Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership Description
Authentic Leadership Defined
Approaches to Authentic Leadership
Factors that Influence Authentic
How does Authentic Leadership theory
Chapter 10 – Authentic Leadership
Fulfills society’s expressed need for trustworthy
leadership. Fills a void in an uncertain world.
Provides broad guidelines for those who want to
become authentic leaders. Both practical and
theoretical approaches provide a map.
Like transformational and servant leadership, AL
has an explicit moral dimension.
Unlike traits that only some people exhibit,
everyone can learn to be more authentic.
Can be measured using an established instrument
Chapter 10 – Authentic Leadership
The theory is still in the formative stages, so some
concepts in the practical approaches are not fully
developed or substantiated.
The moral component of AL is not fully explained. It’s
unclear how higher values such as justice inform
authentic leadership.
The rationale for including positive psychological
capacities as a part of AL has not been clearly explained
by researchers.
The link between authentic leadership and positive
organizational outcomes is unclear. It is also not clear
whether AL is sufficient to achieve organizational goals.
Chapter 10 – Authentic Leadership
People have the capacity to become authentic
leaders. It is a lifelong learning process.
Human Resource departments may be able to
foster authentic leadership behaviors in
employees who move into leadership positions.
Leaders are always trying to do the “right” thing,
to be honest with themselves and others, and to
work for the common good.
Leaders are shaped by critical life events that
lead to growth and greater authenticity.