8-Mandibular Movement

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 Mandibular movements are complex in nature and are

essential for all functions and parafunctions.

 The knowledge of mandibular movements is essential

 To understand various aspects of occlusion.
 To arrange artificial teeth,
 To select and adjust recording device and articulators.
 All mandibular movement is either
 Rotation or
 Translation
 In most of the movements of the mandible, the
rotation and translation cannot be isolated
Rotational centers for mandibular movements are
three interrelated axes:
 transverse.
 vertical
 Sagittal

 The movement of a rigid body in which

parts move in circular paths with their

the centers on a fixed line called the
axis of rotation

Rotational movement of he mandible

take place in the lower compartment of
the TMJ between the superior surface of
the condyle and the inferior surface of
the articular disk.

 Transverse Horizontal ( hinge) axis: is the
imaginary line connecting the rotational center
of the condyles . & around which the mandible
rotate in opening & closing
 Mandibular Hinge Position
 the position of the mandible in relation to the
maxilla at which opening and closing movement
can be made on the hinge axis.
 .The maximum range of terminal hinge rotation
averages about 12° and creates a range of 18 to 25
mm of inter incisal opening.
 The transverse horizontal(hinge)axis can be
located clinically by the kinematic face-bow when
the mandible is guided through its most retruded
opening and closing.
 Translation
 That motion of a rigid body in which a straight line
passing through any two points always remains
parallel to its initial position. The motion may be
described as a sliding or gliding motion.
 Translatory Movement

 The motion of a body at any instant when all points

within the body are moving at the same velocity and in
the same direction.

 Translation, translatory or gliding movements of the

mandible take place in the upper compartment of the
TMJ where the condyles and the articular disk move as
a unit.
Mandibular movement
1-opening & closing movement
2-protrosive & protrusive movement
3-lateral movement
This movement starts from the intercuspal position to
the maximum opening position.
At the beginning of the opening movement, there is a
rotation in the lower compartment of the TMJ,
with further opening a gliding movement occurs in the
upper compartment.
As soon as the rotation ends , the condyles begins to
translate ,moving forward & downward with the arc
of opening changing & the mandible opening further
till the maximum opening position
The condyle rotate in its place in the terminal
hinge position .
Upon rotation of the condyles , the mandible can
open till 2-2.5 cm. & the teeth discluded
Pure rotation occurs only
till the condyles start to
translate moving out of
its centricity
The condyles usually
start to translate
immediately when the
teeth are separated
from the intercuspal
The first few millimeters of opening can be
considered as a hinge movement.
This movement is mainly produced by gravity and
the contraction of the anterior belly of the
digastric muscle
For the closing movement,
the mandible moves from the maximum opening
position with a reverse movement back to the
intercuspal position.
Closing is brought about by the contraction of the
masseter and the medial pterygoid muscles.
2. Protrusive & Retrusive Movement:

a/Protrusive movement:
The condyles together with their articular discs
move as one unit downwards and forwards
along the glenoid fossa and the articular

Protrusive movements are brought about by the

contraction of the lateral pterygoid muscles on
each side.
The path travelled by the condyles in the
protrusive movement is termed the sagittal
condylar path. It forms an angle with the
horizontal plane (occlusal plane) termed the
sagittal condylar angle
It varies in individuals and also in the same
individual from the left to the right sides. It
ranges between 30°-40°.
When the mandible moves forward to an edge to
edge position a separation occurs distally
between the distal arches or occlusion rims.
This distal separation of teeth is the result of the
forward and downward glide of the condyle on
the articular eminence.
This phenomenon is called Christensen
b/ Retrusive movements:

The retrusive movement of the mandible takes

place by similar movements as the protrusive
ones, but in the reverse direction i.e. upward and
backward along the same inclination.
Starting from the intercuspal position, this
movement is brought about by the contraction
of the temporalis muscles
In natural dentition the mandible can move
backwards to a slight extent.
This most retruded position of the mandible is a
strained position.
It can be obtained by active conscious contraction of
the retractors of the mandible (posterior fibers of
the temporalis)
or passively by the operator pressing on the
symphysis menti when the patient is relaxed
3. Lateral Movement:
The mandible is capable of moving towards both
the right & lift sides .
The side towards which the movement occurs is
called the working or chewing or bolus side.
The opposite side is called the non-working or
balancing side.
 Bennett movement: is the lateral bodily
movement of the rotating(working) condyle,
with medial movement of the translating(non-
working) condyle
the amount of Bennett movement is determined
by the medial wall of the glenoid fossa on the
(non-working) side. The non-working condyle
moves medially till it is in contact with the
medial wall .
Bennett angle: is formed between the mid-
sagittal plane & the medial wall of the glenoid
fossa or we can say the condyle of the non-
working side (7-8 degrees)
In summary
protrusive movements are used in the grasping
and incising of food,
while the right and left lateral excursions are used
for the reduction of fibrous, as well as, other
types of bulky food.
A combination of all these movements appears to
be the most effective in the trituration of food.
Border Movement
The mandibular movements are limited by:
2/the articular surfaces of the TMJ
3/the morphology and alignment of the
mandibular movement at the limits dictated by anatomic
structures, as viewed in a given plane is reproducible
and called border movements.
Functional movement
 Occur during functional activity of the
 Are confined within the Border Movements
 Begin and end in the maximum intercuspation
position (ICP)
 Envelope of Motion
The three dimensional space circumscribed by
mandibular border movements within which all
unstrained mandibular movement occurs.
 it was a combination of border movements
in all 3 planes:
sagittal, horizontal & vertical
The envelope differs from person to person but it
has the same characteristic shape

The superior surface of the envelope is

determined by the tooth contacts

The other borders are primarily determined by

the TMJ anatomy and the ligaments
 BordL’r and iniraborft” Movemenls
 Border refers to the bouidarY of a surface
 mav imply the limiting line. Border Positions ,,•
 tile mandible can by defined as 'the extreme ro1.
tions of the mandibular in any. direction in whic. it
moves “. Lines drawn between these pOsitzorLc
 Screen clipping taken: 11/17/2015, 4:15 PM
 till scribe a geometrie shape called “the envelop or the envelop
 ments “. The border 2ositions are limited by the mudcles,
 ligaments.
 uf motion
 of
 nerves,
 bones,
 mandibular move-
 teeth when present,
 and
 Screen clipping taken: 11/17/2015, 7:52 PM
 o enilig Mo vein en
 This type of movement relaxa tion? of the elevator muscles
pterygoid, temporalis and masseter muscles and activity of the
lateral pterygoid muscles on both sides aided by active infra-
mandibular muscles (supraand infrahyoid muscles) which may
function to stab iliie? the hyoid bone during swalh \wminfg, speech
 Tuesday, November 17, 2015
 7:54 PM
 Screen clipping taken: 11/17/2015, 7:54 PM
 At th. bLginninl, oF mandit
 the condyles of’ the mandible ro
 tnrnsverse axis for about 1 -
 condyles start translation dowir
 along the anterior walls of the gisi ‘oii
 The center of rotation during this norn ia mo
 ment is located near the lingulae. The maximw opening range for a normal healthy subject
is 35 to 55 mm. Deviation from this range is an indicat ion? of pathological condition such
as trisnmus or subluxation.
 Screen clipping taken: 11/17/2015, 8:00 PM
 (7ocill a .410 vein en t
 This type of movement is affected b
 non of the elevator muscles and relaxati
 lateral pterygoid and infra-mandibular
 Closing movement around stationary rotatirm. condyles is assisted by
contraction of the poster ior? fibers of the temporalis muscle and the su
hyoid muscles
 Mandibular transltion occurs in either the sagittal plane along
the articular eminence (sagittal condylar path) or
the coronal plane along the lateral inclines of the glenoid (fossa
rlateral condylar path).
In most cases the translatory movement is a combined
translation in both horizontal and coronal planes.
As the mandible is one bone, the lateral translation of the
condyles results in a mandibular shift this lateral mandibular
shift was first described by Bennett and is know after him as
the Bennett movement (laterotmusion).
 Bennett Movement (Laterotrusion)
 Condylar movenent on the working side in the
horizontal plane. This term may be used in
combination with terms describing condylar
movement in other planes
 The interplay among various muscles acting on the
temporomandibular joint are much more fundamental
to an understanding of mandibular movements than
are the ligaments or the control of the joint itself.
Muscles of mastication are the primary movers of the
mandible, but movement is the result of concerted
action of these muscles and infra-mandibular and
posterior cervical muscles.

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