The Role of Extension in Sustainable Agricultural Development

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Chapter 5

The Role of Extension in Sustainable Agricultural Development

The Role of Extension … (2)
• during the past fifty years, agricultural development policies have been
remarkably successful at emphasizing external inputs as the means to
increase food production

• this has led to growth in global consumption of pesticides, inorganic

fertilizer, animal feed-stuffs, and tractors and other machinery

• these external inputs have, however, substituted for natural processes and
resources, rendering them less powerful
– pesticides have replaced biological, cultural, and mechanical methods
for controlling pests, weeds, and diseases;
– inorganic fertilizers have substituted for livestock manures, composts,
and nitrogen-fixing crops;
– information for management decisions comes from input suppliers,
researchers, and extensionists rather than from local sources; and
– fossil fuels have substituted for locally generated energy sources.
The Role of Extension … (3)
• the basic challenge for sustainable agriculture is to make better use of
these internal resources
– this can be done by minimizing the external inputs used, by
regenerating internal resources more effectively, or by combinations
of both

• evidence is now emerging that regenerative and resource-conserving

technologies and practices can bring both environmental and economic
benefits for farmers, communities, and nations

• the best evidence comes from countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America,
where the concern is to increase food production in the areas where
farming has been largely untouched by the modem packages of externally
supplied technologies. In these complex and remote lands, some farmers
and communities adopting regenerative technologies have substantially
improved agricultural yields, often using only few or no external inputs.
The Role of Extension … (4)
• but these are not the only sites for successful sustainable agriculture. In the high-input and
generally irrigated lands, farmers adopting regenerative technologies have maintained yields
whilst substantially reducing their use of inputs. And in the very high-input lands of the
industrialized countries, farmers have been able to maintain profitability even though input use
has been cut dramatically, such as in Europe

• all of these successes have some elements in common. They have made use of resource-
conserving technologies such as integrated pest management, soil and water
conservation, nutrient recycling, multiple cropping, water harvesting, and waste recycling

• most successes, though, are still localized. They are simply islands of

• this is because an overarching element, a favorable policy environment, is

missing. Most policies still actively encourage farming that is dependent
on external inputs and technologies. It is these policy frameworks that
are one of the principal barriers to a more sustainable agriculture
Sustainability and Levels of Action
• a necessary condition for sustainable agriculture is that large
numbers of farming households must be motivated to use
coordinated resource management

• the problem is that, in most places, platforms for collective decision

making have not been established to manage such resources

• the success of sustainable agriculture therefore depends not just on

the motivations, skills, and knowledge of individual farmers, but on
action taken by groups or communities as a whole. This makes the
task more challenging

• simple extension of the message that sustainable agriculture can

match conventional agriculture for profits, as well as produce extra
benefits for society as a whole, will not suffice
Sustainability and … (2)
• rather, sustainability is a quality that emerges when people individually
or collectively apply their intelligence to maintain the long-term
productivity of the natural resources on which they depend

• in other words, sustainability emerges out of shared human

experiences, objectives, knowledge, decisions, technology, and

• agriculture becomes sustainable only when people have reason to make

it so. They can learn and negotiate their way towards sustainability

• in any discussions of sustainability, it is important to clarify what is being

sustained, for how long, for whose benefit and at whose cost, over what
area, and measured by what criteria
Sustainability and … (3)
•answering these questions is difficult, because it means assessing and
trading off values and beliefs

•it is therefore crucial to focus on more than one system level. At the farm
level, there is the farm household

• at the above-farm level, there are the collective stakeholders, who might
or might not be organized for sustainable use of the whole resource unit.

•in an irrigation scheme, it is common for an irrigators' association

collectively to manage water use at the scheme level

•but when it comes to watersheds or other vulnerable resource units, it is

usually impossible to identify an appropriate "platform" for decision
Resource-Conserving Technology
Development and Transfer
• although many resource-conserving technologies and practices have
been widely proven on research stations to be both productive and
sustainable, the total number of farmers using them is still small

• this is because these technologies involve the substitution of

management skills, knowledge, and labour for external inputs

• the modern approach to agricultural research and extension, however,

has been to emphasize comprehensive packages of technologies

• few farmers are able to adopt the whole modem packages of

production or conservation technologies without considerable
Resource-Conserving Technology … (2)
• alley cropping, an agro-forestry system comprising rows of nitrogen-fixing trees
or bushes separated by rows of cereals, has long been the focus of research

• many productive and sustainable systems, needing few or no external inputs,

have been developed

• they stop erosion, produce food and wood, and can be cropped over long

• but the problem is that very few, if any, farmers have adopted these alley
cropping systems as designed

• despite millions of dollars of research expenditure over many years, systems

that have been produced are suitable only for research stations

• where these systems have had some success, however, farmers have taken one
or two components of alley cropping and adapted them to their own farms
Incorporating Farmer Experimentation
• the problem with agricultural science and extension is that it has poorly understood the
nature of "indigenous" and rural people's knowledge

• for many, what rural people know is assumed to be "primitive," "unscientific," or overtaken
by development, and so formal research and extension must "transform" what they know so
as to "develop" them

• an alternative view is that local knowledge is a valuable and underused resource, which can
be studied, collected, and incorporated into development activities

• neither of these views, though, is entirely satisfactory because of the static view of
knowledge implied

• it is more important to recognize that local people are always involved in active learning, in
(re)inventing technologies, in adapting their farming systems and livelihood strategies

• understanding and supporting these processes of agricultural innovation and

experimentation have become an important focus in facilitating more sustainable agriculture
with its strong locality-specific nature
Incorporating Farmer … (2)
• the problem with modem agricultural science is that technologies are
finalized before farmers get to see them

• if new technologies are appropriate and fit a particular farmer's conditions

or needs, then they stand a good chance of being adopted

• but if they do not fit and if farmers are unable to make changes, then they
have only the one choice. They have to adapt to the technology, or reject it

• the alternative is to seek and encourage the involvement of farmers in

adapting technologies to their conditions

• this constitutes a radical reversal of the normal modes of research and

technology generation, because it requires interactive participation
between professionals and farmers
Incorporating Farmer … (3)
• Participatory Technology development (PTD) is the process in which the knowledge and
research capacities of farmers are joined with those of scientific institutions, whilst at
the same time strengthening local capacities to experiment and innovate

• farmers are encouraged to generate and evaluate indigenous technologies and to

choose and adapt external ones on the basis of their own knowledge and value systems

• but, of course, researchers and farmers participate in different ways, depending on the
degree of control each actor has over the research process

• the most common form of "participatory" research is researcher designed and

implemented, even though it might be conducted on farmers' fields

• many on-farm trials and demonstration plots represent nothing better than passive

• less commonly, farmers may implement trials designed by researchers. But greater
roles for farmers are even rarer
Incorporating Farmer … (4)
•even though farmers "participated" in implementing trials, there was widespread
uncertainty about what researchers were actually trying to achieve

•farmers misunderstood experiments and rejected the new technologies

•although technology development must involve farmers, it does not mean that
scientific research has no place

•research will have to contribute on many fronts, such as in the development of resistant
cultivars, knowledge about the life cycles of pests, biological control methods, suitable
crops for erosion control, and processes in nitrogen fixation

•such research also gives insight into complex processes such as the movement of
nutrients in the soil and their accessibility for plants

•but all these contributions must be seen as providing choices for farmers as they make
farm-specific decisions and move the whole farm towards greater sustainability

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