What Is Entrepreneurship: Gen. Entrep. Chapter 2

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What is


Gen. Entrep. Chapter


1. 2. 3.

Discuss the theories Differentiate the types of Identify who is an

of Entrepreneurship entrepreneurial ventures Entrepreneur

4. 5. 6.

Apply the value to Elaborate the different Explain the role of ethical
oneself and the profile of a successful standard for entrepreneur
society entrepreneur
• Entrepreneurship
• Profile of a Successful Entrepreneur
• The Foundation of Entrepreneurial Ethics
• Ethics and Entrepreneurship
• Ethical Standard for Entrepreneur
• Good Business Ethics
• Starting point to Entrepreneurial Success

It is a science of converting processed

ideas into remarkable business venture. It
is the capacity for innovation, investment
and expansion in new market, products
and techniques (Fajardo, 2009).
Theories of Entrepreneurship
1. Economic Entrepreneurship Theory
2. Resourced Based Theory
3. Psychological Theory
4. The Sociological Theory
5. Anthropological Entrepreneurship Theory
6. Opportunity Based Theory
7. Financial Capital Theory
8. Human Capital Theory
Theories of Entrepreneurship
9. Cultural Entrepreneurship Theory
10. Regional Entrepreneurship Theory
Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
• Alert to opportunities and perspective to make things
• Health and endurance to work long hours
• Flexible and can adapt to changes
• Self-assured
• Seeks for the opinion of others and makes researches
Profile of a Successful Entrepreneur

1. Strong desire for independence

2. Develops strong drive to succeed
3. Strong determination in decision making
4. Develops feedback mechanism for results
5. Result- driven individual

Deals with how a man should live

according to the accepted moral
standards of the society.
Foundation of Entrepreneurial Ethics

1. Conscience
2. Justice
3. Wisdom
4. Courage
5. Temperance
1. Entrepreneurship is an activity of human
2. The entrepreneur should look at the
mutual benefit of the stakeholders.
3. The entrepreneur needs human, technical
and financial resources in his operation.
4. The entrepreneur has social responsibility.
5. Development of fair competition.
Ethical Standard for Entrepreneur

1. Foster the development of social

interest and goodwill in the business
2. Determine business courses of action
that will safeguard their existence in
the industry.
Ethical Standard for Entrepreneur

3. Create an atmosphere that will insure

mutual trust and confidence between
management and its various
4. Develop mechanism that will give
equal opportunities for all without

1. The Employees.
2. The Customers.
3. The Community.
4. The Government.
5. The Competitors.
The Starting Point to Entrepreneurial Success

1. Start to be on your own

2. Explore the business environment
3. Be in control
4. Have a good accountant or a trusted
financial adviser
5. Seek the advise of professionals.

Research on the different ethical issues of known

businesses/companies. List down at least 2 ethical issues
and explain what must be done to mitigate or avoid the
results of those issues. (20 pts.)

Note: Please provide your sources. It must be from

scholarly articles, news or reliable sources.

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