Corrosion and Its Control: Dr. Prabir Khatua Assistant Professor of Chemistry GITAM University (Bengaluru Campus)
Corrosion and Its Control: Dr. Prabir Khatua Assistant Professor of Chemistry GITAM University (Bengaluru Campus)
Corrosion and Its Control: Dr. Prabir Khatua Assistant Professor of Chemistry GITAM University (Bengaluru Campus)
Destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical
reaction with its environment.
Physical or mechanical wearing away of a metal is not called
Corrosion is the deterioration of materials by chemical
interaction with their environment. The term corrosion is
sometimes also applied to the degradation of plastics, concrete
and wood, but generally refers to metals.
Chemical vs. Electrochemical Reactions
•Chemical reactions are those in which elements are added or removed from a
chemical species
•Electrochemical reactions are chemical reactions in which not only elements may be
added or removed from a chemical species but at least one of the species undergoes
a change in the number of valance electron
•Corrosion processes are electrochemical in nature
Classification of corrosion
• Dry corrosion
• Wet corrosion
Why metals are susceptible of Corrosion?
Most of the metals (except noble metals e.g., Au, Pt, and Ag) in
nature in combined form of their oxides, hydroxides, sulphides,
chlorides, carbonates and silicates. All these metals have natural
tendency to revert back to combined state for stability.
The natural combined form of metal is more stable than the other
metals. So metals after extraction from its ore tends to revert back
to the stable natural combined form when it comes in contact with
other elements in the environment. That is why metal after
extraction from its ore tends to revert back to the stable natural
combined form. So corrosion is reverse process of metallurgy.
The process of gradual decay or deterioration of metal from its
surface by unwanted chemical or electro-chemical reaction with its
environment is called corrosion.
Types corrosion:
On the basis of environment to which it is exposed,
corrosion divided into two types.
a) Dry (or) Chemical corrosion
b) Wet (or) Electrochemical corrosion
At the surface of the metal, oxidation takes place and resulting metal oxide scale
form a barrier which reduce further oxidation.
To continue oxidation, either the metal diffuses outward through the scale to the
surface or inward diffusion of O2 through scale to the underlying metal.
Both the cases are possible, but outward diffusion of metal is normally more rapid
than inward diffusion of O2 since metal ion is appreciably smaller than the oxygen ion
and hence much of higher mobility of metal ion.
Wet (or) Electrochemical corrosion
Wet corrosion occurs under the following conditions
(i)When two dissimilar metals or alloys are in contact with each other in
presence of an aqueous solution or moisture.
(ii) When a metal is exposed to varying concentration of oxygen or any
In anodic part oxidation (or) dissolution of metal occurs, its releases electrons and
forms metallic ions.
(b) If the corrosive environment is slightly alkaline (or) neutral, hydroxide ion
forms at cathodic part.
Galvanic series:
The galvanic series (or electro-potential series) determines the nobility of metals and
semi-metals. When two metals are submerged in an electrolyte, while also electrically connected
by some external conductor, the less noble (base) will experience galvanic corrosion. The rate of
corrosion is determined by the electrolyte, the difference in nobility, and the relative areas of the
anode and cathode exposed to the electrolyte. The difference can be measured as a difference in
voltage potential: the less noble metal is the one with a lower (that is, more negative)
electrode potential than the nobler one, and will function as the anode (electron or anion attractor)
within the electrolyte device functioning as described above (a galvanic cell). Galvanic reaction is
the principle upon which batteries are based.
Galvanic corrosion:
When two dissimilar metals are electrically connected & exposed to
electrolyte, metal higher in galvanic series undergoes corrosion. This is
called galvanic corrosion.
Examples: Zn –Cu couple, Fe –Cu couple etc.
Mechanism: Zn –Cu couple
In acidic solution, corrosion occurs by evolution of H2, while in neutral & slightly
alkaline solution absorption of O2 occurs.
The electrons flow from anodic metal to cathodic metal.
Copper Zinc
Cathode: Anode:
Cu2++ 2e- → Cu Zn → Zn2+ + 2e-
Here Zn acts as anode where oxidation takes place,
corrosion occurs and Cu that acts as cathode, hence
it is protected.
Concentration Cell Corrosion / Differential
Aeration Corrosion
This type of corrosion is due to electrochemical attack on metal
surface exposed to an electrolyte of varying concentrations or of varying
This occurs when one part of metal is exposed to different air (O2)
concentration from other part.
Example: When Zn metal is partially immersed in aqueous
neutral NaCl solution, the part above & closely adjacent to water
line are well aerated. Hence become cathodic. On the other hand,
part that is immersed to greater depth show less oxygen
concentration, thus become anodic. So a difference of potential is
created which causes flow of current between two differentially
aerated areas of same metal.
Zn metal can be dissolved at anode & releases electrons which
are accepted by O2 at cathodic area to form hydroxide ions.
Factors influencing corrosion:
1. Nature of metal :
Many characteristic properties of metal are responsible for corrosion.
These are:
Position in galvanic series: When two metals or alloys are in contact with
conducting medium the more active metal suffers corrosion. The intensity of
corrosion depends on difference in their position, the faster will be corrosion of
anodic metal /alloy.
Over voltage:- It is defined as difference of potential between practical &
theoretical decomposition potentials for same solution.
Example: Electrolysis of H2SO4 with Pt electrode, its practical potential is about
1.70 V where as its theoretical potential is 1.229 V. The diff is 0.471 V which is
over voltage of H2SO4. Reduction in over voltage of corroding metal or alloy
accelerate corrosion rate.
Relative areas of anode & cathode: Small anodic & large cathodic area causes
severe corrosion when two dissimilar metals or alloys are in contact the corrosion
of anode part is directly proportional to ratio of areas of cathodic & anodic part.
Example: A small steel pipe fitted in a large copper tank.
Purity of metal: Impurities in metal cause heterogeneity and form tiny
electrochemical cells (at exposed parts) & anodic part gets corroded.
Example: Zn metal containing impurities Pb / Fe undergoes corrosion due to
formation of local electrochemical cells.
•The rate & extent of corrosion increases with increase in exposure and extent of
• The intensity of corrosion is less when its purity is high. 18
Physical state of metal: The rate of corrosion is influenced by physical state of
metal such as grain size, orientation of crystals, stress etc.
• If grain size is smaller, its solubility is more and hence greater will be its corrosion.
• Moreover areas under stress, even in pure metal tend to be anodic and corrosion
takes place at these areas.
Nature of surface film: In aerated atmosphere practically all metals get covered
with a thin surface film of metal oxide.
• The ratio of volume of metal oxide to metal is called specific volume ratio (SVR).
• Greater the SVR, lesser is the corrosion rate
For example: The SVR of Ni, Cr, W are 1.6, 2.0, & 3.6 respectively.
The rate of corrosion of tungsten is least even at elevated temperature.
Passivity of metal: Passivity is a phenomenon in which metal/alloy exhibits a
much greater corrosion resistance the resulting film is highly protective but very thin
& quite invisible film on surface of metal/alloy, which makes it more noble.
• Metal like Ti, Al, Cr, Mg, Ni & Co are passive and they exhibit much higher
corrosion resistance than expected from their positions in galvanic series. Passivity
of metal decrease corrosion rate.
Example: Corrosion resistance of stainless steel is due to passive character of Cr
present in steel.
Solubility of corrosion product: In electrochemical corrosion if
corrosion product is soluble in corroding medium, then corrosion
proceeds at faster rate. If corrosion product is insoluble in medium or
it forms another insoluble product which create physical barrier there
by corrosion is suppressed.
Example: corrosion of Pb in H2SO4 decreases due to formation of
insoluble PbSO4.
2. Nature of the corroding environment
2. Humidity of air.
3. Presence of impurities (CO2, SO2, NO2, CO, NO) in atmosphere.
4. Presence of suspended particles in atmosphere.
5. Influence of pH.
6. Conductance of corroding medium.
Temperature:- With rise in temp of environment, the reaction rate and rate of
diffusion will be enhanced. Hence, the corrosion rate will be increased (directly
Humidity of air:- It is the deciding factor in atmospheric corrosion.
Critical Humidity is defined as relative humidity above which the atmospheric
corrosion rate of metal increases sharply.
The value of critical humidity depends on physical characters of metal & corrosion
In Humid environment the rate of corrosion is higher due to gases & vapors
present in atmosphere furnish (give) water to form electrolyte, essential for setting
up an electrochemical corrosion cell.
Moreover, the oxide film on metal surface has a property to absorb the moisture,
then corrosion rate enhanced. The nature of moisture sources also play important
Example: Rain water apart from supplying moisture for electrochemical attack,
may also wash away a good part of oxide film from metal surface (unless the
oxide film is exceptionally adherent).
Presence of impurities in atmosphere:
•Presence of corrosive gases like SO2, CO2, H2S, O2 etc. in atmosphere
increase the acidity and increase electrical conductivity which causes severe
corrosion. In marine atmosphere presence of Na & other chlorides leads to
increase in conductivity there by corrosion increases. 22
Presence of suspended particles in atmosphere:
The suspended particles in atmosphere may be are of two types.
i) Chemically active:- If suspended particles are active e.g., NaCl, (NH4)2SO4 they
absorb moisture & act as strong electrolytes , thereby causing enhance corrosion .
ii) Chemically inactive:- If suspended particles are chemically inactive, in nature
(charcoal) they absorb both sulphur gas & moisture & slowly enhance corrosion rate.
Influence of pH:-
• Generally acidic media ( pH < 7) are more corrosive than alkaline & neutral media.
• The metals are readily attacked by acid, so corrosion of metal can be reduced by
increase of pH of attacking environment.
Example: Zn rapidly corrodes in week acidic solution and suffers minimum
corrosion at pH-11.
Conductance of corroding medium:
• Conductance of conducting media is important in case of underground & submerged
structures. Conductance of dry sandy soil is lower than those of mineralized/clayey
soils. Stray currents (from power breakages) will cause more damage to metallic
structures buried under clay & mineralized soil than those under dry sandy soils.
Arleigh-Burke Destroyer
Cathodic protection:
In this method of protection, a metal that acts as anode is forced to behave like
cathode there by its corrosion doesn’t occur.
This is done by two methods
1. Sacrificial anodic protection
2. Impressed current cathodic protection
2. Impressed current cathode protection
•When direct current passed through coating metal ion migrate towards
cathode and deposit as thin adherent film on base metal.
Electroplating of Ni :- Ni plating gives hard, adherent and good wear
resistant surface to base metal. After Ni plating article is finely coated
with Cr.
Requirements: -
Electrolyte bath: NiSO4(20 gm/L) , NiCl2 (450 gm/L) & boric acid (30
pH: 4.0 by Boric acid buffer
Operating temp: 40-700C
Current density: 20-30 m A/cm2
Additive agent: Saccharin / Coumarin derivatives
Cathode: Metal
Electroless plating:
•This is also widely used technique to protect base metal from corrosion.
It is a technique in which deposition of coat metal on base metal is done
by employing reducing substances (HCHO / Sodium Hypophosphate) in
place of electric current.
•In this method, the base metal to be coated is immersed in noble metal
salt solution used for plating. The noble metal ion is displaced from its
salt solution by base metal ion and forms thin uniform deposit on base
FeII(OH)2 Light Green
FeIII(OH)2 Brown
The chemical combined state of the metal is known as “ore”
The valuable metallic properties like conductivity,
malleability, ductility etc. are lost due to corrosion.
Different types of electrochemical corrosions are
Galvanic corrosion
Pitting corrosion
Intergrannular corrosion
This corrosion occurs when different metals are in contact and
exposed to corrosive atmosphere.
The metal which has higher electrode potential value will form
anode and undergoes corrosion. Example: Zn-Cu galvanic cell
zinc behaves as anode and corrosion occurs, copper behaves as
cathode and protected.
When corrosion starts on a metal surface
at certain spots they become less open to
oxygen with the result that corrosion
proceeds faster at those very spots
making deeper and deeper cavities.
Pitting corrosion can be explained on the
basis of differential aeration.
The pit created becomes deeper, its
bottom becomes less open to oxygen
which makes it more anodic.
The part which has higher oxygen
concentration is cathodic.
The concentration of oxygen dissolved in
water is greater at the surface than deeper
down. This causes formation of a
concentration cell.
1. When temp increases the metal undergoes oxidation and losses e-
2M → 2M+n + 2ne-
Metal Ion
2. Electron are gained by the oxygen molecules forms oxide ions
2.) Corrosion due to other gases: This type of corrosion is due
to gases like SO2, CO2, Cl2, H2S, F2 etc. In this corrosion, the
extent of corrosive effect depends mainly on the chemical
affinity between the metal and the gas involved. The degree of
attack depends on the formation of protective or non protective
films on the metal surface which is explained on the basis of
Pilling Bedworth rule.
(ii) If the volume of the corrosion film formed is less than the
underlying metal, it forms pores/cracks and allow the penetration
of corrosive gases leading to corrosion of the underlying metal.
Ex. In petroleum industry, H2S gas at high temperature reacts with
steel forming a FeS scale. Fe (steel) + H2S FeS (porous)
The electrochemical corrosion occurs when
i) a conducting liquid is in contact with a metal.
Absorption of oxygen: For example, rusting of
iron in neutral aqueous solution of electrolytes
in presence of atmospheric oxygen.
Usually the surface of iron is coated with a
thin film of iron oxide.
If the film develops cracks, anodic areas are
created on the surface.
While the metal parts act as cathodes. It
shows that anodes are small areas, while the
rest metallic part forms large cathodes.
The released electrons flow from anode to
cathode through iron metal.
At anode: Fe Fe2+ + 2e- (Oxidation)
At cathode: ½ O2 + H2O + 2e- 2OH- (Reduction)
Overall reaction: Fe2+ + 2OH- Fe (OH)2
1. Purity of the metal: Heterogeneity of the metal is due to the
presence of impurities which form tiny electrochemical cells
at the exposed parts. The anodic parts get corroded.
When two metals are in electrical contact in presence of an
electrolyte, then the metal which is more active undergoes
The rate of corrosion depends on the difference in their
position in Galvanic series. Greater the difference more will
be the extent of corrosion at anode.
1. Temperature: the rate of corrosion reactions increases with
increase in temperature.
The various measures taken for corrosion protection are
The method of protecting metals and alloys from corrosion
making them completely cathode.
Force the metal to be protected to behave like cathode.
(i) Sacrificial anodic protection:
Metal to be protected from corrosion connected to more
anodic metal
Commonly used metals Mg, Zn, Al and their alloys
Eg. The underground water pipelines and water tanks are also
protected by sacrificial anode method. By referring to the
electrochemical series, the metal with low reduction potential is
connected to the base metal which acts as anode.
Direct current is applied in opposite direction to nullify the
corrosion current
Converts the corroding metal from anode to cathode.
The metal surface is covered with a coating to protect it from
These may be
i) Metallic
ii) Organic
The metals used for coatings may be placed under two categories
i) metals which are anodic to the metal i.e., metals above it in
galvanic series.
ii) metals which are cathodic to the metal i.e., metals below it in
galvanic series.
Hot dipping: This technique is most widely used to control
corrosion. Hot dipping is used for producing a coating for low
melting metals such as Zn, Sn, pb ,Al.
on Iron, steel, copper which are having high melting point
usually underwent into corrosion due to their oxidising
The process in general consisting of immersed a metal in a
bath of its molten coating& covered by a molten layer.
The flux cleans the base metal& prevent oxidation of metal
coating with molten solution.
It is the process in which iron or steel is protected from
corrosion by coating with a thin layer of zinc.
Iron or steel is first cleaned by pickling with dil. H2SO4
solution for 15-20 mts at 600-900C. The steel is then washed
well and dried .
Then the metal sheet is dipped in bath of molten Zinc
maintained at 4250- 4300C.
The surface of bath is kept
covered with a ZnCl2 flux to prevent oxide formation.
Then the metal sheet is passed through a pair of hot rollers
which removes excess of Zinc and maintain uniform
thickness of Zinc on metal sheet.
The sheet is subjected to annealing process at 650c and
cooled slowly.
Pre treatment of surface:
Organic coatings protect the surface as they act as
physical barriers between the metal to be protected and
the corroding environment and are decorative.
Paints form a protective layer over the surface of the metal to
prevent corrosion.
The main constituents of the paints are
Anti skinning agents
It is a solid constituent that obscures the surface and provides
a decorative color.
Film forming constituent of the paint.
Viscosity is reduced by the addition of thinners.
It is a volatile solvent helps to adjust the consistency of the paint.
Thinner being volatile evaporates.
They remain permanently in paints and varnishes.
They improve elasticity of the film.
They suspend the pigments in the paints.
E.g. Turpentine, mineral spirits, xylol, kerosene.
They are inert materials.
They are used to improve the properties of the paints.
They reduce the cost of paints.
They serve to fill the voids in the film.
Increases the random arrangement of pigment particles.
Improves the durability of the film.
E.g.: talc, chalk, silica etc.,
Drying of the oil film is accelerated or catalyzed by