Practical 5 - Selective and Differencial Media 2023
Practical 5 - Selective and Differencial Media 2023
Practical 5 - Selective and Differencial Media 2023
• In terms of physical appearance one can distinguish between solid, semi-solid and liquid
• Nutrient broth is a liquid medium consisting of peptone, yeast extract and NaCl.
• Nutrient agar is a solid medium used for plates in petri dishes and as slants in test tubes. It
consists of a nutrient broth base with 1.5 – 2% agar added as a solidifier.
• The agar contributes little or nothing to the nutritional value of the medium, but it has the
unique property of melting at the boiling point of water (96°C) and only solidifies at about
• By reducing the agar concentration to 0.3% one can prepare a semisolid nutrient agar
Background cont…
• Nutrient agar is a non-selective, non-enriched, non-differential, general growth medium.
• Various ingredients can be added to ordinary nutrient agar media to give them specific
• The addition of blood, serum, plant and animal tissue extracts, for example, provides
nutrient agar with additional nutrients so that the more fastidious bacteria will grow on it.
• Such media are known as enriched media.
• In selective media certain chemical ingredients are included which permit the growth of
certain kinds of bacteria and inhibit the growth of others.
• Differential media have ingredients which influence the growth of bacteria in a manner
that enables us to distinguish between different species on the same medium.
Examples of selective and/or differential media that are commonly used
include the following:
•Eosine methylene blue agar (EMB agar): selects for Gram-negative enteric
bacteria and differentiates between lactose fermenters and non-lactose-
Cultures used:
•Bacillus subtilis
•Escherichia coli
•Staphylococcus aureus
•Staphylococcus epidermidis
4.1.2 Eosine methylene blue(EMB) agar:
S. aureus –
can also
Pigment --->
4.5 Results After Inoculation- MS agar:
Can be either
Bacillus subtillis or
Escherichia coli
4.6 Results After Inoculation- EMB agar:
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus epidermidis
4.7 Results After Inoculation- Blood agar:
A. Bacillus subtilis B. E.coli