CRITIQUE Reporting Meme Edition

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A Definition:

1.A genre of academic writing that briefly summarizes and critically evaluates a work or
concept purpose of an evaluation is to gauge the usefulness or impact of a work in a
particular field to analyze various works.

2Creative works - Novels, exhibits, films, photographs, and poetry are examples of creative

3. Monographs, journal articles, systematic reviews, and theories are all examples of

4. Media - news reports, feature articies use a formal, academic writing style and have a
clear structure, that is, an introduction, body, and conciusion.

1. Knowledge of the work's subject area or related works.

2. An understanding of the work's purpose, intended audience,

development of argument of the structure of the evidence, or creative

3. A recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work.

C Format:

1 Introduction

•Short (less than 10% of the word length) and you should: Give the title of the
work being reviewed and the date it was made, and the author/creator's name.

•Describe the work's main argument or purpose. Describe the circumstances in

which the piece was developed. This could include the work's social or political
background, its place in a creative or scholarly tradition, or its relationship to the
creator's personal history. Have a concluding sentence that signposts what your
evaluation of the work will be. For instance, it may indicate whether it is a
positive, negative, or mixed evaluation.

I. Summary:

>Briefly summarize the main points and objectively describe how the creator portrays these by using
techniques, styles, media, characters, or symbols.

>This summary is usually shorter than the critical evaluation and should not be the emphasis of the critique.

II. Critical evaluation

>The section shouid give a systematic and detailed assessment of the different elements of the work,
evaluating how well the creator achieved the purpose through these.

>Should break down the work and determine its strengths and shortcomings. Examine the work and assess its
success considering its aim.

>Written in professional academic language and presented coherently.

• Examine the work and assess its success considering its aim.

• Written in professional academic language and presented coherently.

• Start with the general impressions first and then move into the details of the technical elements.

•For shorter critiques, talk about the works strengths first, then their flaws. In lengthy reviews, you might want to break
down the positives and negatives of each important essential question into separate paragraphs.

• You should include evidence from work itself, such as a statement or an example, cite information from similar
sources, and explain how these sources support the work's evaluation.

• The following are some key crucial questions that may aid your evaluation: Who is the creator?

• Is the work objectively or subjectively presented? What are the objectives of the project? Were the objectives met?

• What techniques, styles, media were used in work?

• Are they effective in portraying the purpose?

• What assumptions underlie the work?

• Do they affect its validity?

• What types of evidence or persuasion are used?

• Has evidence been interpreted fairly?

• How is the work structured?

• Does it favor an interpretation or point of View?

• portraying the purpose? LABAN LANG

• What assumptions underlie the work?
• Do they affect its validity?

• What types of evidence or persuasion are used?

• Has evidence been interpreted fairly?

• How is the work structured?

• Does it favor an interpretation or point of view?

• is it effective?

• Does the work contribute to a better understanding of essential concepts or theories?

• Does the work refer to major concepts or previous works in the field?

III. Conclusion

• A very brief paragraph, which includes:

1.Are mark that expresses the work's overall evaluation.

2.A description of the primary reasons identified during the critical evaluation process that led to the formation of this

3. Recommendations for work improvement may be useful in some cases.

IV. Literature Cited/references

-list your references

The Hare and the Tortoise – Narrative criticism
Posted by khchim on February 3, 2012

Without the need to question, we all either have read or heard of one of the most memorable short stories in Aesop’s
Fables, The Hare and the Tortoise at one point in our childhood. This story would be classified as a comedy type using Northrop
Frye’s definition because the protagonist, being the tortoise, challenges the authority, represented by the boastful hare, and in
the end prevails.

As the story title literally states, the story is composed of two main characters, the hare and the tortoise, and like every other
story in Aesop’s Fables, there is a clear cut objective involving the means to demonstrate a simple life lesson, “Slow but steady
wins the race”. The stronger features utilized in this story to acknowledge the significance of the lesson are the main characters
chosen for the race and the causal relations. Tortoises as we know are painfully slow while hares are extremely agile and quick.
However, the difference that mattered was the mental characteristics given for the tortoise, calm and confident, in comparison
to the hare’s, a showoff and overconfident in its chances to win. The purpose of grouping these two animals in a race is to
project an impression of impossibility, being that the tortoise would never win against the hare. Oppositely, nearing the end of
the race for the hare, its overestimation in its own abilities causes it to relax and grab a bite, eventually falling asleep. It was
because of the hare’s mistakes that ultimately led to its loss in the race to the finish line against the tortoise that persevered
until the very end. It was because of hare’s carelessness and leisure in comparison to the tortoise’s determination and
confidence that a life lesson was learned and the objective of the narrative successfully achieved, “Slow but steady wins the



Thank you! DAN DAN

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