Password Cracking Demonstration

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Password Cracking


Presentation by:
(1)Ronak Makwana
(2)Purvi Vaghela
Project Description

 The Project involves performing password cracking attacks on vulnerable systems using tools like John the
Ripper or Hydra.
 The attacks are designed to test the strength of password and assess the security of the system being tested.
 The Project may involve using different techniques such as brute-force attacks, dictionary attacks, and other
method to crack passwords.
Brute-force Attack

 In this Attack, The Attacker tries all possible

combination of characters to guess the password.
Dictionary Attack

 In this Attack, Attacker uses a pre-made list of

commonly used passwords to guess the password.
Cracking Password of Kali Linux

 Step 1: Combine the content of /etc/passwd and

/etc/shadow with following Command: $sudo
unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > passwd
Cracking Password of Kali Linux (Cont.)

 Step 2: Open Password file, you will be able to

see combine values
Cracking Password of Kali Linux (Cont.)

 Step 3: Execute Following Command to crack

password: $john
–wordlist=/usr/share/john/password.lst password –
Cracking Password of Kali Linux (Cont.)

 Step 4: Seems like hash is already cracked by john

before so we can directly see cracked password by
using command: $john –show password
 So, we can see that cracked password for user
“kali” is “kali”.
Thank You!

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