Note Pdtmog - Operations Management Chapter 3
Note Pdtmog - Operations Management Chapter 3
Note Pdtmog - Operations Management Chapter 3
Topic Outline
• Supply chain management
• Inventory management
• Maintenance and reliability
• Short term scheduling
3.1: Supply Chain Management
• What is a Supply Chain?
• Decision Phases in a Supply Chain
• Process View of a Supply Chain
• The Importance of Supply Chain Flows
• Examples of Supply Chains
What is a Supply Chain?
All stages involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a
customer request
Includes manufacturers, suppliers, transporters,
warehouses, retailers, and customers
Within each company, the supply chain includes all
functions involved in fulfilling a customer request
(product development, marketing, operations,
distribution, finance, customer service)
What is a Supply Chain?
Customer is an integral part of the supply chain
Includes movement of products from suppliers to
manufacturers to distributors, but also includes
movement of information, funds, and products in both
Probably more accurate to use the term “supply network”
or “supply web”
Typical supply chain stages: customers, retailers,
distributors, manufacturers, suppliers (Fig. 1.2)
All stages may not be present in all supply chains
(e.g., no retailer or distributor for Dell)
What is a Supply Chain?
Customer wants
Retailer or third Giant/Tesco/TM
party Distributor Supermarket
detergent and goes
to Supermarket
P&G or other
Chemical manufacturer
(e.g. Oil Company)
Paper Timber
Manufacturer Industry
Flows in a Supply Chain
Old Versus New Structure in Supply
VERTICAL Intergration –
suitable for Slow moving industries
/companies emphasis on
maximizing their efficiency
through economy of scale.
Old Versus New Structure in Supply chain
Raw Material
Fast moving industry, they focus
in more flexible and responsive
Company supply moving
company adopts the virtual
integration through the
combination of outsourcing,
Independent partnering with the in house
Independent retailer
The Objective of a Supply Chain
• Maximize overall value created
• Supply chain value: difference between what the final
product is worth to the customer and the effort the supply
chain expends in filling the customer’s request
• Value is correlated to supply chain profitability (difference
between revenue generated from the customer and the
overall cost across the supply chain)
The Objective of a Supply Chain
Example: Dell receives RM2000 from a customer for a
computer (revenue)
Supply chain incurs costs (information, storage,
transportation, components, assembly, etc.)
Difference between RM2000 and the sum of all of these
costs is the supply chain profit
Supply chain profitability is total profit to be shared
across all stages of the supply chain
Supply chain success should be measured by total
supply chain profitability, not profits at an individual stage
The Objective of a Supply Chain
Sources of supply chain revenue: the customer
Sources of supply chain cost: flows of information,
products, or funds between stages of the supply chain
Supply chain management is the management of
flows between and among supply chain stages to
maximize total supply chain profitability
Decision Phases of a Supply Chain
• Supply chain strategy or design
• Supply chain planning
• Supply chain operation
Supply Chain Strategy or Design
Decisions about the structure of the supply chain and
what processes each stage will perform
Strategic supply chain decisions
◦ Locations and capacities of facilities
◦ Products to be made or stored at various locations
◦ Modes of transportation
◦ Information systems
Supply chain design must support strategic objectives
Supply chain design decisions are long-term and
expensive to reverse – must take into account market
Supply Chain Planning
• Definition of a set of policies that govern short-term
• Fixed by the supply configuration from previous phase
• Starts with a forecast of demand in the coming year
Supply Chain Planning
Planning decisions:
◦ Which markets will be supplied from which locations
◦ Planned buildup of inventories
◦ Subcontracting, backup locations
◦ Inventory policies
◦ Timing and size of market promotions
Must consider in planning decisions demand uncertainty,
exchange rates, competition over the time horizon
Replenishment Cycle
Manufacturing Cycle
Procurement Cycle
Push/Pull View of
Supply Chain Processes
Supply chain processes fall into one of two categories
depending on the timing of their execution relative to
customer demand
Pull: execution is initiated in response to a customer
order (reactive)
Push: execution is initiated in anticipation of customer
orders (speculative)
Push/pull boundary separates push processes from pull
Push/Pull View of
Supply Chain Processes
• Useful in considering strategic decisions relating to supply
chain design – more global view of how supply chain
processes relate to customer orders
• The relative proportion of push and pull processes can
have an impact on supply chain performance
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