFO certification (section 302 of the Act): The Act requires all
companies in the US with a stock market listing (both US companies and
foreign companies) to include in their annual and quarterly accounts a
certificate to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
2. Loans to executives: The Act prohibits companies (other than bank) from
lending money to any directors or senior executives.
3. Forfeiture of bonuses: Any bonuses paid to the CEO/CFO in the previous
12 months must be paid back to the company.
4. Insider dealing: Directors and senior executives are not allowed to trade in
shares of their company during any “blackout period”.
5. Audit committees: Companies with a stock market listing must have an
audit committee consisting entirely of members who are independent of the
6. Non-audit work by auditors: The Act restricted the types of non-audit
work that the company’s auditors can perform for the company.
7. Audit standards: Audit firm must have quality control standards in place
and retain working papers for at least 7years
8. Protection of Whistleblowers: The Act provides protection for any
employee who blows the whistle on illegitimate activities in a company. It
also prevents a company from taking any punitive action against an employee
that blew a whistle, such as terminating his or her employment.
1. Shareholders decide to what extent compliance needs
to be done
2. Flexible / Can be adopted according to industry,
company size and nature of risk
3. Able to address exceptional situations
4. Lower cost of compliance
1. Subjective
2. Not suited for non-knowledgeable shareholders
3. Lack of consistency across industry
It is pertinent to note that there are International accredited independent committee's reports on
corporate governance which are expected to tackle re-occurrence of corporate failure are:
1. 1992, The Cadbury Report: This report recommends that directors of a company should ensure the
integrity and accuracy of annual reports to restore public confidence in financial reports and give
credibility to the assurance provided by auditors.
2. Greenbury Report 1995: This report recommends that director’s remuneration should be fair and
responsible and should be adequately disclosed, stating the chairman's package and the highest
paid director.
3. 2005, Turnbull Report: This report advocates an efficient and effective installation of sound
internal control systems and their constant reviews.
4. Hampell Report 1998: This report centered on general improvement of corporate governance with
emphasis that companies should obey legal, ethical, and moral principles.
5. Higgs Report 2003: This report talked extensively on the review of the role and effectiveness of
nonexecutive directors
6. Smith Report 2003: This report centered on the role of audit committees
6aN14, 6N15, 3cdM16, 2N16, 6N16, 1cM17, 6aM17, 7M17,
M - May
N – November
1M19 stands for Question 1, May 2019.