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Kajari Mazumdar (DHEP)

On behalf of TIFR-CMS Group

NSF Meeting September 24, 2008

Eternal question of Mankind:

What principles govern energy, matter, space

and time at the most elementary level?

Building blocks of matter

We want to know the

cosmic recipe.

This is not the entire story!

Present wisdom: Behaviour of matter particles can be explained in terms of

very few fundamental interactions, which might have evolved over time as the
universe cooled down from a single unified one.
•Quantum gravity era: t≈ 10-43 s
1032 K (1019 GeV, 10-34m)
•Grand Unifecation Era: t ≈ 10-35 s
1027 K (1016 GeV, 10-32 m)
•t ≈ 10-32 s: Strong forces freeze out
Slight excess of matter over
antimatter is generated.
Existence of quark-gluon plasma .
•ElectroWeak era: t ≈ 10-10 s, 1015 K
(100 GeV, 10-18 m)  Electromagnetic
and Weak forces separate.
•Protons and neutrons form: t ≈ 10-4 s,
1013 K (1 GeV, 10-16 m)
•Nuclei are formed t = 3 minutes, 109 K
(0.1 MeV, 10-12 m)
•Today: t = 14 x 109 years, 3 K

Energy =kT, Length scale = hc/E

Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics as of today
4 types of basic forces :
Gravitational, Weak, Electromagnetic, Strong
Relative strengths: 10 : 10 : 10 : 1  neglect gravity
-40 -5 -2

And 2 types of particles :

(i) fermions (matter particles like electron, quarks)
(ii) bosons (carrier particles, like photon)
SM encompasses 3 of the 4 interactions of elementary particles.
Almost all the predictions of SM match very well, till date, with
experimental observations (upto EW energy scale ~ 100GeV).
Some of the fundamental parameters are measured with amazimg
accuracy ~ 1 in 10 5.

SM is still not a satisfactory Theory!

Presently Standard Model cannot explain the mass spectrum.
Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Mechanism

Nature has various symmetries (translational, rotational, ..) and related

conservation laws: guiding principles in theoretical formulations.
Some of the symmetries are also broken, sometimes spontaneously.

Eg. behaviour of ferromagnet wrt temperature: above Curie point, the spin
alignments are all random. Below critical temperature, the alignment direction
is degenerate.
Below C point

Above C point

In high energy physics assume all elementary particles to be massless to start with.
As the universe cooled, particles acquired masses through breaking of symmetry.
Problems with Standard Model
• One of the corner stone of SM, the Higgs mechanism of EWSB is
yet to be verifiedHiggs particle is not yet seen!
EWSB endows masses to various fundamental particles.
• Mass of the Higgs boson itself is not known from theory.
Can be anything between 115 to 750 GeV as of today.
Higgs particle has to be hunted out!  experimentalists’ job.
SM is NOT the complete description of physics at very high energies.
e.g., corrections to Higgs mass grows beyond control unless some
New Physics, which is at work at TeV energy scale, is postulated.
 Particles of interesting properties should2 show up if enough
energy is gathered to produce them. (E=mc )
Serious discussions started 23 years ago to build an exploratory,
high energy, high intensity machine which can produce heavy
particles of mass upto few TeV (1 TeV = 1012 electronVolt = 1.6 * 10 -7 Joule
Lets’s Have the Collider: LHC!

Science motivation of LHC:

• Unravel the mystery of ElectroWeak Symmetry Breaking.
• Probe the physics at TeV energy scale.
(Is SuperSymmetry or Extra Dimension relevant for EWSB?).
• Direct Search for production of dark matter candidate.
• Study the asymmetry between matter and anti-matter.
• Study of Quark-Gluon Plasma.
Evidence of Dark Matter Dark matter: massive particle that does not
conform to electromagnetic interaction.
Hence we can’t see/detect them!
Rotation curve of galaxies But they exert gravitational force.
(distance vs. velocity)

Effect of dark matter

LHC will be able to search for the candidate of Dark Matter.

LHC will not provide insight into Dark Energy!
Extra Dimensions: String theory with Radical ideas!
• Different particles and forces are just different oscillation modes
of tiny strings, of length ~ 10-33 cm.
• Instead of usual 3 spatial dimensions, there may be additional
ones, which are curled up too small to be observed!
• Gravity may appear weak only because its force is being shared
with (or leaks into) other spatial dimensions.
High-energy experiments could prise open the inconspicuous
dimensions just enough to allow particles to move between the
normal 3D world and other dimensions, manifesting itself in the
sudden disappearance of a particle.
Or, LHC may produce with very, very small probability,
a completely harmless Micro Quantum Black Hole!
Black Hole production

In large extra dimensions Schwarzchild

radius of proton increases from 10-33 to 10-17 cm

If the impact
parameter of two
colliding protons is
smaller than this
distance, they coalesce
into a micro blackhole .

It evaporates, via
Hawking radiation,
within 10-25 s spewing
out many particles
isotropically in the
Large Hadron Collider: Largest scientific endeavour!

Distance between 2 bunches 7.5 m

Essential Tool: Microscope
The probe wavelength should be smaller than the distance scale
to be probed: << h/p = hc/E

Need accelerators for higher energies.

Technological progress pushes frontiers of basic
science research .
Electronic eyes!
Already probed upto 10 -18 m
(Energy ~ few hundred GeV)

Presently, LHC provides energy upto few TeV,

Equivalent to the kinetic energy of a fly!
Where is LHC?

27 km circumference
~ 100 m underground.
Tunnel crosses
franco-swiss border 8
LHC is a giant!

1232 diploe magnets

~ 400 quadrupole magnets
+Various other types of magnets

27 km at 1.9 K (superfluid He)

Vaccuum ~ 10-13 Atm.
SC coils: 12000 tonnes/7600 km
Most sophisticated and complex detectors with size of big buildings.
CMS : Compact Muon Solenoid

107 electronic readout channels.

Higgs event in CMS Operating conditions:
one “good” event (e.g Higgs in 4 muons )
+ ~20 minimum bias events)

All charged tracks with pt > 2 GeV

Reconstructed tracks with pt > 25 GeV

Event size: ~1 MByte

Processing Power: ~X TFlop
The GRID: the new information Super highway.
LHC employs a novel computing system, a distributed
computing and data storage infrastructure: Worldwide LHC
Computing Grid (WLCG).
• tens of thousands of standard PCs collaborate worldwide
• much more processing capacity than a single supercomputer
• access to data to thousands of scientists all over the world.

Heirarchical structure with Tier-0 at CERN

~ 10 Tier-1 s,
~ 40 Tier-2 s (including TIFR & VECC/SINP)

Grid is a long-term and sustainable e-infrastructure for the

future, that helps doing science and research.
CMS during September, 2008

Cosmic ray muon in CMS

Beam halo in CMS

India in LHC: We did not miss the boat!

Late P.K.Malhotra started discussing India’s participation during

early 90s .
• LHC enthusiasts from CERN have been visiting TIFR from 1991.
• TIFR joined CMS collaboration in 1993.
• Several Indian groups in ALICE experiment.
• LHC Accelerator activities: engineers from RRCAT, Indore
from 1994/5 (fabrication of corrector magnet, precision jacks).
Accelerator scientists from other DAE institutes joined in the
assignment of testing magnets at CERN.
• TIFR-CMS group for GRID project in 2002.
• BARC computing division in GRID computing development.
India in CMS

TIFR group involved in R&D hardware, simulation activities

from 1992.
India-CMS collaboration at present: TIFR, Panjab U, Delhi U,
BARC, and recently, Visva-Bharati U
Hardware responsibilities:
- Outer hadron calorimeter: TIFR, Panjab U.
- Silicon Pre-shower Detector: BARC & Delhi U.
Software: significant contribution in CMS detector specific
simulation efforts.
Computing: CMS-Tier2 Grid computing facility.
Physics contribution: from early stage on (~1994).
Physics topics we are actively engaged in

•Search for Trileptons in Chargino-Nutralino decays

•Estimation of Bottom-content of Proton at LHC.

•Study of Quark Compositeness at LHC

•Search for Invisibly Decaying Higgs Particle.

•Potential of Little Higgs Model at LHC

• Measuremnet of bbZ cross-section.

• MSSM CP-Violating Higgs Study.

•Search for Charged Higgs in  decay mode.

Topics of current studies (continued)

• Study of W + events in CMS .

• Search for rare decay process of Bs  

• Study of Z+jet (s) events in CMS .

• Study of W-charge asymmetry in CMS.

• Calibration of HO subdetector using cosmic muons

• Intercalibration of HO detector units using Laser.

Physics simulation studies are essential for detector design optimization in terms
• Studypotential
of physis of detector responseofinfinal
, feasibility Test states,
Beams.improvements in software
techniques, designing of trigger strategy, optimization of analysis tools and so on.

•With high luminosity and very complex detector, extraction of physics results at LHC is
both exciting and demanding job.
Contribution of TIFR towards CMS detector hardware

Detailed R&D of detector design and quality controls(1996-2001).

Fabrication of detectors done mainly at TIFR(2002-4).
Housings assembled in Mumbai industry; Honeycomb panels from
Active participation in test beam activities at CERN to understand
detector response with high energy beams.
By April 2004 all 432 trays & 72 housings for HO detectors had been
sent to CERN.
2005-07: installation and cabling carried out (testing of read-out
boxes, cable routing, cable lengths, cable fabrication) at CERN.
Continuous commissioning and calibrations carried out since 2006.
Installation of HO housings
HO detectors on surface

Cherry-pickers to install
detector components, cables.
Tier2: IndiaCMS-TIFR

• Small scale setup is already functioning well.

• Presently, network bandwidth 1 Gbps

Storage: currently 50 TB (raw) disk space, projected 400 TB .
Computing: currently, 80K SI2K equivalent Dual Xeon.

Near future: 45 blade server (quad. core dual processor,

cloverdown) eqv. 380K SI2K
Equivalence: Pentium3 at 800 MHz~1,200 SI2K

World-wide GRID-Fest on October 3!

LHC is indeed a big deal to us!
• LHC opens up a completely new, vast world, in terms of
the physics possibilities.

• Anticipation of The Discovery is tremendous.

• Initial Years of LHC  validation of the experiment.

• Reaping the physics harvest at LHC is a challenge zillion

times tougher than finding a needle in the haystack!

• Several “first studies” have been made in the context of

the experiment. Contributions are well recognized.

LHC is a voyage into Terra Incognita: we may see

completely unexpected physics!

LHC will settle the issue of Higgs mechanism, SUSY, etc.

People from TIFR

Late P.K.Malhotra,
(Retd.) S.N.Ganguli,V.S.Narasimhan, R.Raghavan, M Krishnaswamy.
Acharya, Aziz, Banerjee, Dugad, Guchait, Gurtu, Majumder,
Mazumdar, Mondal, Sudhakar, students, …
Chendvankar, Satya, Kalmani, Nagraj, Deshpande, Reddy,
Mandakini, Verma, Chandrasekharan and many technicians
in the labs.

Special thanks to various supporting sections of TIFR for help

at different stages.

• Today Particle Physics stands poised in Discovery Horizon.

• September 10, 2008 marked the beginning with a single step
for Journey of thousand miles..

Newton: To me there has never been a higher source of

earthly honour or distinction than that connected with
advancement in science.

CMS Detector

Silicon Tracker ~250 square metres of silicon detectors - 25m-long swimming


The silicon Pixel detector comprises (in its basic form) more than 23 million
detector elements in an area of just over 0.5 sq.m.

80,000 lead tungstate crystals: 98% metal by mass, but completely transparent.
Supported by 0.4mm thick carbon fibre and glass-fibre structures.

The brass in endcap HCAL from recuperated artillery shells from Russian

CMS Magnet, the largest solenoid on earth has field strength 100,000 times
Amount of iron used as the magnet return yoke ~ Eiffel Tower
LHC Utilization -- ALICE



Muon Arm

Indian contribution to ALICE : PMD, Muon

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