Eg. behaviour of ferromagnet wrt temperature: above Curie point, the spin
alignments are all random. Below critical temperature, the alignment direction
is degenerate.
Below C point
Above C point
In high energy physics assume all elementary particles to be massless to start with.
As the universe cooled, particles acquired masses through breaking of symmetry.
Problems with Standard Model
• One of the corner stone of SM, the Higgs mechanism of EWSB is
yet to be verifiedHiggs particle is not yet seen!
EWSB endows masses to various fundamental particles.
• Mass of the Higgs boson itself is not known from theory.
Can be anything between 115 to 750 GeV as of today.
Higgs particle has to be hunted out! experimentalists’ job.
SM is NOT the complete description of physics at very high energies.
e.g., corrections to Higgs mass grows beyond control unless some
New Physics, which is at work at TeV energy scale, is postulated.
Particles of interesting properties should2 show up if enough
energy is gathered to produce them. (E=mc )
Serious discussions started 23 years ago to build an exploratory,
high energy, high intensity machine which can produce heavy
particles of mass upto few TeV (1 TeV = 1012 electronVolt = 1.6 * 10 -7 Joule
Lets’s Have the Collider: LHC!
If the impact
parameter of two
colliding protons is
smaller than this
distance, they coalesce
into a micro blackhole .
It evaporates, via
Hawking radiation,
within 10-25 s spewing
out many particles
isotropically in the
Large Hadron Collider: Largest scientific endeavour!
27 km circumference
~ 100 m underground.
Tunnel crosses
franco-swiss border 8
LHC is a giant!
•With high luminosity and very complex detector, extraction of physics results at LHC is
both exciting and demanding job.
Contribution of TIFR towards CMS detector hardware
Cherry-pickers to install
detector components, cables.
Tier2: IndiaCMS-TIFR
Late P.K.Malhotra,
(Retd.) S.N.Ganguli,V.S.Narasimhan, R.Raghavan, M Krishnaswamy.
Acharya, Aziz, Banerjee, Dugad, Guchait, Gurtu, Majumder,
Mazumdar, Mondal, Sudhakar, students, …
Chendvankar, Satya, Kalmani, Nagraj, Deshpande, Reddy,
Mandakini, Verma, Chandrasekharan and many technicians
in the labs.
CMS Detector
The silicon Pixel detector comprises (in its basic form) more than 23 million
detector elements in an area of just over 0.5 sq.m.
80,000 lead tungstate crystals: 98% metal by mass, but completely transparent.
Supported by 0.4mm thick carbon fibre and glass-fibre structures.
The brass in endcap HCAL from recuperated artillery shells from Russian
CMS Magnet, the largest solenoid on earth has field strength 100,000 times
Amount of iron used as the magnet return yoke ~ Eiffel Tower
LHC Utilization -- ALICE
Muon Arm
Indian contribution to ALICE : PMD, Muon